12:06pm Main Bathroom Michelle and Natalie in the bathroom doing hair
Michele – I heard stuff that Paul and Bridgette said about me.. They said I wish I died
Natalie – that’s a lie.. (See image above)

12:06pm Main Bathroom Michelle and Natalie in the bathroom doing hair
Michele – I heard stuff that Paul and Bridgette said about me.. They said I wish I died
Natalie – that’s a lie.. (See image above)
12am Hammock Nicole and Paul are talking. Nicole says I am 100% okay with her (Tiff) going. Don’t get any ideas. But from a personal perspective I’m not even eligible for her to put me up on the block. We’re not doing it to be selfish. We’re doing what’s best for everyone else, not what’s best for us. As long as people see that later, like someone else takes a hit.
8:23pm Nicole and Paulie
Nicole asks if Da’Vonne is trying to talk him into keeping Tiffany. PAulie says no
Nicole says Da’Vonne is trying to talk her into keeping Tiffany but she doesn’t want to
Corey joins them.
5:20pm Bedroom – Frank asks Tiffany doesn’t see it coming, do she? Michelle says no she’s been cleaning. Frank says this morning I walked around the corner and smiled at her and she turned around and kept cleaning. I’ve tried to be nice and get her to open up to me but she just won’t. She doesn’t sit down and bug me like she bugs ya’ll. Gosh if Natalie goes home next week Natalie is going to be sh*tting bricks.
9:35pm James and Da’Vonne bedroom with Michelle sleeping off to the side
James is going over his conversation with Tiffany where he said she has 4 votes.
Da’Vonne – if we flip to keep her in here.. We don’t have the votes
James – even if we flipped nobody would know we flipped… honestly Frank wouldn’t know who did it..
12am – 12:40am Bedroom – James, Bronte and Natalie are talking. Natalie and Bronte both say they don’t even want to be friends with Jozea and Victor. Natalie says if I see them I will… turn my back to them. James asks Natalie if she went to the open casting call or if she submitted a video. Natalie says neither. I was recruited.
8:42pm Tiffany and Michelle
Tiffany thinks COrey, Nicole, PAulie, Zakiyah and Da’Vonne are in an alliance. She points out how they spend a lot of time together now where they use to not. Tiffany adds nobody wants Frank in the house. Nicole, Da’Vonne and Zakiyah aren’t with Frank they are with them but they also have a smaller group they are not part of.
Tiffany – it’s almost like we’re all just working together one big group..
Tiffany says the good thing is Da’Vonne is telling Tiffany things and Tiffany is telling Michelle things so they are both in the know. TIffany told DA’Vonne
5:25pm In the bathroom – Davonne and Tiffany are talking. DaVonne says maybe the 5 doesn’t exist any more. They do the same to me. That’s why its important to mix and mingle. Tiffany says I know right now I’m fine but.. Davonne says not to sound cliche but “friendship”. Tiffany says Nicole never wants to talk personal. DaVonne says maybe we just linked up with the wrong people.
9:55pm BEdroom Frank, PAulie, Natalie and Paul
Frank – wish the back door was open..
Frank – did you saw sausage hips
Natalie – sausage nips
Natalie says she has silicone pasties..
Paul – you’re nips are huge
12:20am – 12:55am Kitchen – Zakiyah says I know a guy that’s number is over 70. Natalie says I want a guy that’s been with less than 10 girls. James says yes! Paul says he’s been with 8. James asks Natalie how many guys she’s been with? Natalie says 1 doesn’t count .. I want to erase from my memory. Paul says it still counts. Natalie says he cheated on me so I don’t want to count him.
9:00pm Frank and Bridgette watching the spy screen..
Frank says Da’Vonne is a influencer he’ll get one of the boys to get rid of Da’Vonne. Bridgette says she won’t be the one that does it.
Frank says these next couple weeks will be interesting adds that Jozea and Victor were part of the group so them going home was easy. Tiffany’s going home because she was starting shit. .
Frank – Corey will never put me up.. But I don’t want to go to the end with him.
6:40pm James and Michelle are talking. James tells her that Frank is wanting to take her out. Michelle says I don’t get why? James says I think because he thinks you run your mouth. Michelle says but that would be good for his game .. easier to beat. Maybe he is telling you one thing and the group another thing. He needs to go! He said Day and then me next.