The live feeds return to the house guests all in the kitchen. Jack is in a dress. Nick has the veto around his neck. Nick – If I had gone against Holly in the first round I probably would have lost. Nick – when I had 12 I was tired. Tommy – you did great! Cliff – you figured it out! Is this your first veto win? Nick – yes. Cliff – When you needed it. It kept you in the house. All the house guests comment on how hard the competition was. Nick – I asked for an athletic on and they gave it to me. I told you bro I was going to win. Nick tells Tommy – I am going to win HOH next week. I’m back!
Tag: Big Brother POV Winner
Big Brother Power of Veto Winner has the power to remove one player from nominations forcing the HOH to select another player for eviction.
POV Competition Results! Jack “I need votes.” Jackson “No you don’t, Bella’s going up. Girls got to go!”
The house guests are all in the living room talking about the power of veto competition. Jackson – every second counts as 30 seconds. If you take all three buttons off every second is 1 minute. And you have to take all three off because you have to turn and push this button that’s in the water. You have to swim through the water. So every second is a full minute. Jackson explains how he completed the comp in the fastest time. I probably did everything I had to do in a minute real time. I’m playing chess not checkers!!! Lets GO!! Old boy did what I had to do!!
Big Brother 21 Power Of Veto Competition Results! “I told you I’m a comp beast!”
Bathroom. Christie, Jack, Tommy and Bella. Christie – I was like make me lose in a really weird way. I don’t want to have to use it on Jess because I don’t know who I’d want to use it on. I don’t want to win it. They (production) are literally going to air me pacing saying make me lose in a really weird way. Nick was like look and kicks my piece over .. it was near him my 17th piece. I was like I only have 16, I only have 16 .. my other piece was there the whole time. Crazy, I wasn’t meant to win it. I didn’t want to have to win it. Like it would have been weird. If I used it her and not Cliff.
Power Of Veto Results! “I won’t have any vacation time left to go on the trip.”
4:43pm The live feeds return with Christie, Tommy and Analyse in the bedroom chatting. Analyse – the person that is saying sh*t is the one in the RV room. Christie – first of all if I heard that I would be upset. I just think that Bella is equally playing every side. I think that she is just young .. I know you’re (Analyse) young too. I think that she is playing a little aggressively trying to cover her Nick and Sam alliance. As well as her Gr8ful alliance. Not realizing that will eventually bite her. But let her do that. I would act like you didn’t hear that. Kill her with kindness.
Big Brother 21 First Power of Veto Results “it was so slippery “
Big Brother Spoilers – Christie won the HOH, Nominated Cliff and Kathryn. veto players are Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Sam, Jack, Nicole Host: Tommy. Sounds like the Kemi is the target. The power of Veto is Thursday. They were given a week that they get to compete in the Whacktivity Comp. Smells like they had a […]
“Truce man, you are going to stay in this game”
Big Brother Spoilers – Mark on the block sounds like he’s going to jury. 10:00pm Kyra and Dane Talking about getting Mark out this week. Dane says he can get Anthony on board. Doesn’t think Anthony and Mark are that close They bury the hatchet. Truce real truce.. swear.. Dane – truce Kyra – Truce […]
Adam wins Power of Veto
Adam wins the power of Veto. 10:55pm Bedroom. Adam and Kyra. Kyra – I am sorry. I was the only way I felt I could get Dane out. Adam – I understand, I do. It was a good game move. You had to do what you had to do. I just.. Kyra – feel betrayed? […]
“I honestly think there’s been a guys alliance this whole time.. wish I had the blood veto “
Big Brother Casnada Spoilers – Dane will be using the Power of Veto on himself and Cory will be putting Sam up as the replacement. Sam is the target. via GIPHY 7:13pm Dane tries to scare Este… 10:00pm outside Kyra and Sam Kyra mentions how Dane is spending so much time with Cory he’s coming […]
Dane wins Power of Veto
Big Brother Spoilers – Dane wins the power of Veto. He will be using it on himself and Sam will be the replacement nomination. 12am Hot Tub room. Mark, Dane, Damien, Kyra, Adam and Sam chatting about random things. 1:30pm The house guests start getting ready for bed. 1:38pm HOH room. Cory and Dane. Cory […]
“You know it is what it is. It’s Okay I got got.”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Cory wins the power of veto. Chelsea is the target. NOON .. Just in case you thought the pretty boys were too pretty for this show and were about to split up . nope.. final four.. final four.. 8:53pm Meal after Veto.. 9:17pm Sam, Chelsea and Adam Chelsea doesn’t think […]
Sam Wins the Power Of Veto! Anthony “What Kyra just did is irreversible.”
*** UPDATED ***
2:32am HOH room. Chelsea, Adam, Kyra, Sam.
Chelsea – Also Sam, its good to be able to say I had power and I used it. Its good for your game. Sam – yeah, I know. I know what is happening. I just feel obviously bad. Chelsea – I know. Sam heads to the bathroom. Adam – I hope she uses it. Chelsea – she will. Kyra – yes I know that was really stupid of me. Adrenaline was pumping and I shouldn’t have done that. I am sorry to you guys. As soon as it happened I was like you f**king idiot. Adam – yeah Anthony was questioning you up here. Kyra – I know. He was like why did you throw that?! I said no, Sam and I said we would yell out if we saw the ball.
“If You’re mad in here .. not a good look, people need to lighten up. It’s a game!”
Big Brother Spoilers – The Veto will be played today. Ricky and Natalie are on the block. LOLO, Natalie and Ricky are not taking being broken up well..
LOLO wasn’t picked for the Power of Veto. Everyone else was..