6:24pm purple room jordan and Adam
Adam is giving her a run down that he thinks Dani will backdoor Brendon this week. He tells Jordan that ever since week 2 he’s been 100% with JJS and he thinks the 4 of them (JJSA) can make it far playing with honour and respect like JJ did
in BB11 (adam is full of bacon shit) Adam jokes that Brendon got 1million votes from the public to come back into the house but he can’t win the crate and barrel wedding contest. Jordan says that BR have been throwing JJ under the bus the
last couple of days.. they are trying to keep themselves off the block, but are really causing JJ to rethink working with them. Adam goes on about how he doesn’t trust BR and how they were rude to him whenever they don’t need him. Adam thinks BR will still be the biggest target in the house so now might be the best time to get them out.