POV Holder: James POV Competition Aug 29th POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 31st HOH Vanessa Next HOH Sept 3rd Original Nominations: Meg and James After POV Nominations: ?and ? Have Nots Johnny Mac, Julia, James, Meg james wins Veto 12:10pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds for the Power Of Veto competition to take […]
Tag: Big Brother POV Winner
Big Brother Power of Veto Winner has the power to remove one player from nominations forcing the HOH to select another player for eviction.
Big Brother 17 Week 8 POV Results “you’ve turned into a little Janelle”
A lot has changed in the house over the last day and a half. Vanessa’a influence has taken a nose dive, Everyone with the slight exception of Steve seems to have turned against her. Since Thursday Vanessa had been scheming hard with the twins, Liz and Jmac. Essentially the house compared notes about Vanessa and what they found gave them all the ammunition they needed to make her the enemy of the house. She is now universally not trusted in the house.
Big Brother 17 Week 7 Power Of Veto Competition Results! “It’s perfect”
5:39pm Vanessa and Steve
Vanessa saying she f*&** up during the Competition, “I was staring at them forever.. “
Vanessa says she didn’t throw the POV. She congratulates him on winning.
He asks if there’s anything he needs from her.
Big Brother 17 Week 6 Power of Veto Results “I’m Pretty sure they want Shelli out”
James won the Power of Veto
Clay won a trip to Europe (Ireland)
Shelli got a punishment she has to perform sword routine for 25 hours.
Vanessa is attached to someone
Becky won a cash prize
4:08pm Hammock Asutin and Jmac
Austin is hoping Clay and Shelli don’t go up to the HOH and start bashing all of them. Jmac doesn’t think they will.
Austin – One of them is staying
Jmac – true
Big Brother 17 Week 5 POV Results “You’re not a comp beast”
3:50pm Clay wins the POwer of veto
3:55pm Jackie and Becky Becky is disappointed
Jackie saying the competition was built for Clay. Jmac comes in “You’re not a comp beast” (She’s been very upset lately for being perceived as a comp beast)
Jmac Leaves In comes Jason.
Big Brother 17 Week 4 POV results “it’s exactly what Shelli wants”
7:05pm Have nots Vanessa and Austin (Hard to hear)
Vanessa says the competition was so easy
Vanessa – I’m shocked JohnnyMac missed it . listen.. it’s good it’s exactly what shelli wants..
Big Brother 17 Week 3 POV Results “Jeff is the male Audrey”
5:21pm Vanessa is accusing him of throwing the POV to JOhnnyMAc
Vanessa starts to cry.
Austin – I was conflicted there’s a lot of f*** things
Vanessa says she told him specifically if it comes down to him and JOhnnyMac it’s best for them to get the power. He agreed to this.
Big Brother 17 POV Results “We’re going to be outed if I don’t use it”
4:07pm HOH JOHNNYmac, Clay Vanessa
Vanessa says John is going to use it himself.
Shelli says they are going to convince him not to use it.
Johnny mac comes in. they tells him Becky is cool with getting out DAY.
Shelli – the entire house is understanding Day and Audrey were going head to head and they split and that is why there was this big divide and
Big Brother 17 – Power Of Veto Competition Results! “why am I at the centre of this” -Jace
3:42pm Cabana Audrey, Jace and Austin
She’s confronting him for telling people she’s sketchy says there’s been conversations about backdooring her.
Audrey – Why Are you feeling i’m trying to backdoor you”
Jace – I never said that that
Audrey – Why would you suspect me
Big Brother Canada 3 Episode 28 Recap – And Then There Were 3
With the finale of Big Brother Canada 3 in just 2 days, tonight is when we learn the identity of the final 3 house guests. Before the live feeds were turned off for the season we knew that both Sarah and Ashleigh were guaranteed spots in the final three. The remaining spot comes down to who Ashleigh would want to be sitting next to in the final 3. As Ashleigh was on the block and had won the veto its safe to say she used it to remove herself from the block and Brittnee was the only remaining choice to be the replacement nominee.
Power Of Veto Competition Results! Sarah & Ashleigh are Guaranteed Final 3!
Big Brother blocked the feeds for the power of veto competition. This veto competition is the most important one of the season as the winner is the sole person who decides who they want to evict and essentially who they want in the final 3. If Sarah the head of household were to win this veto she would then decide who is the sole vote by using the veto or not using it.
POV Competition Results! “If I put you up and you go home, its not my fault. Its Ash’s fault”
11:40am HOH room. Brittnee talks to Sarah in the HOH while she brings her new batteries. Sarah says we don’t have to trust God it doesn’t matter. Brittnee is definitely going to vote Zach out. Do you trust Ashleigh? If I put you up on the block and you go home this week its not my fault its, Ashleighs fault. Brittnee says because I am voting to send Zach home. It breaks my heart.. Sarah says but thats how I am going to vote too. We’ve been saying its best for our game and its what we have to do. Brittnee says honestly it is what it is otherwise he is going to take it.