Big Brother 13 – POV Prizes and even in Isolation Shelly Shoots Straight

6:24pm purple room jordan and Adam

Adam is giving her a run down that he thinks Dani will backdoor Brendon this week. He tells Jordan that ever since week 2 he’s been 100% with JJS and he thinks the 4 of them (JJSA) can make it far playing with honour and respect like JJ did
in BB11 (adam is full of bacon shit) Adam jokes that Brendon got 1million votes from the public to come back into the house but he can’t win the crate and barrel wedding contest. Jordan says that BR have been throwing JJ under the bus the
last couple of days.. they are trying to keep themselves off the block, but are really causing JJ to rethink working with them. Adam goes on about how he doesn’t trust BR and how they were rude to him whenever they don’t need him. Adam thinks BR will still be the biggest target in the house so now might be the best time to get them out.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – POV winner is Adam

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5:18pm BR purple room They are wondering about what kind of deal Dani has with jeff because she doesn’t seem to want to put him up. Brendon points out that Shelly is after Rachel now. Rachel scoffs “What is shelly going to do” She mentions that Jeff was greedy by taking the money and leaving Jordan with the unitard (hard to hear)

Jordan got the Unitard
Jeff got the money
Shelly in havenots isolation punishment

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Big Brother Spoilers: Adam says that he hopes he doesn’t pull Brendan’s name for the POV.. Dominic took my lucky underwear!

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12:25am In the backyard, Shelly and Adam are talking. Shelly asks Adam if Brendon and Rachel sleeping in the bed between us? Adam says that he doesn’t know. Shelly says that she swears to God that if she’s sleeping in the bed next to her she is going to have a cardiac arrest. Shelly says that she feels sick, throw up about it! Shelly heads inside to the bedroom to find out if it is true. Shelly finds out that Brendon and Rachel are in the bed next to her. Meanwhile, Adam is in the backyard talking to himself saying that he f-ed up over and over again. Adam says that he is sorry to Lawon. Adam says that having a target in front of me.. rather than an ally behind me was not a good move. Adam says that it was so hard getting Brendon out the first time, even if we get him out a second time.. Rachel is still here. Adam says that if it works out and we get Brendon out ..Rachel turns into a basket case ..then it’s all smooth sailing. Adam says again ..I f-ed up.. I f-ed up.. I f-ed up. Adam asks himself ..Hey Adam, Big brother 13 ..what was your best move? Adam says f-ing up… Shelly comes back out to the backyard and tells Adam that Rachel and Brendon are sleeping right next to them. Adam says that he will say something when he goes inside. Shelly says that it’s bullshit. Adam says that Kalia and Porsche should share a bed. Shelly tells Adam not to create anymore turmoil. Shelly says that this is a joke… of all the places she could sleep… when she knows I am not happy with her… now I have to sleep there with her!

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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia nominates Lawon as the replacement.. Lawon says that it feels like someone had sex with me ..without a condom!

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11:30am When the live feeds come back, Adam and Porsche are in the kitchen making lunch. Rachel heads from the kitchen to the diary room. Lawon is nominated as the replacement. In the havenot room Jordan is saying that she thinks Lawon was just acting mad… they all knew this was the plan. Jeff says that Kalia and Dani are so DUMB! Jordan says that she went up to Kalia and told her thanks for not replacing me. Jordan says that Kalia told her she would never, ever put her up.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Lawon is in the kitchen talking to Shelly. Lawon says that he is not stupid …he would not offer himself up as the pawn. Lawon says that he doesnt think anyone is coming back. Lawon says I am not stupid …I am also not going to go around being sad. Lawon says talk about a bad game move …I would not go up as the pawn. Lawon says that he did not volunteer his ass to go up!! Shelly says yeah unless there was a pay off for it. Lawon says like what?! Shelly says like money… maybe you’re America’s PLAYA! Lawon says no …I’ve got some questions for her… I need a damn smoke up in here. Lawon says I wanna know why …why?! Adam tells him to go ask her now. Lawon says oh I am!

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Big Brother Spoilers: JEFF WON THE POWER OF VETO!! **UPDATED**

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10:10am Jordan and Rachel are in the havenot room, Jordan is telling Rahcel that its not over yet. Rachel says that she wanted to win so bad. Shelly joins them. Rachel says she is sorry for kicking her ball. Shelly says that its okay. Rachel asks Shelly if Jeff comes off and Porsche goes up do you think I would stay? Shelly says yeah. Jordan says that she thinks she will be going up. Rachel says that she doesn’t think so.. They continue to talk about the competition

10:25am Dani and Kalia are up in the HOH room. Kalia is telling Kalia all about her plan of why she wanted Jeff up on the block and that he was never the target …and that now he is taking himself off and she doesn’t get the chance to show him that he wasn’t the target. Kalia says that maybe she should have just won the POV so that she could have taken Jeff off and proved he wasn’t the target. Dani and Kalia talk about how useless Rachel is in the game without Brendon. Kalia and Dani talk about how they still think they are in a good position in the house. Dani tells Kalia to please be careful about what she says and does around and to Jeff and Jordan because clearly they hold grudges. Kalia says that she will and that she was trying to plant some seeds.. Kalia says that she is going to give Rachel the same gift as last year …the first person in the jury house. Dani says yeah thats weird isn’t it. Dani says that she fully supports Kalia’s decision and that if she had a problem with anything she would tell her. Dani does say that she doesn’t think she would put up Adam. Kalia says that she just doesn’t think she could put up Porsche. Dani says that she would want to talk to him first to let him know that he’ll be going up on the block.

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Big Brother Spoiler: EARLY Morning Power of Veto Competition!!

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7am – 8am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. All the houseguests are up and getting ready, it looks like there will be an early POV competition. Adam complains about having a rumble in the junjle.. an upset stomach from drinking milk. Meanwhile, Kalia is up in the HOH room giving herself a pep talk. She tells herself to go out there and give it all she’s got! Kalia starts praying saying that she needs this …she needs to win to keep her nominations the same that Jeff can see that he is not the target and Rachel will go home… Jeff is not the target I need him in this game… please lord let me go out and be victorious.

In the candy room Dani and Adam are talking, Adam says that he doesn’t know anything about girls but where their notty bits are. Adam asks if he should poop first. Dani says yes, the last thing you want to have to need to do is that during. Adam says you would be surprised how hard I can clench my butt cheeks! Dani says for some strange reason I believe you. Jeff is still in bed, while the others are getting ready. Jordan and Rachel are in the kitchen talking about their best case scenarios. Rachel says that she is doing this to get out Dani and all the floaters that flock to her. Jordan asks Rachel if she ate anything. Rachel says yeah she had slop and a fibre pill so that she can poop …but doesn’t think she will be able to because she is so nervous… Jordan wonders why they are doing it so early.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon used the POV on Rachel! Dani Nominated Jordan for Eviction! *Updated*

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11:43am When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Kalia is in the kitchen talking about she knew he would take her down. There was no way he wouldn’t have taken her off the block …she is big brother. Jordan says that she doesn’t think that even she knew it because last night he was saying he was going to use it on himself. Shelly, Jordan, and Jeff are talking in the hall. Shelly says that she was shocked and that even Dani was shocked. Shelly says that she though Dani was going to put up Jeff. Rachel, Brendon and Porsche are in the havenot room. Brendon is comforting Rachel. Porsche leaves. Rachel is crying.

11:50am Kalia and Dani are up in the HOH room. Dani says that she needs to talk to Porsche and make sure she it okay. Dani and Kalia talk about how this is perfect …this is exactly what we wanted! Dani says that some times she hates this game ..that people are crying and its because of her. Kalia says that if she hadn’t won the HOH it would be her going home. Dani says that she does think that Rachel can win HOH this week… that when he walks out the door she is going to be a wreck. Kalia says that she is going to torment Rachel…
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Big Brother Spoilers: POV Players Picked! Lawon is the host! Rachel, Brendon, Porsche, Jeff, Dani, Adam are playing! *Updated*

POV Players Picked!
Rachel, Brendon, Porsche, Jeff, Dani, Adam
Lawon is the host

9:40am – 10am When the feeds come back, Rachel is dancing in the kitchen. Porsche is also dancing in the kitchen and then she high fives Adam. Adam says that he is worried they will make him play in Elf suit. Shelly says that she really thought she would have got picked. Shelly tells Porsche that she hasn’t gotten to play in a long time so she deserves it. They are talking about how Kalia went off after the names were picked saying that big brother is rigged. Shelly says that its almost 10am …so maybe it’s at 12pm. They say maybe. Brendon heads into the candy room and talks with Jeff. They tell each other good luck on! Brendon goes to leave and Jeff tells him to get some sleep in. Brendon says that he got his in last night ..and then leaves. Shelly and Brendon are talking in the kitchen Brendon says that he wouldn’t be in this position if he had kept quiet. Shelly says you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Shelly says that she thinks its going to be prizes today.. a phone call from home, a trip, a tv, … Rachel says it won’t be prizes they don’t do back to back prize competitions. Jeff doesn’t think so either… They start talking about how Lawon is floating through this game.

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Big Brother Spoilers: POV Ceremony RESULTS! Brendon didn’t use the POV! Dominic and Adam stay on the block! *Updated*

12:55pm When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Jeff and Adam are putting the plants back on the kitchen table. Dominic is sitting on the kitchen counter not saying a word. Jeff is making lunch. Dani comes out of the bathroom in her bathing suit. Dani heads out into the backyard and Shelly asks her if she is shocked that the POV didn’t get used. Dani says no …that she would be shocked if it did get used. Shelly says that Kalia was really scared that it was going to get used.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon wins the POV! That’s 2 HOH’s and 2 POV’s they have won!

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2:20pm The feeds come back and Rachel and Brendon are in the HOH. Brendon says that don’t you love it we have won 2 HOH’s and 2 POV’s! They high five. Brendon won the POV! Rachel is complaining about how her eyes hurt from getting soap in them. Brendon tells her that she can just relax and they won’t talk game. He says that if anyone comes up he will tell them that they just want to rest. The POV competition was a spelling competition.

Follow: @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. Theres also our Facebook page.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Dominic used the POV! Jordan replaces Adam & Dominic with Shelly and Cassi! *Updated*

12:35pm Dominic used the Power of Veto! Jordan replaces Adam and Dominic with Shelly and Cassi. Jordan has Cassi and Shelly are talking out on the backyard couches. Cassi says that if this isn’t the bone she is thrown… there will be another one. Shelly says there will definitely be more for you. Both Cassi and Shelly are crying. Meanwhile, Rachel is up in the HOH room with Jordan and Jeff. Rachel goes to the bathroom in the HOH bathroom and says thanks for letting her …she hates going to the bathroom in the downstairs one because people can hear her. As Rachel leaves the HOH room she tells Jordan and Jeff thank you for not putting me up even as a joke … because of the way she acted the other day. Downstairs in the kitchen the other house guests are making lunch and talking about random things.

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