HOH: Christian SAFE: Xavier, Alyssa and Sarah Beth HAVENOTS: Azah, Big D, Britini WILDCARD Competition Winner: Claire (safe 2 weeks) Nominations: Hannah & Whitney Power of Veto Players: Christian, Hannah, Whitney, Claire, Azah, DerekX | Host Alyssa Power of Veto: Christian Power of Veto Ceremony: Christian did not use the Power of Veto Nominations are […]
Tag: Big Brother POV ceremony
“I let some family things get in the way of my thought process.. please stop recording this I don’t want my son exploited”
11:49 am Frenchie and Kyland
Frenchie – I don’t want people to feel sorry for me .. I woke up with such a migraine
Frenchie – I had a lot of fun fishing.. that was fun. You got to keep that up keep up the fishing..
Ky – what are you thinking?
Frenchie – If I had one last request
Ky – there’s still a lot of days not everything is set.. even if the ceremony is set the game isn’t set.
Frenchie – if I can reiterate one thing to you I do feel like we do have a good relationship and I have cared about you since day one..
“Obviously, Alyssa is working with Frenchie If you get rid of Alyssa you’re getting rid of one of his numbers.”
1:49 pm ALyssa, Xavier, BIGD
Alyssa – I think I’m fine.. I hope so
Alyssa – Travis needs to stop being in the conversations. If I was Travis this is what I would do. I would hear that Alyssa is working obviously with Frenchie. He’s hearing all of it that I’m staying.. He would go to the girls. obviously, Alyssa is working with Frenchie If you get rid of Alyssa you’re getting rid of one of his numbers. If you keep me I’m a threat next week and you guys are good.. I would be like DAMN I want to keep him
Alyssa – he (Frenchie) needs to stop can we stop putting him in the conversations
DerekF – one of us have to get on that HOH next week
“If you put me up just send me home.. I would have never done this to you guys”
12:20 pm Sunsetters…
Kiefer – I get it.. If you put me up just send me home.. I would have never done this to you guys. I just wish it wasn’t you
K – I’m an idiot
Jed – no you are not
K – I am Jed
Ty – you played this game well
K – I’m such an idiot..
“A Big part of me wants her to go home instead” Next week “Boom Kyle and Ro again”
10:31 am Beth and Ty agreeing they have to shift the focus on Austin, Breydon, and RO as a triple to keep the heat of their love triangle (Beth spent the night in a room with Jed alone but she’s also kissing Ty…)
Beth – it wouldn’t be the worst thing to let Tera win HOH. Unless she goes back on her word. Like making other people do our dirty work is such a good way to play Big Brother
Ty – I agree, I still think it’s really early for one of the three of us to have HOH (Famous last words)
Beth – it is early.
Beth says the house doesn’t associate Kief with them but if one of them wins HOH the blood will be on all their hands.
Vic “You don’t need to lie.. just play the game you don’t need to do that extra sh1t”
10:40 am Vic and Breydon
Vic is pissed at Kyle and Ro. They were up pitching her name to Kiefer all while telling her they weren’t
Vic says people need to be called out for me “that FAke”
Vic – You don’t need to lie (LOL)
Vic says she never pitched anybody to Keifer.
Breydon – we said everyone pitched two names..
“Ya’ll saw my t!tt!es but I swear I still got class how about something new.. here’s my @$$!”
10:15pm The house guests are sitting around and in the hot tub. Victoria starts rapping – So happy to be here, big brother give us beer! Ya’ll saw my t!tties but I swear I still got class how about something new .. here’s my a$$! They house guests laugh. Victoria – I was like what rhymes with @ss!? Breydon – well are you going to show it or what? Victoria – no ya’ll have seen enough. I was like what rhymes with v@gina?! Jed – When Vic’s in the tub its 200 degrees. I look you in the face I’ve got something to say .. I want a piece of that cake .. I am not talking birthdays!
Austin – even if Kyle and Ro are cooking something up they don’t have the numbers we do
5:32 pm Austin and TY
Austin says this week is cut and dry. Ty brings up the only reason he would think to keep Josh is using him as a shield.
TY – I love RO to death I never want him to go but I ran the scenarios through my mind
TY – I really think you, Beth, me, and Jed have something
Austin – I’m there 100%
They go over possible nominations.
Auston – if you won would you put up a Kyle?
Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 11 review and eviction results
Enzo won the Head of Household Nominated Nicole and Christmas. Cody won the veto and will have the only vote to evict tonight. He will evict Christmas. Final 3 will be Enzo, Nicole and Cody. (My opinion is unless Enzo wins final HOH he’ll get cut) (Dani continues to lust for Cody ) Memphis joins […]
“like as being somebody like.. I’ve been in an alliance like.. like you don’t seem like .. like we’re like connected like that”
1:01 pm Christmas and Cody
Cody – I don’t think like think three weeks down the line
Christmas – it’s a little arrogant
Cody (might have missed some likes) – Like.. If I’m being honest like, like if you put me three weeks ago like and said like and like asked me like Dani wouldn’t be somebody like that I like am like all of a sudden like YO I don’t like your game.. like. you… aw.. like as being somebody like.. I’ve been in an alliance like.. like you don’t seem like .. You don’t seem like we’re like connected like that.. like granted like I have a personal relationship with everybody like on a personal level but like that is a very different thing for me than the game. I didn’t come into.. My first time personal sh1t always was affecting me.. this time it isn’t in tje slightest bit.
They continue Complaining about Dani. Cody continues to use his favorite word LIKE
Cody going on about 100% Kevin’s got to go this week.
Power of Veto Ceremony results “These boys want me out”
11:05 am Nicole and Da’Vonne
Da’Vonne – these boys want me out
Nicole – why though
Da’Vonne – there’s something with David and Tyler. these boys want me out
N – doesn’t make sense to me at all.. like.. I would think they want Kevin out and not you. I’m going to talk to them and i’ll let you know.
N – ohh my gosh.. so stressful. We’ll have fun this week regardless..
Da’Vonne – I’m going to have lotsa lotsa fun ..
Veto not used – “We’re almost untouchable” Christmas
11:59 am Christmas and Tyler
Christmas – Angela can have you for a whole life time let the world have you for 2 more months
Tyler – right two more months .. less than two months. You’re right
Christmas – we’re in such a great position we’re almost untouchable.
Tyler says he’ll have to squash the beef with Dani.
Christmas makes it clear she’s not into backdooring someone in this game.
Christmas – I’m not into playing dirty I’m not into mud slinging (ZOMG)