
Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Power Of Veto Ceremony Results!

Shane has used the Power of Veto to take Ashley off the block and nominated Frank as the replacement nominee.

12:30pm When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA… In the kicks room, Mike is talking to Shane about how Shane just nominated Frank. Mike had a reaction during the nomination and is now apologizing for freaking out. Mike says sorry for freaking out. Shane says that he had to secure the votes because of what Ian said the other night. Mike says okay, no one told me what was happening so I thought someone was pulling a fast one on me. Shane and Mike leave the kicks room. Mike, Dan and Frank are in the stereo room talking. Dan says that he needs to talk to Mike later. Mike says but we are alright, right?! Dan says I will talk to you later. Mike says so should we be worried or what?! Dan says that he will talk to him later. Dan leaves. Frank says to Mike that Dan doesn’t know that Shane and I are good.

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Big Brother 14 Power Of Veto Results – Shane: “Bye Bye Joe”

4:20pm Cam 1-2 HOH Shane and Brintey Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

talking about how sour Joe and Wil are because they never won the POV. Shane is mega pissed that they didn’t even shake his hand. Shane points out that Frank is really acting pissed. Britney thinks Boogie is worried because they now have the power to get rid of Frank. Shane looks at the camera waves says bye bye to Joe, ‘Sorry Joe’s wife and Kids but he’s gotta go he did it to himself” Britney is just pissed that Janelle’s team are such poor sports.

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Big Brother 14 Power of Veto Ceremony Results!

10:45am – 11:40am Big Brother cut the live feeds to hold the Power of Veto Ceremony. When the feeds come back from TRIVIA…

11:40am – 11:55am Jojo says that no one ever laughs at what I say. Shane tells Jojo that he laughed at what she said. Jojo says that this is going to be a boring season now… so predictable. Shane says yeah it’s stupid. Shane says it’s going to be me and you left or me and Danielle. Shane says that whole side of the house has been distant to us… except for Ashley. Shane tells JoJo that he can’t stand Janelle she’s so two-faced. Jojo agrees. He tells her to campaign to tell Jenn and Danielle that once the top 6 happens they will be gunning for you. Shane says it’s all because of Willie, it’s stupid! Britney has the chance to lose two players in a week. Jojo asks so you would rather me in here than her? Shane says yeah. Jojo says even though you are close to her? Shane says you are my team mate. He says that he is fighting for her to stay. Jojo says thanks. Shane says that he and her should make out this week while we have the chance. Jojo comments on how they will do it so they don’t get caught. Jojo says that she knows America loves us because we are so real, and good to look at.

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Big Brother 14 Power Of Veto Results!

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Janelle and Boogie do not think Shane is stupid anymore they think he’s somewhere in the middle.
Boogie asks her what her early feeling about who to send home. Janelle thinks that Danielle is a waste maybe JOJO.. Janelle says that JoJo did we’ll in the Power of Veto Competition today she did better than Frank. Boogie says that getting rid of shane is going to be tough. Janelle: “I wish we had a couple more pictures of margaritas” (they’re are drinking margaritas”.

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Big Brother 14 Power Of Veto Results

The Power Of Veto Players were: Shane, Willie, Frank, Wil, Danielle, and Kara. With Jojo as the host of the competition.

SHANE has WON the Power of Veto!

Britney, Willie, Jojo and Shane are in the HOH talking. Britney says that we need to be really wishy washy about what we are going to do. We don’t want them to know what we are going to do. Britney says that we have both the HOH and Power of Veto in our hands. Shane has the Power of Veto in his hands. Shane won the POV! The competition was about getting coins in slots. They talk about how Danielle was stacking the coins for Frank and that they were working together. Britney says that Shane won with quarters and nickels. Britney says that even with them cheating they couldn’t win!

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Porsche Briggs Wins POV

9:04pm Feeds are back. Jordan is in the candy room packing. Adam, Porsche and Rachel are playing cards in the HOH.
Adam is talking about his HOH blog saying that he hopes that all the fans have enjoyed the season and he can’t wait to watch Big Brother next year. He also hopes that what he’s accomplished to be big brother inspires others, “Shout out to the Big BRother Fan sites.. Big BRother fans are the best”
Adam: “Hey Hoboken we have the cake boss now we’re going to have the Bacon boss”

(Hmm Jordan doesn’t have the POV she’s packing)

Adam was worried that Dani would hide his cigarettes before she was evicted so he hid them. POrsche: “What!” rachel: “Why did Dani hide stuff?” Adam says he was told it was because her and Kalia and Dani wanted to throw people off before the HOH.

Adam says he will give Jordan the stuffed clown if she goes home tomorrow…
(Jordan does not have the POV and it sounds like Rachel and Jordan are up)

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Big Brother Spoilers: POV ceremony results: Adam DOES NOT use the VETO!

Big Brother POV Winner Results

11:30am When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Kalia is in the HaveNot room by herself. Adam and Porsche are in the purple room talking. Adam says that he couldn’t use the veto on her because he told her if she wants it she needs to win it. Adam says that if really hurt him to not use it. Porsche says he knows. Porsche starts talking about how they as newbies all wanted to stick together. Adam says that when two people make a deal and go back on their word the deal is broken. Porsche says that she just really needs his vote now. Adam says that Kalia started making deals and went back on her word. Adam says that just yesterday Kalia was giving me the same speech that Dani gave me before …word for word. About me being a fan of this game and needing to make a big move. Adam says the fact that she said it word for word.. it just showed me Kalia is playing Dani’s game and not her own game. Kalia comes and knocks on the purple room door and Adam tells her to give them a minute. Adam says that the last straw was when she voted to evict me and not Shelly.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Adam wins POV

2:28pm KPA talking about the veto.. Adam won

Kalia is explaining to Adam if he puts Jordan up they vote her out. Than Rachel cannot compete in the next HOH and they will get to final 3. Adam brings up that Kalia has offered every single person a final 2 deal. He confronts her about voting against him last week. He’s pissed about it. Kalia swears she’s never lied to him. Kalia explains to him that JR offered her a final 4 all girls deal.

Adam knows the deals that have been offered he tells her he’s got 2 days to decide he’s still unsure what he’ll do. Kalia leaves.. Porsche in the shower. She starts telling Adam that if they can get Jordan out this week then Rachel can’t compete in the HOH and they can get to final three. Adam says he doesn’t want to talk about it right now.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – JR Win Veto **updated**

7:45pm PK Storage Room They are talking about Shelly being hurt and she’s in the DR right now. They start going over the comp, Kalia thinks she would of won it if she stood up higher. Kalia: “I looked over at you and you were standing” Porsche: “No I wasn’t doing good”
Porsche asks Kalia if they she thinks they are still good with JR.. Kalia thinks so.

Kalia brings up now they are both save.. they could of at least gotten one out.

Kalia says she’s going to start working Jordan maybe get her thinking to take out Rachel. Porsche thinks it’s a waste of time. Porsche points out that Rachel “carried” Jordan during that last comp Jordan is performance was really pathetic.

POrsche: “If they were smart they would get rid of Adam… I doubt they will even think about it”
Porsche knows they are close with Adam but he’s going to be dangerous in some quiz HOH comps. Kalia: “Shell and Adam don’t do anything.. they’re no better than Jordan but we need them for numbers.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Jeff wins POV

2:48pm Bedroom Kalia and Shelly Shelly telling Kalia that she has Shelly help this week. She’s not sure that Jeff will use the POV but if he does Dani goes up.

Kalia thinks Jeff will take Porsche down because her and Dani are more dangerous together. Shelly recommends Kalia start to switch up her social game. She tries to make Kalia feel better saying that the POV was a hard puzzle for them to do under pressure.

Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery

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Big Brother Spoilers: POV Ceremony is happening right now.. *Updated* Brendon is on the BLOCK!

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10:35am Porsche, Dani, Shelly and Adam are in the backyard talking on the couch. Porsche tells Dani that she is going to move into the metal bedroom so that there is less of a chance that she will get stabbed. Dani laughs. Rachel and Brendon come out. Dani compliments Rachel on her top. Rachel says that its supposed to be a dress. Dani says yeah for your vagina to hangout! The conversation changes to talking about Dominic and asking about his girlfriend outside the house. Dani tells a story about how these big tattooed guys came up to her and said that they watched her while they were in prison. Brendon tells a similar story about people recognizing Rachel and him from watching them in prison. Dani asks is that all they get to watch in prison ..big brother and Jerry Springer? Big Brother then cuts the live feeds to the TRIVIA screen … looks like the Power of Veto Ceremony is happening…
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