Big BRother Canada 4 Power of Veto results for Day 23.
Sounds like there was a “Fake” fight during the POV between Loveita and Cassandra.
Tag: Big Brother POV Winner
Big Brother Power of Veto Winner has the power to remove one player from nominations forcing the HOH to select another player for eviction.
Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “Everyone needs to stop sucking on her t!t”
By the Pool – Loveita says I want to puke right now. Dallas says don’t stress about it. It was just an idea. Don’t think they’re not going to finish what they started. This gives you the chance to hit them right back in the chin. I’m a lot less intimidated without the alpha male still here on that side. Loveita says whoever is here next week would have the same opportunity. Dallas tells Loveita that if she wants to keep it the same he won’t use it but we could wipe them out next week. We could do Jared this week and Raul the next.
Power of Veto Competition Results! “Girls are becoming extinct in this house”
POV Holder: Dallas Next POV March 12th POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 14th HOH Winner: Loveita Next HOH: March 17th Original Nominations: Cassandra and Christine Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry Have Nots Joel & Cassandra Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 live feeds but live outside of […]
Big Brother Canada 4 March 7 Evening Live feed updates “I hate them.. I hate them, I really do”
The feeds came on a bit after 10:30pm after being off since 7ish. They again went dark around midnight. Many of the houseguests were liquored up and of course Niki was freaking out.
10:30pm Houseguests get a pool party for completing a task.
There’s plenty of Beer, Vodka and food. During the party Niki brings up all the alcohol that has been drank and starts to flip out.
Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “I told them I was going to do that, so its no big surprise”
12pm – 2:30pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power of Veto Ceremony to take place. Loveita and Sharry are on the block and Christine has the power of veto. This morning Tim told Christine that she should flip to decide if she should use the veto or not. Christine loved the idea of leaving it up to fate. However, when the live feeds return – we learn that Christine did not use the veto and therefore either Loveita or Sharry will be going home this Thursday.
Big Brother Canada 4 Week 1 Power Of Veto Winner
The Big Brother Canada 4 Week 1 POV winner is Christine . She also won 10K gift card at the Brick
Final Power of Veto Results “Sling Band Sling band Sling band”
9:00pm Feeds back Everyone milling around the kitchen
Steve playing with toys. Liz bring sup Sling band. Steve doesn’t know how to set it up. Liz say she does she took over as activities coordinator after Meg left.
Steve makes some eggs says he’s not putting any Flavour in it (Franks red hot sauce?)
Steve – Some people don’t like gluten I don’t like Flavour
Vanessa heads to bed since the sling band game isn’t starting now like she thought. 10 minutes ago she got Jmac out of bed to play Sling band.
Veto Ceremony Results! “Well Bucko! Its down to me and you!”
12pm The live feeds return to Liz and Austin in the kitchen looking for vitamins. Austin tells Johnny Mac they should get ready to workout. Austin tells Steve Well Bucko! Its down to me and you! Steve heads into the comic bedroom and tells Johnny Mac its down to Vanessa. Johnny says yeah. Johnny Mac says he’s going to go workout. He asks if Steve is going to come out. Steve says no I need to figure out what I’m going to do. Johnny Mac says come up with some ideas and then let me know. In the living room – Liz hugs Austin and tells him she love him. He says I love you too.
Power Of Veto Competition Results! “I had no idea Johnnymac was close to winning it”
4:42Pm Feeds come back
Liz and Austin have to be careful what they say.
Austin – Worst case Scenario we just make sure we have his vote.
Liz – I’m pissed how it happened I could have won it.
Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “America hates me now, not you!”
12pm – 12:20pm In the bathroom Julia is crying. Vanessa comments on how strong Liz and Julia are. Steve comments on how he feels like he is going to throw up. Vanessa talks about being a cry baby. Steve comments that he cried during Toy Story 3. Steve says I can’t fathom playing this game with a sibling. Steve asks did it come across that I was complementing them? Vanessa says yes it was really good (His speech). Johnny jokes and says don’t lie to him .. you came across so mean. Vanessa says I’ll be friends with those girls outside of here. Steve says I will if they want to be friends with me. Vanessa tells Steve his job is done.
Big Brother 17 Week 11 Power of Veto Results “Everyone is scampering”
3:22pm Liz, Vanessa and Julia
Vanessa says her feelings are hurt by Austin for saying she was trying to get him out.
Julia – He wasn’t going to throw it to me
Vanessa says he wanted to win it
Liz – I’ve learnt he’s pretty selfish and he’s no clay no knight in shiny armour
Veto Ceremony Results! Meg “Are you drinking her jungle juice right now!? Her Koolaid!?”
11:10am – 11:45am Big Brother blocked the live feeds for the Power of Veto ceremony to take place. As the veto holder James used the veto to remove himself from the block. Vanessa then nominated Julia as the replacement nominee. Last night Vanessa practised her Meg replacement nominee speech with Steve.
Meg is alone in the havenot room. James joins her and asks if she is okay. Meg says I am a bit more now. James says trust me it was a really hard decision for me. I did want to use the veto on you, I really did.