2pm Frank is alone in the kitchen eating and talking to the cameras. Frank says Mom, Nana, I miss ya’ll. I hope I’m not embarrassing anybody. Mom I hope I’ve been cussing less and less. I feel like I’ve been doing a little bit better but I’ll continue to work on it for you. I hope I’m not being too harsh on people but its kind of fun .. maybe I’m a jerk. But it’s kind of fun some times.
Tag: Bridgette Dunning

James fills Corey in on Operation Backdoor Frank. Corey “Yeah, I’m down!”
10:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. James tells Corey that Paulie’s idea was to get Frank to throw the HOH to get you (Corey) or Paulie out. He (Frank) was like yeah I’m down with it, throw Corey and Paulie up together. Corey asks so does he think Nicole is going to throw the HOH. James says I don’t know. Corey asks do I tell Frank I’m throwing it? Like whats the full plan? James says we’re trying to make Frank feel comfortable.

“Crutches are no fun.. They look like fun but they’re not”
11:50pm Paulie and Frank
Frank says Tiffany is going to freak out on him once she hears his goodbye speech, ‘Bro”
They count the votes… it’ll be 9 to 0 Tiffany evicted.
Frank saying they are looking strong going into next week.. They might have to “Beast it out” .
Paulie going on about Bridgette winning too many competitions and showing her cards, “Can’t hide her cards no more”

“So your sister got 3rd place you got 13th have fun talking about that over Thanksgiving dinner”
8:00pm Frank, Zakiyah and Da’Vonne
Frank again mentions he knocked the POV winner to the ground.
Frank confirms with them that Bridgette doesn’t know he won’t the roadkill.
Frank is trying to tell the Bridgette and Bronte that Tiffany is going home doesn’t matter who is on the block.
James joins them says Bronte is going to tell Brdigette to not use the veto.

Big Brother 18 Week 3 Power of Veto Spoilers
7:22pm Bronte, Natalie and Bridgette
Frank helps Bridgette up to the HOH.. They girls are all like Awww Southern gentleman.
So happy that Bridgette won the POV competition. They mention how last season Vanessa won that competition.
Natalie knows if Bronte goes down she’ll go up she’s OK with that.

Power Of Veto Players Picked! “I’ll keep those noms the same for you boo! I got you!”
11:40am – 12pm Safari room – Frank and Bridgette are talking. Frank says after 12th place we’re going to walkout into the backyard to an endurance competition. I’ll probably just fall off right off that bat. Bridgette asks why? Frank says I won’t win that, its not made for big people. Natalie, Nicole, James, Bronte will be good at it. Frank says Bronte won’t be good if its cold. Bridgette asks why? Frank says She’s got that ..

The Havenots Nicole, Corey, and TIffany get to eat Popcorn & Peanuts!
8:45am – 10am Big Brother blocks the feeds to wake up the house guests. Nicole and Zakiyah are in the bathroom doing their makeup. Big Brother then blocks the feeds again. When the live feeds return – The house guests are coming out of the HOH room for the havenot food reveal. Bridgette reads the card and says that this week the Nicole, Corey, Paul, TIffany are all havenots

Bronte “I’m the secret Nerd!” Natalie “You’re hot! You’re like Tomb Raider!”
9:35pm HOH room – Bronte and Bridgette tell Natalie what they came up with. If I don’t win POV, the best case scenario is that I’m up there with Paul. After Frank last night.. Tiffany isn’t going to go home. Just because Frank wants him to. Bridgette says we’re going to flip the script. Against Paul .. I think that’s the only boy the girls are ready to vote out.

RoadKill Nomination Results! “I feel like I’m going to have a breakdown.”
7:20pm Big Brother blocks the feeds again. The RoadKill Nomination happened. In the bedroom Davonne says we’ve got to win the veto and get one of you guys down. (Paul, Bronte) Bronte says I definitely want to try and win it. If I come down then Nat would go up. Bridgette says but Nat wouldn’t go home. Bridgette says this is great who ever wins the POV this is win win right!? Its just more stressfull for me if Tiff or Paul get it.

Roadkill Competition Results – Frank “Bronte is going up. If she comes down, Natalie goes up.”
5:30pm – 5:45pm Michelle and Tiffany are in the havenot room. Tiffany says so its Frank. I’m f**king over this! I thought one of you guys were going to get it. DaVonne joins them. Tiffany says F**king Frank. Tiffany says Frank asked did anybody get it on the first try? He wanted to see who his competition was. I can figure it out by the process of elimination.

Big Brother Spoilers – Week 3 HOH Nominations
9:05am Nicole and Zakiyah
Nicole says Frank was up in the HOH all night and Bridgette is going to put up Tiffany and Paul as the pawn.
Nicole says Tiffany is trying to form a girls alliance saying she’s the glue between the two group of girls.
Nicole – We got to get her out of here
Zakiyah – or she’s going to f*** it up for everybody.. I don’t trust her a$$

“Frank what are you doing finger popping peoples butts.. what the hell Frank that crazy”
2:28am HOH Frank and Bridgette
Frank – momma da is not happy with me .. I’m confused.. I don’t grab her butt I don’t pinch it.. I do a finger pop.. you know like that..
Bridgette – What are you doing finger popping peoples butts..
Frank – I did it before we always laugh .. I only do it to people I feel comfortable with..
Frank – I pinch my grandmother’s butt.. I pinch my nanna’s butt.. I pinch my momma’s butt That’s the way we grew up .. my momma pinched my butt.. It’s a family