POV Ceremony! “They have to see me packing like I’ve given up. That’s the only chance I have”

10am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power Of Veto Ceremony to take place. As the veto holder, Kevin has the option to veto one of his nominations or choose to not use the veto on either nominee. Originally when Kevin nominated Brittnee and Bobby the plan was to use the veto to remove Brittnee and nominate Bruno as the replacement. However, Kevin’s plan as of last night is to not use the veto. If Bobby doesn’t have a secret veto he gets voted out “that’s what happens to liars” and if he does have a secret veto (which he doesn’t) and uses it then Kevin would then nominate Bruno and try to get him sent home over Brittnee.

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Power Of Veto Results! “That’s so much frigging money! A lot of money!!”

3pm – 11:10pm The live feeds were blocked for the power of veto competition to take place. AFTER just over an 8 hour competition in which Kevin, Bobby, Ashleigh, Brittnee, Sarah, Pili all competed in, KEVIN WON. He also won $10,000! Guessing from how long the feeds have been down it is likely this was either an endurance POV or a competition where one player competed at a time.

When the live feeds return – Kevin and Pili are in the HOH bathroom – Pili tells Kevin I am so frigging stoked for you!! Pili wonders if she has to put the lobster costume back on? Kevin tells her no, your 24 hours is over.

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Big Brother Canada 3 Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “They’re such a$$holes!”

8am – 11:05am Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the live feeds return – We learn that the Power of Veto Ceremony had taken place. All the house guests are in the kitchen. Pilar says I love the way you put the veto back in the box. Godfrey says I honestly thought thats how it went pack in yo! Brittnee goes into the storage room and whispers to herself “They’re suck a$$holes!” Sindy heads up to the HOH room to listen to Pili’s music. Brittnee tells Zach “This sucks!”

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Power Of Veto Results! Cindy is back in the house & Zach Won the Veto!

In the kitchen – When the feeds return – Zach is in the kitchen wearing a red one-piece body suit with antenna. He has the Veto around his neck. Sarah is also wearing a bug costume. The talk about the veto competition. Sarah says I can’t believe I came in second in a power of veto competition! Cindy is back in the house.
Up in the HOH room. Zach and Ashleigh are up in the HOH room. Zach says we just have to keep playing on peoples emotions. You keep playing Bobby. The best thing is she won’t go after you. All the competitions before this I’ve been just dog f**king around. I didn’t care or try at all. I didn’t give a sh*t. I am so happy I won that. Think if Godfrey had won it.

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Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! Big Brother’s GRENADE was a DUD!

This weeks veto has is the Canada’s Veto Twist where viewers voted on either a “Forced Veto” or “Double Veto”.
Canada’s Veto Twist voting results = Double Veto

Not surprisingly viewers overwhelmingly voted for a “Double Veto” not knowing that Bruno would end up winning the veto. There was a lot of confusion about what this twist actually was in the beginning as Big Brother made numerous changes in explaining it.

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Power Of Veto Competition Results! Tennis Themed POV – “Game! Set! Match!”

3:05pm Big Brother told the house guests they were on a HOH lockdown. Shortly after Big Brother blocked the feeds for the Power of Veto Competition to take place. This week Big Brother Canada has given you, the views the power to decide what power the veto holder has. The veto winner will either be forced to use the veto or have to power to remove both of the nominees. For more details on the twist you can read up on it here.

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Power Of Veto Results “It’s the least amount of blood and that’s my thing this week”

10:20 Godfrey and Cindy

Godfrey says she put the target on her back because of what she said to the girls about taking him and Graig out. She warns him about Graig says he was the first person to go back on his word he’s the one responsible for her being nominated and he talks to other people about godfrey. She would not have put Godfrey up she would have put two of the strongest players up.

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Big Brother Spoilers final POV “they always save the Winner for last”

Derrick is called in to the Diary room. Memory wall shows Victoria and Caleb nominated. Caleb and Cody still chit chatting in the living room. Caleb is talking about a christian school he went to. Victoria is packing.

9:20pm In Dallas the girls would rather jump in a jacked up diesel truck over a Ferrari any day.. my Ferrari is a jacked up diesel truck.

Caleb wonders if Derrick is slaying things to her to make her feel safe. Cody doesn’t think so. Caleb mentions that Victoria seems happier than she should be.

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Big Brother Spoilers Final 5 Power of Veto results “call the family.. call them up”

Cody wins the POV
8:58pm Cody – hopes they get beers and the backyard soon, “Oh my god I can’t believe it”
Caleb to Cody – if you didn’t beat him Derrick would .. it’s crazy how much better everyone did
Claeb – It’s cray.. call the family.. call them up”
Caleb – I guaranteed us to the final 4 you guaranteed us to the final 3..
Cody – that’s huge bro.. biggest wins of the game so far..

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