Just a refresher in how double eviction works. (I’m not 100% sure how Big Brother Canada will do it this year so i’m going by BBCAN1 and the BBUS format. Safe to assume there will be a couple powers given out to Allison and Adel 😉
1) Allison and Sarah are nominated the house votes to evict one of them
2) HOH is played
3) Nominations are selected
4) POV is played
5) POV Ceremony
6) Houseguests vote to evict one of the nominees
7) Sometime late Thursday or Friday another HOH is played
Tag: Big Brother POV Winner
Big Brother Power of Veto Winner has the power to remove one player from nominations forcing the HOH to select another player for eviction.
POV Results “Arlie is going to reveal himself during the voting when momzi goes home”
1:30am Momzi and Sarah
Sarah says she will vote whichever way she wants, “Do you have any ideas whos going up”
Heather says the person she was going to put up isn’t a big threat so right now she’s undecided.
Sarah asks why she put up Allison. Heather explains she put Allison
Heather – “Momzi I love you alot.. I know from the beginning you didn’t want the gremlins here.. what upset me is they both threw your name out to go up against Kenny… It surprised me because I thought you were close.
Heather mentions how the gremlins all of a sudden wanted to be her friends. Heather again tell her she doesn’t know what she is doing and she’s not going to be fake to Sarah and tell her she’s safe because right now she’s not sure.
“You pissed me off and hurt my feelings. You may have called me a cow, you may not have, I don’t care!
11:30pm – 12:05am Andrew, Kenny, and Arlie continue to talk by the pool. Andrew says that he feels like he had a good run. Kenny says that it definitely sucks. Arlie says it feels like I am losing my big brother. Andrew says thanks. Andrew says I feel like I am losing a friend. Kenny says you’re not losing a friend, you’re just being separated a bit. They talk about the montage of Andrew picking his nose. Kenny says that he didn’t really notice he does it a lot.
Big Brother Spoilers “Jon is very intelligent.. He won the tricky POV “
11:20pm Storage room Jon and Sarah
Sarah is saying she trusts Arlie and Jon but Adel scares her. Jon only trusts Sarah, Arlie and Neda in this game he wants them to be safe. Jon says right now him and Kenny are the furthest apart and he knows Kenny and Sarah are very close. Jon wonders if Kenny will put him up. Sarah says he’s never mentioned it. Jon says he’s not going to be the one putting Kenny one the block. Sarah says when it was brought up it was Andrew who started mentioning putting Jon up. Jon says he guarantees he’ll never play her in this game.
Jon – “I put a lot of trust into what Arlie is doing.. If we stick to it we’ll be really OK”
Big Brother Spoilers – Canada’s HOH Episode Results
Feeds were blocked all weekend and there was no leaks, At least last year they gave us a small clip with a bit of info but this year no chance. After tonight’s episode we will know who the nominees were and who won the Power of Veto. Tomorrow they will have the Power of Veto Ceremony and if the veto is used the house guest with the third most votes will go up. If the the POV winner was that third houseguests than the houseguest with the fourth most votes will go up.
Our OBB Poll had the nominees being Sabrina, Andrew with Kenny third and Rachelle fourth. Most other fan site polls have similar results. It’s safe to assume two 1st5 members are going up initially.
Arlie “This week I’ll probably side with 1st5.. I’ll do anything to win this game.. ANYTHING”
11:12pm Sarah and Arlie Hammock
Sarah says she has been trying to get to know the people he is close to. She’s been trying to get close to Heather and she loves Jon.
Arlie says he’s unsure about Heather for the long term but right now she’s fine. Arlie thinks they will have to cut Heather before she makes her move, he’s certain she will make a move.
Sabrina – “Heather is the most creepiest ugliest girl I’ve ever seen in my life”
9:15pm Sarah and Sabrina
Sarah tells her she doesn’t feel about Sabrina the same way as Kenny. She adds that KEnny is playing the game really hard.
Sabrina wants to know If Jon is talking game to her still. Sarah say no she thinks he’s “F**ked up” from all the slop and for losing the challenge. \
Sabrina and Sarah agree Jon is “So gorgeous” Sabrina says she’s certain neda and JOn like each other.
Sabrina asks her what does Jon know about Sarah’s alliance. Sarah never talks about alliances with Jon, ‘He’s very careful about what he tells me game wise because of my relationship with Andrew”
Arlie “Allison was supposed to be a super fan yet she attached herself to one guy who is the biggest target”
8:06pm Hammock Adel and Arlie
Arlie hopes Canada puts up Sabrina and Andrew.
Adel says they cannot make the mistake of taking out Sabrina they have to get rid of Andrew, “It’s straight forward even Sarah is going to vote them out”
Arlie thinks there is no way Jon, Neda, himself and Adel are going up.
Arlie thinks Canada’s picks will be two of, Andrew, Sabrina, Kenny or Allison.
Adel doesn’t think Allison, says it’s not going to be Neda and Jon they are the funniest two in the house.
Arlie thinks Canada hates Allison’s game play “Allison came in here and was supposed to be a super fan yet she attached herself to the one guy who is the biggest target and hasn’t hung out with anyone else.. thats the stupidest game move ever”
Jon Flashes the Girls, Rachelle Flashes the Boys and Andrew Flashes us
11:39pm Jon and Adel
Adel says Canada likes Arlie and Jon more than im that’s a given.. Adel did his damage at the start but he doesn’t think the three of them will be in danger.
Adel wonders if the people that go up will be sad. Jon – “F***k it”
Adel and Jon agree the “Big Man” and Sabrina will be going up. (Big Man = Andrew)
Jon brings up when he said “queer bag” he had no idea people would taek offense to it. He feels bad about it he repeats over and over he had no idea(they talked in the kitchen about this for awhile nobody in the house was upset) . Adel tells him not to worry “it’s all about intent”
Who is Canada’s pick, Sabrina “the showmance.. Andrew and Allison.. I’m not too worried”
11:09pm Bedroom Neda, Sabrina and RachelleNeda tells Sabrina she has WAY less cellulite on her a$$ than her. Neda tells Rachelle she’s gained weight.. on her chest..
Sabrina starts wondering if Canada will want to break up the showmances.
Neda thinks Canada might want to keep the showmance cause it’s fun.
Sabrina – ‘I don’t think it’s fun because the person it’s with they don’t like”
Neda points out that Canada voted Allison into the house..’They must like her”
Sabrina – “OK.. do you think Canada likes Andrew”
NEDA thinks it depends on what they show.
Adel – “I’m winning this HOH and a power player is getting out of this f** house”
10:30pm Sarah and Kenny
They don’t think Sabrina was lying her mind just snowballed during her confrontation with IKA.
Kenny – “Basically she came out.. freaks out said this whole situation happened and Big Brother Was like… umm NO you’re lying”
Sarah – “Maybe it’ll at least stop her from doing that again”
Kenny – “Hopefully .. but ya she just needs to realize IKA is trying to get a rise out of people.. stay away from her”
Kenny – “Ika is just trying to stir up the pot and bring prople down with her.. I don’t even look at her now I don’t even look at her in the eye”
Arlie – ‘I just don’t want to lose Big Jon this week because there’s been talk.. the whole IKA thing”
9:28pm Arlie and Adel Have Nots
Adel tells him he really wants HOH, He’s got a epic plan. He doesn’t want to say anything yet but will the night he wins HOH. (His plan is to put Kenny and Sarah up. Kenny is the target. If POV is played Andrew is the replacement.. there more to it but thats the meat of it)
Adel says Arlie is the one dude in the house that he knew from day one was not going to *** him in this game
Arlie says he’s not going to f*** Adel and he’s not going to do anything to hurt Adel’s game, “I’m not going to f*** lie to your face then F*** you”.
Adel says Jon is getting very nervous, “IKA kinda f*** his sh!t up in a way”