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8:10am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. The houseguests take their time waking up and getting ready. Adam, Dominic, Rachel, Porsche and Brendon are in the kitchen eating breakfast. Porsche says so I guess after POV its hair day. Rachel says yeah after the POV tonight she is going to dye her hair. Dominic asks so when does the power of veto usually happen anyways? 12pm? Brendon says yeah maybe you never know though. The camera switches to Rachel in the candy room talking to Jeff. Rachel asks Jeff if anyone has mentioned it? (Don’t know what?) Jeff asks who? Rachel says someone mentioned it. Jeff asks who? Rachel points and Jeff asks what the DR? Rachel says yeah. Get the BLANK out of here!
8:55am Jeff asks Jordan how does she get the idea that the DR tells her to throw us under the bus? Jordan says unless thats what she is thinking. Jordan says she would like to win the veto just to make sure nothing fishy goes on. Jeff and Jordan talk about going to grab breakfast and then going up stairs to figure out what the hell she was talking about.
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