Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! If he puts me up next week FRANKIE I’m going to kick you in the nuts!

11:20am – 12:15pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power of Veto Ceremony to take place. When the live feeds return we learn that Cody didn’t do what we thought he said he was going to do minutes before the ceremony. Up until the ceremony Cody decided on who to nominate this through the course of the morning from having his diary room sessions, looking at the photo of his brother and speaking with Brittany and Donny. Cody realized that the best decision and only decision was to nominate Caleb as the replacement nominee. HOWEVER during the feeds being blocked he nominated DONNY instead of Caleb.

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Big Brother 16 Spoilers POV Results “Victoria/Brittany who you sending home”

8:52pm HOH Devin and Frankie
Devin is going to talk to everyone tonight he’s not sure if he should take out Brittany or Victoria.
Frankie want Brittany gone over Victoria. Zach knocks on the HOH door. Devin says he’s not going to let Zach in “He wants to use the shower.. this isn’t the shower room I got sh1t to think about”
Frankie runs into the bathroom.
Zach comes in says congratulations.
Devin says he’s asking everyone “Pow or Brittany who is he voting out”
Zach – “Doesn’t matter to me”
Devin – “Victoria and Brittany who you voting out”
Zach – Victoria
Zach – I feel like you are pissed at me

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Big Brother 16 Week 1 Power Of Veto Results “We put someone up.. Joey Simple”

Big Brother 16 POV Results
4:26pm Lounge Caleb and Brittany

Calbe say he wants the person going up to be a house decision. Brittany says she wants DEvin to go up and she will vote him out. She thinks he’s stirring a lot of things up and he’s making a lot of people nervous. “I couldn’t sleep last night.. I can see him later on making a lot of people’s lives hell.. he’s insanely strong”

Caleb asks if she had to put up a girl who? Joey walks in. (LOL) Brittany says the girl would be Victoria or POW POW, “Victoria is safe for a week”

They both agree they like everyone in the house. Caleb says many people in the house have given him reasons. He wants to go to each person and make the decision that

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BIG BROTHER Canada 2 – Power Of Veto Competition Results!! Jon says JeDa is a SICK NAME!

Sabrina and Heather are in the bathroom talk. Heather is telling her that she know that she is leaving. Sabrina says that it makes her sad that she is leaving. Sabrina says that Heather played an amazing game. Heather in in the bathroom alone says unless Canada wants to save me!

In the bedroom Jon and Neda are talking. Jon says that he and Neda are going to be known as JeDa. Jon asks Neda to say in hindsight it was a bad move getting rid of Adel. Neda won’t say it because in the end it all worked out. Jon tells her that she is so annoying. Neda says we are going against someone that can’t win endurance.

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Big Brother Canada 2 – HEATHER is the POWER Of VETO Winner!

9:55am Big Brother is let the house guests sleep in this morning.. the lights being to turn on now.. Sabrina is called to the diary room. Adel says did you guys hear all the banging and smashing all night?! Jon says yeah! Adel says f**king F**kt@rd! Jon says and I’ve got to wear this f**King diaper again! I’m f**King tired and my neck is crooked! Heather leaves the bedroom and comes back and says well it doesn’t say ceremony on the screen. Jon is called to the diary room. Neda says I really feel like I’ve died! I have literally heard them banging all night! We literally only got 1 extra hour of sleep! It’s not okay! Adel says I wanted to screen stop working F**KT@RDS! Neda says I am literally going to throw up!

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AFTER ALMOST 6 and a half hours of blocked live feeds – There is NO mention of who won the VETO

10:30pm – 4:50am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the house guests to compete in the Power of Veto competition. After over 6 hours the live feeds finally return and we don’t find out who won the veto. All of the house guests are too exhausted and sick to talk. They all head straight to bed..

Jon says f**K me! Heather says what was the point of that! Jon says that was so exhausting! Adel says I’m not even washing my face I’m so tired. Jon hobbles down the stairs in his underwear. He kicks the have not room door open to peek inside and then looks in the kitchen and the pantry. Adel asks Jon if he wants to smash some dogs? Jon asks are you serious!? No I’m going to bed! I’ll have some for breakfast though. Jon goes to the kitchen and back to the bathroom and says it says it 5:30am eh!? Neda says she feels so sick. JOn says me too! Adel says I am just going to sleep Jon says I am just sleeping through it if they try and wake us up.

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Big Brother Canada HOH And Eviction Results Gremlin Vs. Gremlin

The Big Brother Canada season is nearing it’s final leg. At this stage competition wins are paramount. Two big plays are possible one to get Jon/Neda out or Neda and Jon turning on Adel/Heather before Sabrina.

Jon and Neda continue to make deals with everyone in the house, All their bases are now covered (At least on paper). Heather and Adel seem to fine with their original final 4 plan but Jon/Neda fearing betrayal are going to try and use Sabrina to take them out. (Players doing the majority of the betraying are the ones always worried about being betrayed themselves).

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Heather- “I’m so fu**ing happy that Rachelle Is going home and it’s not Sabrina .. She’s a b1t*h “

10:21pm HOH

Heather, Neda and Jon going over last years Finale.
Jon mentions how Adel is very vocal and Aggressive when he’s trying to make his points. Sabrina is crying again.

Adel is with them as well they talk about who gets selected to be on Allstars. Adel mentions if they would have Canadian players Vs American Players. Neda says Robyn Kass told her they would never do that.

Adel leaves. The three of them comment on Adel being a wild card. Jon is worried that Adel is going to start being a cocky a$$ and it will look poorly on them. Heather thinks Canada knows enough about them from this point Adel’s action won’t affect their popularity.

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Big Brother Canada Eviction and HOH Spoilers Arlie Vs. Adel

Tonight Arlie and Adel are on the Big Brother Canada chopping block. Arlie tried very hard to stay in the game and almost was able to pull it off with the gremlins and Allison. Unfortunately those looking for a HUGE turn of events will most likely be disappointed. It’s highly doubtful that Arlie will stay. As for the power blocks left in the house you have a real mesh of fake/real alliances. EVERYONE is in an alliance with everyone else Most are fake.

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Jon “I will have a extremely good chance with the crop that’s left now in f** winning Veto every single time”

12:23am Gremlins Jon, Neda

The gremlins tell him they will get their hands dirty and take out the player they want them to take out. Sabrina says Arlie and HEather are two people that will be coming after them.

Rachelle – “You will always have our vote and we’re not going to f*** you”

Rachelle – “We’ll always vote for you we’ll always have the upper hand”
Sabrina swears that Arlie is going to screw jon, “You’re his only competition in the house”

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