12:25pm – 12:50pm Big Brother blocks the feeds and when they return – Big Brother has ended the backyard lock down. The house guests head inside. Kevin, Bruno and Godfrey are sitting on the backyard chairs. Kevin asks Bruno about being calling in the the diary room late. Bruno says yeah. Bobby join and says he was called into the diary room at 2am, 4am, 6am and 8am. Kevin says no way! Bobby says I think they were trying to piss me off. They head inside. Brittnee asks how long their road trip will be. Zach says two and a half weeks to three weeks. Willow says they should schedule it to end in California when Big Brother 17 ends.
Tag: Bobby Hlad

Sarah “We ain’t playing for fifth place, we’re not playing for third place either.. eat that sh*t”
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Bobby, Bruno, Zach, and Pili are in the kitchen. Sarah says sure we keep Bobby now and maybe he helps us get people out but then he kills us in competitions. I didn’t come here to play for third or second place. Sarah asks you can only win 1 week at a time. Not to mention what have you done for me lately bro!? Godfrey says he got Sindy out, he throws competitions, he lied about the secret veto. Sarah says I trust you more than him. Sarah says we don’t have to put all our eggs in the Bobby basket. Sarah says when they get really intense is at the end when we would be f**ked at the end against him, not them. Bobby might get us one more week.

“My brain is literally deep fried and not in the good way” -Ash
10:38pm Hot Tub Zach, Ashleigh Zach
Talking about Bruno never telling them anything always saying “I got you bro”
Sarah says she’s going to pull a bobby this week say she’s only talking game on Tuesday. Zach says he’s going to shit is brain off this week, “Bobby’s going and nobody can say to me to convince me otherwise.. and anything else is speculation nothing will form.. I’m going to try and release the game these next couple days”
Sarah – lets just try and have fun

Godfrey – “Dude If I win 100% those two guys going up man .. but if I put one couple ..”
8:45pm Living Room Godfrey and Bruno
Bruno – you still going to crush these boys next week
Godfrey – Of course bra .. can’t wait for that HOH bra .. we have to win Bro
Bruno – I need you bro..
God – 6 against 3 bro
Godfrey – Dude If I win 100% those two guys going up man ..

Bruno to Ash “Eventually the 4 of you guys have to split.. I’m closer to you than them”
6:29pm AShleihg and Bruno
Ashleigh I can’t believe it wasn’t real .. I can’t believe it, I almost pooped myself
Bruno – WOW WOW oh my god.. (Bruino just acting surprised about Bobby’s veto being fake)
Ashleigh says Bobby threw a piece of a hanger in the shape of a “J” AShleigh thought it was a baby Veto at first.

Zach tells Bruno “I’m not going to let these girls dice you up! I’ll start throwing daggers at them!”
4:30pm In the kitchen – Bruno asks Zach if Ash will put up the girls. Zach says she isn’t convinced the girls would put her up. She would put up God. But I can get in her ear. Zach tells Bruno it doesn’t benefit me to come after you. And I want to prove it to you. Bruno says Sarah 100% won’t put a girl up. Zach says here’s the deal though ..we’re going to be the ones winning all the comps. We have to make the right decisions. Bruno says I wasn’t going for them. Zach says I know I told him that all the time. Godfrey joins them.

Bruno “There’s got to be a way out of this.. Zach’s a paranoid guy. If we could just mess with his head”
In the bathroom – Bruno & Bobby are talking. Sarah joins them. Bruno says we need this HOH! He asks Sarah you’re 100% going for them? Sarah says yes. Bruno says we need to win back to back to get them out of here. Bruno says with everyone giving them bits of information .. they’re able to piece it all together. Sarah leaves. Bruno says there’s got to be a way out of this man. Zach’s a paranoid guy. If we could just mess with his head a bit. I know he has deals with everybody. Once the girls .. the girls are not voting each other out, they want us to take each other out.

POV Ceremony! “They have to see me packing like I’ve given up. That’s the only chance I have”
10am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power Of Veto Ceremony to take place. As the veto holder, Kevin has the option to veto one of his nominations or choose to not use the veto on either nominee. Originally when Kevin nominated Brittnee and Bobby the plan was to use the veto to remove Brittnee and nominate Bruno as the replacement. However, Kevin’s plan as of last night is to not use the veto. If Bobby doesn’t have a secret veto he gets voted out “that’s what happens to liars” and if he does have a secret veto (which he doesn’t) and uses it then Kevin would then nominate Bruno and try to get him sent home over Brittnee.

Sarah “I gave Ash too much credit I thought she was a smart strategic player & she’s not”
8am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Zach gets up still wearing his French Maid costume and puts pants and a hoodie on. He then puts the heels on and hobbles out of the havenot room to the kitchen. Sarah tells Willow that before Kevin nominated B he told me this is one of those things where I’ve got a plan and you’ve just got to trust me. Willow whispers and Big Brother tells her to put on her mic. Sarah says I am stressed out about today and I shouldn’t talk to those girls. WIllow says I might be one of the smarter girls in the house .. well maybe not.

Kevin – “I wish there was no (Secret) veto, I could pull B off and put Bruno up”
12:34am Kevin and Pilar (Sounds like Kevin is betting on Bobby using his secret veto)
Kev- F*** it’s a big decision
Pilar is it a big decision but honestly
Kevin says Zach and Ash are not happy with his decision but they’ll be OK
Kevin – Should I tell Bobby Bruno before.. I’m keeping the nominations the same.

“I’ll talk to everybody except Bob/Bru and talk to Willow right before it happens” -Kev
11:18pm Kevin and Pilar
Kevin says Bobby/Bruno backstabbed Zach with their vote against Jordan.
They start going thru the pros and cons Bobby/Bruno or Godfrey/Bobby . Pili mentions Godfrey has made it clear he’s going after couples.

Ashleigh – “Kevin, I’ve seen your w!ener 4 times today.. I haven’t seen Zach’s w!ener today”
9:15pm Ashleigh and Bobby living room
Bobby makes it sound like he’s targeting Sarah next week and he’s still loyal to the chop.
Bobby – Gods gotta go he’s a crazy comp threat
Bobby brings up not knowing where Willow’s head is at says he see here talking to Sarah all the time.
Bobby – Originally I want to keep God but he really sketches me out now