2:20 pm Cirie and America
Cirie saying that Bowie came to her and was like “Dude we have to protect Matt and Jag”
America – She said that
Cirie – mmmhmmmm. She hopes it’s the slip n slide
America – how does she not see it. She told me before she doesn’t care if she wins.
Cirie – She feels like they are going to protect her.
America – they will they’ll take her to final 3
America – Cory is right you have to separate her from them
Cirie – for me it’s like putting together a puzzle you take out the pieces that don’t fit with the pieces that fit. She was like YEAH YEAH YEAH.
America says she had a final four with Matt, Jag and Cory. It did not include Bowie “Next time we talk I’m going to tell her that”
Cirie – Wake up what is wrong with ehr.. I just want to shake her.
Cirie – she prefers to be with the guys I don’t know why (Cause you shat on her all season)
America says Bowie’s “Nightlife” must include a lot of dudes. “In here girl wake up! we’re here to play”
Cirie – not to be dragged around as someone’s third or fourth