9:17 am David and Kaysar
Kaysar – lemme ask you something I don’t know what is happening this week if I stay or go I’m not going to campaign Janelle is my friend. You mentioned you want to work together I would be a free agent I have no friends in this house. The question is you and I are good. If we were to work together are the people you work with would they be down for that are they cool with me or is this it.
David – I dunno
Kaysar – how do we get there..
David – I dunno.. we’ll have to see what happens this week.
Tag: Big Brother POV ceremony
“Have you seen her season ..They called her the snake, god she’s super dangerous”
8:51 am Memphis and Janelle
They complain about how messy people are.
Janelle – they’ve told NicA she’s going home
Memphis – who has ..
J – she won’t tell me but three people
Memphis – at this point she probably should say
Janelle says Da’vonen won’t vote David out of this house..
Feeds cut..
When we’re back we have Janelle saying she’s worried David is working with those four.
Memphis – David seems more like a wildcard and a threat than NicA..
Memphis is annoyed that NicA won’t say who is telling her she’s going home.
J – she doesn’t want to be seen as the rat..
“I’m going to placate him so he doesn’t lose his flipped mind then if I win next week. I’m putting up Jamar”
Power of Veto Ceremony results Maddy used the veto. Sheldon put Minh-ly up as the replacement. Jamar Lee Removed From ‘Big Brother Canada’ 10:50 am Brooke and Sheldon Brooke mentions how Minh is ignoring her. Sheldon says all they have to do today is act sad. “You feel sorry that Minh is stirring up all […]
POV Ceremony results “If I can get to three then yeah” [I win]
12:27 pm Tommy and Jackson
T – these mics are sick.. they’re so cool
Tommy goes on about high end the microphones are, “SICK. they’re good they pick everything up. Think about how clear the audio is when you watch the shows”
Tommy explains how the ceiling mics are backup.
T – do you feel like you are going to win?
J – If I can get to three then yeah
Jackson says going out next week is his biggest fear “Everyone else gets two chances but me. I get one” (HOH then POV)
T – the four of you it was smart it was great.
T – from the gameplay I f*ing love it. I can’t wait to go back and see everything that happens it will be cool
Jackson says him and Christie are very similar
T – being good with everyone you mean
“that’s not the type of game player I am I don’t make deals I don’t offer things to people “
3:12 pm Cliff and Nicole
Cliff says Jackson and Holly swore he’s good. He talked to Tommy and Tommy said he’s keeping him
Nicole – obviously you have my vote. I haven’t told Jess that. (don’t bother she won’t know any different)
Nicole – just so you know I’m telling Jess that I’m still thinking
Nicole – I talked to her last night she’s like I’m not campaigning I’m done what Can I offer people
N – I was like, Jess, Speak from your heart. She was like how can I. It’s not worth it. I’m like talk to people. Play your game. TALK TO PEOPLE
N – that’s the type of game player I am I don’t make deals I don’t talk to people
“oh my god are those condoms .. that’s hilarious”
1:05 pm Tommy and Jackson (planes overhead so parts are missed)
J – how are you feeling going into next week
T – taking it day by day. every day I’m scared.
T – my light is being dimmed with every person that goes out. I got to dig deep and find some new strength. HOw about you
J – Scared
T – it’s terrifying this game. You try not to be afraid of it. I have the same conversations with myself. This is a game the point of a game is to have fun. we play games in lif to have fun.
T – I find myself being scared and I’m trying to cut that out.
J – I’m having a blast. Alliances are f*ing shot
T – As far as I know there are no alliances.. which is crazy
J – Everyone has a plus one
T – I’m grateful being part of the group that ended up staying .. now we have more of an opportunity. with every person that goes out our odds increase.
Tommy brings up checking out the rule book to see how much money 3rd and 4th and 5th makes, “it’s 10, 75. 5 which is cool” (10 grand 7.5 grand and 5 grand)
Power of Veto Ceremony results “noms are locked, Christie is going unless Sis blows up “
11:55 am Sis sand Christie.
Sis going on about wanting to win the HOH and put Holly/Michie on the block.
Christie calls Nick a snake.
Sis doesn’t think she can beat Tommy later on.
Christie – Nick is going to last as long as Nicole is in this game. He’s taking Nicole. I mean maybe he’ll take you I don’t know
Christie – you make one BIG move you’re good.. you win ONE HOH everyone wants to make a deal with you
Sis – I can’t be here without you, I can’t
Christie- Yes you can, don’t say that
Sis – I don’t talk to Nicole and I don’t talk to Jess. I don’t want to be around Michie and Holly.
“I was meant to play in OTEV .. I’m chalking it up to that .. Thanks, America Thank you”
11:33 am Christie and Kat
Christie says now they know everyone they know who they love and who they want to work with and trust.
Christie – it’s hard because you love both people on the block
Christie – it’s going to be a weird couple days I’m sure we’ll (I) will talk a million times.
Christie – I was meant to play in OTEV I’m a big brother super MAGE fan. Thanks, America Thank you
Christie now claiming that Tommy would have used the veto on any 3rd nominee because it’s not fair
Nick is now with them.
Veto Ceremony – “I’ll just campaign and see what happens hopefully the other person unravels”
12:33 pm Sam and Holly
Holly – I’m putting up someone neutral and I know they are being sh1tty with things. It’s not personal with me DUH
Holly – I tried and I saw my game be in jeopardy over it.. it might be a mistake.
Holly – I’ll go neutral and let the house decide. I’m sorry I don’t have better news
Sam – I don’t like how I am called out for things when other people are being fake
Holly – I came here to play an honest game
Sam – you have to do what’s best for your game that’s fine I’ll just campaign and see what happens hopefully the other person unravels.
Sam – Kat going up
“If any of us turn our backs the first people to go are the couples. we have to stick with the 8”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. Jack has nominated Jessica and Kemi Power of Veto Players: Jessica, JAck, Kemi, JAckson, Sam, Bella. Sam won the veto & the Fiji trip. Jack won the whackdooel power can opt for a POV player redraw. Jessica is the pawn and Kemi is the target. Power […]
BBCAN7 Power of Veto Ceremony results
Damien used the power of veto on himself. Adam selected Mark as the replacement. Este and Mark are up for eviction. There’s been no game talk that I ran into. Mostly arts and crafts etc… 2:00pm – 3:50pm Just a lot of guys with their shirts off.. 4:30pm HAve nots 4:35pm Anthony tub time 4:48pm […]
Power of Veto Ceremony Results “We’re Running it”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Dane used the Power of Veto on himself. Cory nominated Sam in her place. Sam is the target this week. No real surprise. 1:15pm Dane and Cory Dane is saying that Kyra and Sam are scrambling .. Dane – Pikes came in here said they (Kyra) want to sewer me […]