10:20am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the power of veto meeting to take place. When the live feeds return we learn that Steve obviously used the veto to remove himself from the block. As a result Becky nominated Vanessa for eviction. Originally Vanessa suspected she might go up on the block because Becky refused to make a deal with her. Stating she was done with making deals and alliances. Becky messed up by telling Vanessa she was in a four person alliance with James, Meg and Jackie and by making deals with Austin and the twins. After the veto competition Becky reassured Vanessa she wasn’t going up telling her she has “her word!” Becky doesn’t care about breaking her word because of how she feels Vanessa has played the game.
Tag: Big Brother POV ceremony

Big Brother 17 Week 7 Power Of Veto Competition Results! “It’s perfect”
5:39pm Vanessa and Steve
Vanessa saying she f*&** up during the Competition, “I was staring at them forever.. “
Vanessa says she didn’t throw the POV. She congratulates him on winning.
He asks if there’s anything he needs from her.

POV Ceremony Results “He’s going to go hard this week!” “He’s not going to be able to do anything!”
3:40pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power Of Veto Ceremony to take place. The original plan this week was to b@ckdoor Bruno but after the house guests learned an evicted house guest would return Zach got scared and changed his plan to not going after Bruno/Bobby just yet. He decided to wait to see how the POV competition would play out and then decide what the best game move would be for him. After winning the veto Zach has talked extensively about keeping the nominations the same and having Godfrey be this weeks target.

Big Brother Spoilers: SURPRISE! Jordan & Rachel used the VETO, Adam & Shelly are on the block! *Updated*
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11:50am When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Kalia and Porsche are in the HOH room. Kalia is telling Porsche that she would never willingly put Porsche up on the block and if she had to it would only because she had to and that she would be the pawn. Kalia and Porsche start going through all the scenarios of what might or could happen. Kalia says that Jordan is a really, really, really bad liar… and that anything that happened before was Jeff. Kalia says that if Jordan says its the four of us working together then .. we are working together.
Meanwhile out in the backyard, Adam, Jordan, Rachel and Shelly are talking. Rachel is talking about how the duo’s twist has been affecting the whole game. Jordan and Adam think that the twists are far from over, there will be another Pandora’s Box or something during the next HOH.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff Used the Veto to Replace Porsche with Dani! LET THE FIREWORKS BEGIN! **UPDATED**
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10:45am – 11:35am Big Brother cut the live feeds to the TRIVIA screen to block the Power of Veto Ceremony. When the live feeds come back, Dani and Kalia are in the HaveNot room talking and crying. Dani says that it is the worst birthday week ever. Kalia says what was with that speech? Kalia says he always give people the chance. Kalia says that he told her to that they can still talk. Kalia says F him. Kalia says that she is worried about Porsche going over to their side if Dani leaves. Dani says no I don’t think so. Kalia says that she can’t win this game by playing with people that wont say or do anything. Kalia says I am not going to say or do anything all week, I am not going to campaign against you.. Dani says stop Kalia you dont need to campaign against me …you can campaign to save yourself. Kalia says that Shelly hugged her and said that they can talk later. Kalia says F you I don’t want to talk to you. Kalia asks Dani what she is thinking. Dani says nothing.. Dani says that she wants the king and queen for the chess table back for her speech on thrusday.. Kalia says that they are in the storage room in the bottom drawer.
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