Big Brother Spoilers: HUGE RACHEL BREAK DOWN!! Rachel goes off and says that when people started talking about how my butt cheeks are flapping and STD’s are flying, that’s not okay

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9:30am All the houseguests are still sleeping. Big Brother switches the live feeds to the control room screen and then to TRIVA… When the live feeds come back from TRIVA, Jordan is laying awake in bed with Jeff. He tells her to get out because she can’t sleep in there. Jordan says don’t tell me to get out! Jordan then leaves and goes to the metal bedroom to lay down. Shelly is in the kitchen making coffee. Kalia comes through the kitchen and they talk about how freezing it was last night. Meanwhile in the bedroom, Brendon tells Rachel it will be okay right?! Brendon asks her to have breakfast with him… she hasn’t had breakfast with him in a while. Brendon says it will be okay I promise you! Brendon says come on please… I am sick of this .. I don’t want to lay all day ..I want to sit and talk with you on my last day. Brendon says come on please. Rachel finally gets up off of him and they leave the havenot room. Shelly asks how they are? Brendon says better days! Hang in there. Shelly tells Brendon that they are on an inside lockdown. Brendon says that Rachel is doing better …but that they are annoyed they can’t trust anyone. Brendon talks about how once Dick left they had no chance …Brendon says that this season will be one about the floaters. Shelly says that it better not. Shelly says that if Brendon walks out …they will protect Rachel. Shelly tells Brendon that she thinks he made a mistake ..he did a great thing ..but he still made a mistake.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 4th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 4th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia says Rachel was crying like someone shot her in the throat six times. Kalia says I vote to evict the Neanderthal himself..

12:35am Out in the backyard Jordan and Shelly are talking in the bedroom. Jordan and Shelly are talking about what Rachel told Jordan in the bedroom. Jordan says that Rachel says that she thinks that Jordan is unaware of what Brendon and Rachel have been saying. Shelly tells Jordon how she’s been talking to Adam and telling him that after next HOH, Lawon will go up. Adam says that he is not with it and says that Lawon is his friend. Shelly says that she tried to tell Adam that there is no reason to be loyal to Lawon because he lies. Shelly says that Lawon may not even have the job when he gets out. Jordon asks isn’t he a lawyer? Shelly says he is some lawyer assistant to an all female law group. Jordon says well she hopes Adam will come around because Lawon needs to go. Shelly and Jordon laugh at how Lawon couldn’t follow the events when all of the activity with her and Rachel was going down. They laugh. Jordan says that Rachel told her America hates her and she has no chance of getting America’s Player. Jordan says that she told Rachel that she could turn around America’s perception. Jordan says that Rachel is mad because she thought all four vets would make it to jury, and it sucks she won’t be able to see Brendon for six more weeks. They conversation changes to talking about which game they think will be for the HOH competition tomorrow. They talk about how they think it will either be majority rules, or knockout.
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Big Brother Spoilers – Lawon about rachel “If looks could kill I would be dead she gives me the look like you mother f*cker” **UPDATED**

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10:00pm Backyard Adam, Shelly and Jeff They are talking about what to do if they win HOH. Cruddy brings up their plans to backdoor Dani,ht thinks the only thing that could go wrong is that dani gets to play for the POV and she takes Kalia down. Jeff isn’t sure if Dani will try to win the POV he thinks she might throw it to not make any enemies (not a chance) Cruddy adds if Dani uses teh POV on Kalia who do we put up against Lawon…. Jordan again? Jeff says no. Adam suggests Rachel or Maybe Porsche. Adam: “I keep forgetting about Porsche” Shelly chimes in says Adam will have a problem with that. Cruddy says he won’t put her up and they’ll vote out Lawon. Jeff tells him they need to first win the HOH then they can talk about who to backdoor. Cruddy says it’s going to be Q/A Jeff thinks it’ll be True/false.. They start studying, Adam rattles off basically everything there is to know about Big BRother mental comps. (Adam is a Big BRother Mentat, I hope that BB makes up some new comps) Adam suggests they always choose option B if it’s a majority rules.
Jeff leaves..
Shelly and Adam agree they have a final 4 with JJ. Shelly shoots straight and tells Adam that she wants final 2 with Adam. Adam says he was really excited about them going final 2 that he couldn’t sleep last night he was running threw every scenario in his head.. (ohh cruddy your going to get killed) Adam tells Shelly that no matter what they have the votes right to final 4.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Jeff “Cruddy puts his scabs in a plastic bag with vaseline”

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8:50pm Dani and Porsche Bonding
Dani talks about what happened in her season when they got down to 4 players. She says they got body paint and other random things. Dani: “I’m totally going to body paint Adam like a ninja turtle or a avatar” Porsche starts to talk about her plans after the show.. Porsche plans to stay in LA for a bit. She needs to head back to Florida for a bit to get her dog. She brings up that she’s dating someone.. feeds cut..

8:55pm Backyard Dani and Porsche chit chatting on the couch. Brendon, Team Bacon, Jeff playing pool When the feeds come back Jeff is saying to Team Bacon and Brendon “Cruddy puts his scabs in a plastic bag with vaseline” Adam: “For the record I do not do that”

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Big Brother psychiatrist gets called in to fix Rachel, Brendon “F#CK JEFF If he wants to Backstab us let him”

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6:27pm team Bacon and Jeff Jeff is telling Adam that he’s had a talk to Brendon about campaigning for votes and said brendon did a great thing for saving rachel but he warned Brendon he doesn’t want to tarnish what he did. They briefly talk about the votes.. Adam says they only need 4 votes and they have them even if Porsche votes to keep BRendon.. Adam warns Jeff of Porsche says she’s trying to play both sides but it’s obvious.
Adam leaves.
Dani comes down says that she’s trying to get away from the game. Jeff says that there’s nothing she can do to escape this. She adds that game aside she hopes that her actions this week shows to them that she’s not all that bad. Dani adds that game aside she’s sorry about everything that has happeed she’s said things and she’s sorry. Jeff apologizes, says things were said and he understands where she’s coming from.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Rachel the Victim “They’re all going to hate me again.. I can’t get a job i’ll ruin your life”

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5:20pm Hammock Rachel and Brendon
Moments before BR ran to the hammock Rachel was talking to Porche.. Porsche was basically telling her to get her BLANK together because she’s BLANK up everyone’s game.
Brendon tells her she needs to relax and stop caring what the other players in the house think of her.

Rachel does a full on BREAKDOWN if you want to watch the ultimate pity party get teh feeds and flashback. its insane this girl should not be on big Brother it’s cruel to her, it’s cruel to me and most importantly it’s cruel to dawg.
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Rachel is screaming at him to leave her alone he doesn’t listen, he goes up to her asks her if he made a mistake taking her off the block. Rachel says he did and he made a mistake asking her to marry him. Rachel: “nobody likes me I can’t get a job nobody is going to like me when I get out of this house… people are going to hate me even more.. I’m not good for anything..I can’t do life without you Brendon” (Buckets of crying buckets of brendon trying to make her feel better.
Rachel: “brendon i’m going to ruin your life please go home and never talk to me again”.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – BR FREAK OUT!! Jeff: “Dudes You’re going about this the wrong way” Brendon “F*CK PRODUCTION…”

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3:16pm Jeff and Jordan Jordan is saying that BR are going around telling people that Jordan will win Big Brother 13 if they keep her in the house and that Jeff wants to take all the prizes and the money. Jeff says it’s no big deal people like that on the show he’ll talk to them about it it’s no big deal.. Shelly told Jordan that BR are saying that Jordan has a deal with Kalia, Dani and POrsche.. Jeff is going to talk to BR before things get out of hand. Jordan: “they are trying to make us look bad jeff…they are telling everybody that I’m a super pawn and there putting it in peoples heads that Jordan is going to win if you don’t get her out”
Jordan says that Kalia came up to her and asked her if she’s been saying things about her and jordan was shocked becuase she hasn’t.. jordan says that BR are really making the rounds.

Jeff tells her to calm down and not worry BR are just making a last ditch effort. Jeff is going to go upstairs and talk to Dani… “if things get out of hand we’ll call another housemeeting or i’ll go talk to brendon straight up”

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly tells Jordan that Adam will vote with her and that she is voting to keep her..

1:50pm – 2pm Out in the backyard Jeff, Lawon and Porsche suntanning and talking about all the concerts they have gone to. Jordan joins them out by the pool. They talk about what they will eat tonight. Meanwhile, Brendon is in the kitchen making slop. Jeff, Jordan, Lawon and Porsche start playing the Who am I? game..

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2:10pm – 2:20pm Rachel gets Adam to come into the havenot room to talk to him about the votes. Rachel says there are a few reasons to keep Brendon. Rachel says that Brendon and her are going to have a tough road to the end and keeping them in the game will ensure his safety and keep the target off him. Rachel says that Jordan has already won the game …and that she is playing the same game play this year too …and that no one will win against her in the end in terms of votes. Adam says that he has been wrestling with this decision a lot …and said that he was up last night thinking about it. They talk about how this will be a very important decision to make …and it will decide who you want to work with. Rachel explains that in the next week or two there will probably be a endurance competition that will be catered to a smaller person like Dani… and she will most likely win it and you could go up. Rachel and Adam both say that if it were a couple weeks from now voting out Brendon would be an easier decision.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Porsche tells Brendon and Rachel that he has her vote..

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11:30am All the other houseguests are now up and getting ready for the day. Dani is called to the diary room. They give her the HOH camera and Dani starts taking funny photos of the houseguests.

12:25pm The cameras switch to Brendon and Rachel in the havenot room taking off their wedding outfits. Brendon says just please, please don’t go back on me and say that. Rachel says that she won’t Brendon says that she has said that before. Brendon says Love, Honour, and Obey! Rachel asks what was that last one? Rachel says I don’t think so.. They leave the havenot room. The houseguests head into the lounge room to take the group picture. Jeff sums up what he thinks about Brendon by sticking his ass over Brendons head like he is going to take a shit on him.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon & Rachel try convincing Shelly the best game move is to evict Jordan..

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10:35am – 11am Brendon tells Shelly to see what she can find out and that he will have a long conversation with Jeff tonight to see where he is at. Brendon says that he thinks they have had enough game talk for this morning. He says that he likes being about to talk in the morning when no one is out here. Brendon says that he hates it when Lawon is five feet away listening. Shelly goes inside. Brendon tells Rachel that he thinks they made some good arguments to Shelly and that they shouldn’t keep pressing her. Rachel talks about not liking milk and tells Brendon that it gives her bad gas. Brendon gives her a disgusted look. Shelly comes back out and Rachel says that she really respects her game and that Brendon and I really trust you and I will respect whatever decision you make. Shelly says thank you .. and says that she trust that they would take her to final 2.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon says if Jeff has a deal with Dani.. he better sure as sh!t not keep that deal!

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8:55am – 9:40am Brendon and Shelly wake up and go to change their batteries and then Shelly heads out into the backyard. Big Brother then wakes up the other houseguests. Only Brendon, Shelly and Rachel are in the backyard. Shelly asks Rachel if she had fun last night. Brendon tells Rachel that he tried requesting songs for her this morning for the wake up songs …but they didn’t have any of the songs. Shelly tells Brendon that they did good last night, it was cute …she really liked it. Shelly heads inside. Rachel says that she is going to talk to Lawon today. Brendon says baby it doesn’t matter. Rachel says that we can offer him the deal of a life time .. we can tell him that he is safe with them … as long as they are in the house they will never go after him. Rachel says that she doesn’t think Jeff will put Dani up. Rachel says that she doesn’t even think that Shelly will either. Brendon tells her that he doesn’t want to sour the relationship with Jeff and Jordan by campaigning behind their backs. Rachel says that she knows Jeff made a deal with Dani… last week he was so mad and yelling at her and now he is laughing and joking around with her …making her food… I guarantee they have a deal. Brendon says that they have to trust someone in the house because if they can ..they are just shooting themselves in the foot.
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