7:50pm Corey asks should we tell him about the eight pack because they told him. Like hey we were in the eight pack but it was just to get Jozea out. We wanted to get you but you were over there with him (Jozea). Ncile says she asked me if I trust him (Paul) and I said I did because I didn’t want it to get back to him. Corey says she’s (DaVonne) being shaddy.
Tag: Bridgette Dunning

Tiffany “I think it would be golden to have her [DaVonne] F**king a$$ sent home this week”
3:35pm – 4pm Tiffany talks to Paulie in the safari room. Tiffany says at this point I have nothing to lose and I want to be completely honest. I’ve been playing so wrong this whole time. I’ve been played like a little rag doll this whole time. Tiffany tells Paulie about the eight pack and how it formed. I wanted to work with you really bad because of our siblings. Michelle, Day and Nicole told me I couldn’t trust you.

Frank apologizes for popping Zakiyah on the b*tt and says he didn’t call DaVonne a sl*t.
In the bathroom – Nicole asks Z if they (Paulie & Z) kiss or anything? Z says no. He kissed my back a few times. Nicole says awww. Z says its about time something got kissed. Frank joins them and talks about how Corey was sleep walking last night. The last thing I need is the biggest guy in the house sleep walking. Frank and Z are talking alone and he tells her that he didn’t call DaVonne a sl*t.

“If Da’vonne’s going up and Tiffany do you think they’re going to send you home over them” James
Nat – i’m blessed with good vision
James – you got bedroom eyes.. I could stare at them all day
Nat – really.. I love when people comment about my eyes.. Nobody ever comments on them Because they’re brown..
Nat – I use to want to be blonde hair blue eyed so bad
Natalie says she has a strong strong inkling that someone from pre jury comes back.
If someone comes back i’m hiding
James- if Vic comes back i’m hiding
James doesn’t think it’ll be pre-jury he think it’ll be after jury..

DaVonne “Come Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, I’m going to get real reckless!”
10:05om Hammock. Michelle and Paulie are talking. michelle says who knows someone might be coming back on Thursday. I hope Jozea comes back. Paulie says I would Sh*t all over that guy. Michelle says I just don’t want Bronte back. Paulie says if Frank tries to intimidate you… Michelle says I play it up. Paulie says with the crew that we’ve got there is no way he can beat us.

7:10pm Kitchen – Day asks James why am I a threat!? I haven’t won one damn competition. James says I don’t know. Davonne says she is going to go talk to Paulie. James tells Davonne to stay cool. She heads up to the HOH room. Paulie asks do you want to be a part of something epic?! Frank comes up here and says there’s a bigger snake in the grass. I am thinking they’re trying to pin everything on you. And make me think that Tiffany isn’t the target.

Power Of Veto Competition Results! “Why wouldn’t I take myself off!”
HOH room – Paulie, Paul, Nicole and Corey are talking. Paulie says this week is in the bag! Tiffany is going home. I’m the tie breaker. Who would vote for Tiffany? Him and Natalie will vote which ever way James does. We have 6 votes to get her out. All we need is 5 votes or 4 I’m the tie breaker. DaVonne joins them. Lets just relax and focus on next week. Paul asks so are we using it?

Have Nots and Veto Players “British baked beans, french baguettes and Italian basil”
9:13am HAve nots are picked..
Basil and Beans..
James- I feel sorry for the rest of the houseguests that have to put up with us..
PAulie – This week have nots are the first team completely eliminated from the head of household competitions that means James and Natalie are have nots
British baked beans, french baguettes and Italian basil
NAtalie – we’re going to be shitting our brains out with this.. I’m not mad about it it could be worse

“I think it’s Da, Z, Michelle, COrey, Nicole, and they’re pissed .. We’re going to f*ck that sh1t up” – Frank
2:49am Frank and Bridgette
Bridgette – Frank you aren’t playing me
Frank – you’re the only person i’m 100% straight with..
Bridgette – ok
Frank – one thing’s for sure I can’t trust anybody over there.. If I tell PAulie Tiffany finds out and if I tell Tiffany they find out and ask me about it..

Paul “I will f**k her game up. I will block her & do shaddy sh*t to make sure she doesn’t win!”
9:20pm Bridgette and Tiffany are talking. Bridgette These people are ruthless! I mean its big brother whatever. This game is crazy. Tiffany says I feel like I’m losing it. Bridgette heads to the kitchen. Davonne walks by and Tiffany tells her don’t be one of the ones that treat me like I have leprosy. I saved your ass. Day says that she’s falling asleep and will talk to her later.

Big Brother 18 Spoilers – RoadKill Results! “Who do I put up?! Frank get your a$$ over here!”
In the bedroom – Corey says we shouldn’t have gotten out Bronte man. Michelle says she thinks Frank got it. Paul says either him or Tiff. I think he’s going to put up a strong competitor. Michelle says I think he’s gong to put up Day or Nicole. Corey says he will probably put up me or Nicole and if one comes down he will replace with the other. Michelle says douche.

Big Brother Spoilers Nomination Results “We capsized the boat we didn’t rock the boat we capsized it”
9:31am James and Da’Vonne
Da’Vonne – apparently Corey said he wanted me out..
Da’Vonne says she doesn’t trust Nicole or COrey.
Da’Vonne – Tiffany called out Corey. And Nicole Got pissed.. She got red in the face.. For Corey..