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1:40pm Rachel says that she doesn’t think Adam would nominate you. Jordan says she doesn’t think he would win HOH anyways. Rachel and Jordan agree they need to talk to him and make him feel comfortable. Rachel says that if we go to the final two there are more newbies in the jury house than vets. Adam joins them in the havenot room. Rachel and Jordan tell him that they are going over everything. Adam says that he doesn’t envy them. Jordan asks if Adam has a final two deal with Kalia? Adam pauses and says …did she present it to me … yes. Rachel says thank you for not lying to us. Adam explains that he felt really really bad how everything went down. Jordan talks about how Dani said that Adam was in on the plan. Adam says that knowing about a plan and being a part of a plan are two totally different things. Jordan says that she knows him and Rachel haven’t talked a lot of game.. Adam says he knows and doesn’t know why.. Jordan says that when Porsche one HOH he came to talk to them and that Shelly didn’t. Jordan says that he have helped you a lot in this game and if we help you again …then you really owe us. Jordan says just be honest … if you was to work with them ..then just tell us. Adam says that before the vote for Jeff happened they came to me and I said no.
FLASHBACK – Don’t miss all the drama!
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