***** UPDATED *****
Big Brother Spoilers KAycee did not use the veto Fes and Haleigh remain on the block. Fes will be evicted on Thursday. There will be a battleback.
10:50am HOH KAycee, Angela and Brett
Laughing about KAycee telling FEs she’ll use the veto if he proposes to Kaycee
They talk about Brett’s GBM..
Angela – don’t worry fes I’ll take good care of Haleigh
Brett mentions if they are not in a showmance he’ll look like a idiot
Kaycee says Fes is totally in a showmance with Haleigh they mention to Brett how uncomfortable he gets when Brett talks to her.
Brett mentions when he was swinging on the hammock with Haleigh the other week Fes and Rockstar would walk out side like 30 times to see was it going on outside. they were the only ones out there at the time so it looked super awkward.
K – it’s the most obvious thing.. I don’t know if he’s trying to be sneaky about it
Kaycee says the thing that will get under FEs the most is he’s leaving Haleigh behind with Brett, “you were one of his targets and he left before you” (wait until Scottie comes back ;0 )
Brett – I don’t do anything.. I don’t know how he’s going to act in the real world