Big Brother Over the Top Power of Veto Meeting Results “If you save me I would owe you a life debt”

1:22pm Alex and Scott
Figuring out what happened. Alex says Whitney won’t look at her. Scott thinks Whitney will vote him out over the girls. Tells her to give him a heads up if he’s going.
Shelby comes in
Alex – I feel like Whitney is not with us anymore.
Shelby – I knew she would be the first to flip the whole time
Alex says Whitney was lying to all their faces in the bathroom just now.
Shelby says Kryssie was correct calling Whitney a floater.

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Big Brother Over the Top Veto Ceremony “I’ve never sat on this couch before”

3:00pm Storage room Shelby and Alex
Alex pissed because Justin isn’t keeping Scott, “He’s playing the wimpiest game.. we have to hope for America again”
Alex says if they vote out Neeley and America votes out Scott it puts them in a worst position with the other side
Shelby points out the other side is coming after them regardless
Alex – America.. we need you
Shelby – we shouldn’t give up on Justin yet
Alex agrees “we shouldn’t take no for an answer”
Alex says getting rid of Scott is not interesting at all “It’s cutting the loan wolf out.. if Neeley goes out chaos will happen”

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POV Ceremony results “Me and Shane we have a lot of power right now” – Monte

2:00pm HOH MOnte and the plastics (Shelbey, Alex, MOrgan)
Monte says Jason will vote out Cornbread “Just for the hell of it”
they ask if there’s any chance to evict Cornbread.
Monte – i’m not going to send Cornbread home.. Shelbey says she already told Danielle and Corn that she’s not voting for them
Monte- if Danielle went home I’m not losing any sleep
Alex – is it 100% we should vote Kryssie out..

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Big Brother Spoilers WEEK 5 Veto Ceremony Results “Ya Bridgette we’re best Friends now”

9:57am – 10:30am Bridgette and Michelle
Bridgette – Michelle this is super awkward… have we had a conversation about what I apparently said about your eyebrows
M – I don’t know.. Did you really not say that … why would someone lie..
B – I don’t know if I said it I can’t say if I did or didn’t… That’s the honest truth.. I don’t know.. I say a lot of shit and I have a sense of humour…

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Big Brother 18 First Power of Veto Ceremony Results! “Its like f**k you, you’re going home!”

In the bedroom – Paul says if he doesn’t go home, I would understand why you would be worried. Just know Vic and I have your back. You don’t have to worry if he doesn’t go home. We’ve gotten him to forget about that incident. Thanks for letting me spit my bullsh*t. Nicole says no, thanks it helps me too. Paul goes to talk to Zak. He tells her that they know no one is going to vote out Bridgette.

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Veto Ceremony! “If I tell you we’re f**king cool, we’re cool! If I tell you we ain’t, we ain’t!”

12:15pm Backyard – Liz tells Johnny everyone wanted Vanessa out at one point but you doing that makes me feel like when your back is against the wall you will blab your mouth. Johnny says I just felt like you not willing to put up James or Meg made me feel like you were more with them than me. Johnny says I understand why it would piss you off. Liz says she came at me and I admitted it was true. You’re not out of this house yet. Johnny says I feel like I am. I know you guys are closer to Steve. Liz says Steve has done a lot too. You’re not out of the game yet. Johnny says if there are deal with everyone .. what can I do. I felt like I had to do it. I’m sorry though.

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