7:34pm Bedroom – Hisam and Jag.
Hisam – right now my alliance has voted me out and there is still a lot of game players left. I am a strong competitor. I can win things. I would be a good alliance member. I have been loyal to my group .. till the end. I have been trying to protect them to the end. I have been winning to keep them all safe. Right!? That was not my plan when I came here. My plan and my game was to stay under the radar because there is already.. I already look like I workout. And I was already concerned that people would see me as a threat. So my gameplay was to actually be quite but then I got aligned with a bunch of people .. right!? That happened that way.. Right?! Nice people, likable people.. we aligned. Right!? And then I find out that if I don’t win.. that we are not going to be safe. And everything inside of me… everything about me is to protect the people that I am with. Its what my name means! AND I literally think about using the veto on Felicia because I don’t want the oldest person to be out of the game because I am aligned with her ..