Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Sam used the power of Veto on KIKI. Chelsea nominated MommaK in her place. Kailyn is the target. 1:02pm cam 2 MOMMA K alone smoking Ma – It’s alright.. 1:50pm Cam 1-2 Kyra and Chelsea Kyra says Anthony makes them feel like their game is so shit they need him […]
Tag: Big Brother POV ceremony
“whats frustrating is the Kandi situation.. she absolutely doesn’t need the money “
12:25pm LOCO and Dina
LOLO – whats frustrating for that is Kandi situation is she absolutely doesn’t need the money
Lo – that’s what’s really frustrating..
Dina – at all
Lo – she just really wants to win
Lo – she makes more money in two episodes of her show than I would make My whole year..
Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers DOUBLE EVICTION
Power of Veto is played.. Toms wins Tom uses the veto on Ricky pulls up LOCO Kandi votes to evict Natalie Tamar votes to evict Natalie Rick votes to evict Natalie Dina votes to evict Natalie Natalie is evicted.. As Natalie walks out “FO SHOW FO SHOW… GET IT.” Breaking Celebrity News twist … A […]
Dina “Don’t play me! I’m not a fool! They’re trying to convince Lolo to take the fall.”
9:30pm Bedroom. Ricky and Tamar. Ricky – if you won HOH would you put up Dina and Tom? Kandi and Tom. Tamar pauses for a long time. Tamae – I don’t know who. She won that damn veto… when it mattered. Ricky – she did. Tamar – well they voted his a$$ out.. to be honest about it. I’m going to keep going but I can’t risk us fighting. Ricky – I say if they’re going to figure it out, then let them figure it out. Do you think whatever they figure out we can get Kandi and Dina on board? Tamar – not Kandi. Tamar goes to get Dina.
Power of Veto Ceremony Results – Tom uses the Veto on Ricky
9:00am Houseguests are woken up. 12:30pm Tom used the Power of Veto On Ricky 12:50pm Natalie and LOCO in the storage room LOLO – it’s frustrating.. you know.. we played really good games. Natalie says Tom saving Ricky as game play and it was smart LOLO mentions that Kandi and Dina aren’t really against Tom. […]
Big Brother Spoilers – LIVE! VETO, Veto Ceremony, Eviction
Catching up on the Big Brother Spoiler Tamar won the Head of Household Competition and nominated Tom and Kato. This was following the drama on Friday with the implosion of the Tom/Kato/Ricky/Natalie/LOLO alliance. It all started with Tom’s HOH the week before. Tom wanted to knock Ricky out of the house. Natalie Eva Marie and […]
“I’m so mad I’m not playing in this veto.. I feel like it’ll be luxury.. you win Trips, Money”
The power that has everyone losing their minds over went to: Tamar Natalie wins the Power of Veto 9:30am houseguests wake up. They’re not sure when the veto is. Mostly Chit chat.. Tom and Kato talk briefly about saying something to JOey. They decide to talk about this in more detail after they clean up. […]
Celebrity Big Brother “Ryan Took it fine he was Laughing..”
Power of Veto Veto players: Kato, Dina, Tamar, Joey, Natalie, Tom Power of Veto Winner: Tom Tom uses the Power of veto on Dina. Kato nominates Ryan. Tamar and Ryan are the two nominations. Votes for eviction Joey Votes to Evict: Tamar Tom Votes to Evict: Ryan LOLO Votes to Evict: Ryan Dina Votes to […]
“The next couple hours we are going to be called to start the veto ceremony “
Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers roundup..
Ryan is the Head of household
Jon was auto nominated due to twist
Ryan nominated Tom and the mooch
The mooch quit the game. Kandi tossed on the block up in his place.
Kato won the Power of veto plan on using it on Tom
Sounds like Jon is the target,
9:40pm Tom and Kato
They’re trying to figure out when the Veto ceremony is..
Tom thinks in the next couple hours they are going to be called to start the veto ceremony
Power of Veto Ceremony Results “The song we just made is called The Real Tyler”
4:17pm Jc and Kaycee are working on a song. Something they’ve been working on it all day.
Kaycee – the song we just made is called “The Real Tyler”
JC – by Jc and Kaycee
She, she’s just so beautiful, she fills up all my soul.
Tyler you know that I love you so much
She.. She walks into a room, sometimes I just can’t breathe .. maybe it’s her perfume
She.. she loves to fliping her weave when guys look at her they call her Ai Mammi
ai Mammi
MMMMMMM.. chex mix is all she eats while standing on her feet
She.. she loves … flipping her weave when guys just look at her they call her ai mammi
Ai mammi
mmmmm.. chex mix is all she eats while standing on her feet.. wearing her dirty “shot glass” ?
“let me shave your face.. don’t be scared.. just let me do it” – Sam to Angela
***updated ***
12:02am Sam and Angela
Sam – let me shave your face
Angela – NO
Sam – don’t be scared
A – hell no
Sam – just let me do it
A – absolutly not
Sam – you might be surprised and pleased..
A – no I won’t
Sam – you do it then
A – I don’t want to shave my face I’m not a man
Sam – it’s not.. it’s the same.. you would do the same thing in a spa I promise
“America loves Level 6 we’ve been a very successful alliance. strong and loyal since the very beginning.”
Kaycee – America loves Level six we’ve been a very successful alliance.. from the very beigning
b – and we’ve been against all odds every time
T – every time..
B – nothing has been ohh this will be easy..
B – Battle back.. cool ..
Kaycee – we’ve been so strong and so loyal since the very beginning.. everything we said in between us is just between us it never got out of our F*ing circle..
Brett – other than Rachel
T – if only we had Winston..
Brett – guess who’s leaving because of that.. Justice is served..
B – I feel so bad Winston didn’t make it can’t wait to party with him.. Hope he feels the same..