3:35am The Big Brother Canada live feeds get turned back on after the Power of Veto Competition. Sabrina goes up to the HOH room to talk to Andrew, Arlie and Kenny. Sabrina says that Ika told her that the guys were annoyed with me. Andrew says we aren’t annoyed with you, we said that you are an emotional person and we need to be supportive of you. Sabrina says that the girls are mad at me because I accepted Kyle’s apology. The guys tell her that it was a good decision to accept his apology. Andrew talks about how he made the decision to make this place tolerable by making peace with Paul. Sarah and Rachelle join them. Kenny says I will be civil and nice if they walk out the same way. Sarah says that she is going to go to bed tonight. Andrew says but we’re supposed to get a reward tonight. Arlie says Adel insinuated that.
Tag: Big Brother POV Winner
Big Brother Power of Veto Winner has the power to remove one player from nominations forcing the HOH to select another player for eviction.
Big Brother Canada Season 2 First ‘Live’ Eviction
Yesterday we watched the premiere of Big Brother Canada Season 2 and found out that this year one of the twists is to have a 15th player voted into the house out of a potential 3.
Scott A drag queen, Nate the sheet metal worker and Alison psychiatric nurse are the pics. There is also a series of “Twisto Twists” which I place a curse upon.
Paul won the first HOH and proceeded to get a terrible case of HOHitus. The first 12 hours of the feeds was packed full of him making deals and talking game. Paul nominated Anick and Andrew, His reason was Anick was the first Girl to get off the ice block during the HOH competition. Andrew was the first Boy off.
Big Brother Nomination and POV Results “do your stretches NICK”
9:00pm living room MC, Spencer and GM
MC says he liked Adam from Big Brother 13 but didn’t think he made very many game moves, “Anyone that likes Metal and 90210 is a interesting dude”
very little talking going on. Spencer tells GM he likes the crafty bracelet she’s making “Love it”
Spencer jokes asks GM if she is ever going to dye those roots. GM “SHUT UP I did them last week”
They are all doing shout outs and the feeds keep getting blocked..
GM – “I want to say hello to the lovely Nicholas Uhaus.. i’ll see you in a week get ready”
Spencer – “do you stretches NICK”
10:55am – 12:55pm The Big Brother 15 live feeds were blocked for the Power Of Veto competition. All of the 5 remaining house guests (Judd, Andy, Spencer, Ginamarie and McCrae) competed to win the Veto. When the Live Feeds return we learn that McCrae WON the POV!
Up in the HOH room – Spencer and McCrae are up in the HOH room talking. Spencer tells McCrae that he doesn’t really want to get involved in it on who to keep. He says that they are probably going to try and campaign to you. McCrae says that Judd already started campaigning to me. Spencer says yeah that’s why I called you up here. I want you and Andy to come to a consensus. I will go with whatever you two decide. McCrae says final fucking 4!
Big Brother 15 SPOILERS – Power Of Veto RESULTS!
2:05pm In the rainbow room – Andy, Judd, Elissa and Judd are talking. Gina says good job guys, every nice! Gina then left. Elissa says this is going to be a crazy week until Thursday. Spencer heads up to the HOH room.
Judd joins them and he tells them maybe we should try and convince McCrae to use the veto on Amanda if we tell him we will save him. Judd says that McCrae has a fire lit under him. He is going to win HOH this week. Andy joins them. Andy says that has only happened one time in big brother and it is know as the dumbest move in big brother history. Spencer offers to go up on the block when McCrae comes off. Gina tells him that she will let him pack all of her makeup and brushes to prove they have his loyalty and that he will not go home. Spencer says I just don’t want to be the dumba$$ that volunteers to go up and to go home like Lawon (Big Brother 13 – when he offered himself up as the pawn and ended up getting voted out.)
Big Brother 15 Spoilers – Power Of Veto Competition RESULTS!
10am – 1:pm The Big Brother Live Feeds switched to TRIVIA for the Power of Veto Competition. When the feeds return – we learn that AMANDA has won the VETO!
1:15pm Amanda WON THE VETO! McCrae and Amanda are in the bedroom talking. Amanda says I was going to say no one comes between me and my man! I won something and it was a hard one to win. I am going to start winning things now. Amanda comments that Ginamarie was close to winning it. Was I the only one that never dropped? Could you tell that I was going to win. Spencer says Gina was at 242 when you won. McCrae says that he was doing piss poor in that one. Spencer says the best thing is that neither of you are going anywhere! Judd joins them and says that he thinks Elissa might put me up now thinking I didn’t try hard enough! Amanada tells him to push for Elissa to put up Gina. Amanda, Aaryn, Spencer and McCrae head into the rainbow room and talk about pushing for Gina to go up. McCrae says don’t push too hard. Whatever you push for she will do that opposite.
Big Brother 15 POV Results “You had the fire in your eyes I could see it”
POV Holder: Elissa Next POV Aug 17th POV Used POV Ceremony Aug 19th HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH: Aug 22nd Original Nominations: Elissa and Helen Current Nominations: Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, JUDD, Jessie Have Nots (head cheese and habaneros) GM, Amanda, Helen and Elissa Elissa wins the Veto 8:47pm bathroom […]
Big Brother Spoilers POV results “Dude I F***** up”
POV Holder: Andy Next POV Aug 17th POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 12th HOH Winner: ANDY Next HOH: Aug 15th Original Nominations: Jessie and Spencer Current Nominations: Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, JUDD Have Nots Aaryn, Helen , GM, Elissa Andy Wins the POV 8:27pm Helen, Spencer, McCrae and Helen […]
Big Brother 15 Double Eviction Results and Discussion
Chewbacca Vs. Creepy Uncle Spencer Vs. Clownie
Tonight the Big Brother house will finally be given the shake up it needs. Even if predictable people go home everyone will start to smell the money and big players will finally be seen as targets. Looking forward to tonight double eviction is always a turning point on the Big Brother Feeds. I’m starting to feel like whoever makes a big move first will gain the lion share of fans That is why I’m Team whoever makes a move against this house.
Big Brother Power of Veto Results “We got to make it Happen”
7:29pm HOH Amanda, McCrae and Aaryn
McCrea: “This couldn’t have gone better.. Ohh unless you had won (Hugs Amanda)
MC says that spencer is pissed at him right now because McCrae told him he better win POV.
Amanda: ‘He was our main target this couldn’t have been better” (Howard)
Aaryn says that Candice is going to go off on her once she goes up and say that Aaryn put up the two black players she’s going to say she’s racists.
Helen joins them
MC: “what do you think “
Helen: “Candice is going up”
Aaryn says that Candice has said she was racist many times and has created an unsafe environment for her. “I didn’t say one racist thing and if they think that way then whatever”
MC: “I have never heard you say anything and even if I did would say you never said that”
Aaryn says that Candice is ruining her reputation she’s never said anything racist. She adds that Candice has been the start of all the bullsh!t in this house she has no problems putting her up. Andy mentions how Aaryn needs to really sugar coat the reason she’s nominating Candice.
Big Brother Spoilers Power of Veto Results ”She can flash her t!t!es to Julie Chen on Thursday Night “
Howard: “If ELissa doesn’t take herself off.. vote her out“
Candace: “Elissa is going to use it”
Sounds like they want to get Amanda out. Candace says that Spencer and herself are much closer to Andy they can talk to him to flip the vote. Candace mentions that Helen, Elissa, McCrea and Amanda are in a final 4 she’ll use that angle on them.
Sounds like they have no idea what is going on with the MVP. Candace says that Amanda is the ringleader she flashes her T!tties to McCrea and he’s under her spell.
Spencer: ”She can flash her ti!@ties to Julie Chen on Thursday night
Spencer: “I want to f*** them up so bad”
Big Brother Spoilers POV Results “When I saw her 7 I was like holy sh!t.. Please use it”
6:12pm Cam 1-2 bedroom
Random conversations going around.. Spencer and Helen saying “they will give us the artwork after the show is over”
6:16pm Storage room helen and Candace
Helen: ‘I thought you got it”
Helen: “My was 8:46”
Candace: “I fell I shouldn’t have fallen.. it took me awhile to get up from the fall”
Helen: ‘Kaitlin’s time was very good”
Candace: “I wouldn’t have beat her even without the fall”
Helen: “I didn’t do that well”
Helen: “when I saw her 7 I was like holy sh!t”
Candace: “Kaitlin’s time was 7:09….” Candace add that Kaitlin was “Super out of breath.. I knew that meant she went really really fast ”
Helen wonder is KAitlin will use the POV. Candace thinks she will.
Candace: “100% sure.. he wasn’t worried about her last week and she would be a dumb girl if she didn’t.. he kept telling her play for yourself play for yourself.. ”
Candace: “KAitlin was 7:09”Candace: “She’s going to take her selfe off”
Helen: ‘I hope so because if she doesn’t it will be disastrous”