Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel tells Jeff and Jordan that production told her that Jeff and Jordan are throwing them under the bus..

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8:10am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. The houseguests take their time waking up and getting ready. Adam, Dominic, Rachel, Porsche and Brendon are in the kitchen eating breakfast. Porsche says so I guess after POV its hair day. Rachel says yeah after the POV tonight she is going to dye her hair. Dominic asks so when does the power of veto usually happen anyways? 12pm? Brendon says yeah maybe you never know though. The camera switches to Rachel in the candy room talking to Jeff. Rachel asks Jeff if anyone has mentioned it? (Don’t know what?) Jeff asks who? Rachel says someone mentioned it. Jeff asks who? Rachel points and Jeff asks what the DR? Rachel says yeah. Get the BLANK out of here!

8:55am Jeff asks Jordan how does she get the idea that the DR tells her to throw us under the bus? Jordan says unless thats what she is thinking. Jordan says she would like to win the veto just to make sure nothing fishy goes on. Jeff and Jordan talk about going to grab breakfast and then going up stairs to figure out what the hell she was talking about.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – July 23rd, 2011

Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for July 23rd 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

We have a new Image Gallery here’s how it works, Every minute we take a screen capture from all 4 cameras inside the Big Brother house then we dump them into a Daily Screen capture post. Voila a ton of Live feed Screen captures all time and Cam Stamped Live Feed Image Gallery

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Big Brother Spoilers: Adam talks about to the other houseguests saying we are one of the most detailed live feed update sites..

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12:50am Rachel and Brendon are talking about how they are unsure about Dani because she always says hey best friend when she talks to Jeff. Brendon and Rachel say that they can’t believe Dani isn’t talking game with Jeff and Jordan too. They say that she could be manipulating them and that she is in the perfect position in the game. They talk about how Dani hasn’t even had to play yet because of the golden key and that she is already controlling things to some extent. Rachel says that Dani could be playing the them against Jeff and Jordan. Brendon says that he wants to talk to Jeff and Jordan to ask them if Dani talks game with them because Dani told Brendon and Rachel she does not talk game with Jeff and Jordan. Rachel says that she thinks Dani is in a perfect situation no one is going after her and she doesn’t even have to win any competitions. Rachel says that what Dani is doing is just like what Dr. Will did in big brother 7, by pulling every ones strings. Rachel tells Brendon to go down and get Jeff so that they can ask him about whats going on.
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Big Brother Spoilers – Backdoor JJ is the plan, Brendon: “Jordan thinks this is summer camp”

8:06pm Bedroom Jordan and Kalia Kalia is saying that she hopes she doesn’t get picked for the POV becuase if Lawon wins it and uses it then JJ will have to go up. Jordan asks if she thinks Lawon will use it. Kalia says probably not, Audrey ][ says that Lawon has gotten very paranoid and he’s think that he’s the target and their trying to backdoor him. (LOL both these 2 are telling each other Bullshit). Shelly joins them, Jordan says just for a day she would like to be in Paris hiltons shoes just to see what her life is like..

We have a new Image Gallery here’s how it works, Every minute we take a screen capture from all 4 cameras inside the Big Brother house then we dump them into a Daily Screen capture post. Voila a ton of Live feed Screen captures all time and Cam Stamped Live Feed Image Gallery

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Big Brother Spoilers – Nominations Taking Place Dani to Rachel “If we Get POV we Have to Make a Big Move”

5:05pm Havenots Pacer and Dom Dom asks her if she won HOH who she would put up, Pacer says she doesn’t know. She thinks Kalia is a strong player and is really annoying, “She’s always complaining but she’s the one that never does the dishes”. Por says that she doesn’t have any one in this game and she’s looking for someone to pair up with. She tells him that she’s kinda with BR but knows she’s the bottom of the totem poll and will be voted out when they go down to 6. Por adds that her and Rachel are not as close as everyone thinks they are. Por thinks Adam and Dom are going up and Adam is probably the target. Dom wonders if he has the votes. Por says he’s got her vote she needs people to trust in the house. Pot warns Dom that she watched BB8 a lot and she knows how dani played she used Nick to further her alliance. Throughout the season she was always allied with her father and just kept Nick around to do what they needed to be done.

Follow @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. There is also a Facebook page.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – July 22nd, 2011

Uncensored Live Feeds 3 Day Free Trial

Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for July 22nd 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Rachel suggests they Back Door JJ, Brendon plans Jeff’s Goodbye Speech

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3:30pm Bedroom Pacer, Brendon, Kalia, Dani Kalia is telling them about the show they got to watch. (Jordan, Jeff, Kalia, and SHelly watched “Same Name.” with David HAsselhoff)
Kalia says David Hasslehoff said he was thinking to do the UK show of Big brother
Dani: “when you do stuff like that you know you’re career is plummeting”. Kalia jokes that Hasselhoff was flirting with Jordan..

We have a new Image Gallery here’s how it works, Every minute we take a screen capture from all 4 cameras inside the Big Brother house then we dump them into a Daily Screen capture post. Voila a ton of Live feed Screen captures all time and Cam Stamped Live Feed Image Gallery

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Big Brother Spoilers: The houseguests are now playing the Have / HaveNot competition.. *Updated*

11:20am Porsche and Rachel are in the storage room talking. Porsche is asking if she’s sticking together with her four alliance. Rachel says yes but it is five with Dani but that they need Porsche’s help. Porsche says okay. Rachel tells Porsche she wants to keep her in the game, too and that she needs to win HoH. Rachel tells Porsche that they need to stick together. Rachel says that Porsche needs to win an HOH. Jeff comes into the storage room. Rachel says that whoever wins and that the last four are on slop. Porcshe tells Rachel that Adam and Kalia are flippy floppy. Porsche says that she wants Kalia to go because Kalia will be pain in the ass in the jury and that Dominic will be fine in Jury. Rachel asks if Porsche is in it to the end. Rachel says that her and Brendan are the biggest target. Porche says that Dominic is frustrated that he didn’t win. Rachel says that last summer she won every quiz, and that you have to get smart. Rachel tells Porsche that you need to anticipate, and think about who has fans. Rachel says thats how you need to think. Rachel says that Porsche is a target.

Follow: @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. Theres also our Facebook page.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel confronts Brendon about how he belittles her, makes her feel stupid and how he doesn’t trust her.. *UPdated*

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8:45am – 9:30am Shelly and Brendon are awake and in the kitchen talking. They are talking about random stories about themselves, their friends and families. Rachel joins them in the kitchen. They talk about how late the other houseguests were up last night. Shelly says that Kalia was up late too. Rachel says that’s when they talk game so much. Shelly says outside of the house when she’s up late she just does email and stuff. Brendan says he was up late everyday while they were in Vegas. Rachel says that no he wasn’t. Shelly says she stays up late to Skype business contacts in China. Kalia joins them in the kitchen. The conversation changes to talking about Ragan’s birthday party, shopping, and how Rachel has gotten a lot of parking tickets in LA. They talk about how its illegal to use a cell phone or the GPS while driving. Brendan says that the LAPD are here to serve and protect …and here to serve and harass. Lawon is now out in the kitchen. They start talking about jury duty and how to get out of it.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Dominic can’t stop farting.. Dani says oh my God it smells like Rachel …you make me sick’s still lingering.. it’s in my mouth!

12:20am – 12:45am Up in the HOH room are Brendon and Rachel. Brendon complains to Rachel that he gave up so much to be here and that her your sister didn’t write anything about his family. Brendon says that he gave up HOH so she could eat! Brendon says that he purposely lost to give her the win. Rachel sighs. Brendon tells Rachel to just let him feel bad for a little while. Dani comes up to the HOH to join them. Brendon now complains that there are no pictures of him and Rachel. Dani makes fun of him and then tells him that they see him every day. Brendon says that he won’t stop complaining and says he is just sad. Rachel goes downstairs and then comes back up to the HOH room. When Rachel comes back she complains about how everyone is talking to Jeff and Jordan. Dani and Brendon tell Rachel to cut it out. Rachel keeps that people should be up in the HOH talking to her and Brendon. Dani tells Rachel that everyone is hungry from being on slop or that they already have golden keys. Brendon tells Rachel to please, please, please do not talk game with anyone if he isn’t with her. Rachel says okay …who do we nominate? Brendon says that’s not an issue. Rachel asks if it should be Dominic and Adam. Brendon says I am so glad you guys got food okay you are nominated ..again! Dani says that the saddest part is when Adam goes home on Thursday and doesn’t make jury, his dreams will come crashing down. Rachel says that if Adam would have won HOH he would have put up Brendon and Rachel or backdoor them.


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Big Brother Spoilers – Shelly Tells Rachel to “Fluff Her Feathers” and Finally a successful Prank **updated**

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10:40pm Shelly and rachel Shelly is basically saying that she’s a stronger player than lawon and Kalia are weak players so she’s better to keep around. Rachel says that POrsche doesn’t even want to win the 500K she wants to go home before jury. Shelly thinks Kalia and Lawon are playing for Jury.

Live Feed Image Gallery here’s how it works, Every minute we take a screen capture from all 4 cameras inside the Big Brother house then we dump them into a Daily Screen capture post. Voila a ton of Live feed Screen captures all time and Cam Stamped Live Feed Image Gallery

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Big Brother Spoilers – Dani tells Brendon JJ want him to fire the first shot they are getting together the other player

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9:13pm Storage room Dom and Kalia Kalia tells Dom that she’s sure that the both of them are safe. Dom points out that Adam doesn’t do anything in the house or the game. Dom tells her that the one thing he knows is Lawon will not go quietly he’s going to cause a massive blow out rolling it all out. Dom doesn’t want people to think he’s with adam because they are couples.

We have a new Image Gallery here’s how it works, Every minute we take a screen capture from all 4 cameras inside the Big Brother house then we dump them into a Daily Screen capture post. Voila a ton of Live feed Screen captures all time and Cam Stamped Live Feed Image Gallery

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