Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Monte Nominees: Indy and Alyssa Taylor and Nicole POV Players: Alyssa, Indy, Monte, Terrance, Joe, Kyle and Daniel (Michael is the host) POV Winner: Daniel & Kyle Veto Ceremony: Daniel used the power of veto. Taylor and Nicole are nominated. Havenots: Turner & Jasmine Lock your ranks in […]
Tag: Big Brother POV ceremony

Ameerah – “What is wrong with people in this f***ing house people are so f****ing emotional.”
4:48 pm Nicole and Ameerah
Ameerah – People think this is a play ground
Nicole – suck my d1*k that’s all I have to say.. you rather us sit outside and have a secret conversation in front of everything..
Ameerah – I am so confused.. What is wrong with people in this f***ing house people are so f****ing emotional. (Rich)
Nicole – I don’t think Daniel knew you were the replacement.
Ameerah – I’m taking your word on it.
Nicole – if he would have known he would have totally told me.
Nicole – I don’t think anybody knew it was going to be you..
Ameerah says when they get further in the game players like Michael and Daniel “Can’t say Terrance anymore” will help them take out the guys
Nicole – that’s what I’ve been saying. I never for once had any question about this (Daniel) Allegiance to the two of us.
Ameerah wonders if Turner is a Big Brother super fan, “No f**ing way he’s pulling a wild card like that”.

Nicole “Guess what guys when you don’t have control and things don’t go your way everyone loses their shit”
Daniel – I don’t f***ing care
Nicole – I know you don’t
Daniel – I think she’s aligned with Indy and the guys I don’t know..
Nicole – I don’t believe anybody. Jas came in here.. Don’t ask me if I knew. you all f*ing know I didn’t know the nomination was going to change. Don’t f***ing question my loyalty.. I hate that shit..
Nicole – did I know? of course I didn’t f***ing know. I’m teamed up with the one girl that everyone wants out of the house. Guess what guys when you don’t have control and things don’t go your way everyone loses their shit
Nicole – now Monte and Ameerah are skeptical about Alyssa.. she has loose lips and told Turner a bunch of sh12t..
Daniel – everyone knows everything it’s a new game.

“I’m not campaigning against Ameerah I want Ameerah to stay over me…. that’s it.”
1:01 pm Ameerah and Terrance
Ameerah – why did he put us up
Terrance – just to f*** shit.
Ameerah – me and you? we weren’t even targeting Turner or anything
Terrance – I don’t know how he made that. I do thin kit’s influenced
Ameerah – for sure
Terrance – The person that influence it no one was talking about
Ameerah – Indy

Week 3 Power of Veto Ceremony Results “Today is going to be wild..”
10:20 am Kyle and Michael
Michael – I did talk to Brittany about it was was like ‘I don’t care’
Michael – she’s like ‘the girls had an alliance week on’
Kyle says all their dirty laundry will get out this week so they should air it before.
Kyle – Po Pack.. I’ll just say POOCH set up three other alliances.. be ready for that.
Kyle – We just need to get to Joe, Turner and Taylor to share that. Even if it’s just one of us that shares that I think we’re fine.

Paloma – “I feel like a pull pork sandwich getting pulled by everyone”
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Daniel Nominees: Michael Taylor & Terrance POV Players: Daniel, Michael, Terrance, Indy, Ameerah and Turner. Kyle is hosting POV Winner: Michael Veto Ceremony: Veto used. Taylor nominated Evicted: Havenots: Joe, Michael, Monte and Kyle Michael used the Power of Veto on himself. Daniel nominated Taylor in his place. […]

“They want you to apologize. You got two black women on the block what kind of guy are you?”
HOH: Kyland Nominations: Hannah and Tiffany Power of Veto: Kyland Power of Veto Ceremony: Kyland did not use the veto. Big Brother 23 Houseguest Rankings – – RANK THE HOUSEGUESTS – View the previous day ranks on the – Ranking Grid Big Brother Spoilers – Kyland did not use the veto Hannah and Tiffany remain […]

“He’s [X] definitely some sort of government, military or law enforcement not a Lawyer.”
3:10 pm Tiff, Claire and Kyland.
Tiff about Xavier’s Age “I mean 27 are you kidding me.”
Claire – he told me that Cody said he was 27 and he was 32.. I did not remember that. he really knew that.
Tiff – I have never seen a 27 year old SO disciplined he has the magnetic pull of an older person. Somebody that people listen to his leadership his discipline. 27 are you kidding. The way you were raised and your career have totally been parallel to give you that type.. to allow for that type of discipline. He’s overly experienced in life for a 27 year old”
Claire – he really open about not being open about this life
Ky – as a parent can you not ask for a picture of your kids
Tiff – as a parent HELL YEAH
Ky – ok, I think about that a lot
Claire – that he had a kid?

“Ohh but the sweet joy that would have come from me convincing Alyssa to use that veto on Xavier”
Tiffany to the camera “If you have learned nothing about me just know this I will let you turn left .. okay.. I am not going to force you to turn right. I have nothing to say. Minimizes the argument minimizes the conversations and also doesn’t give anyone anything to say I said. All I said was thank you and I appreciate it and I did say I am a woman of my word.. and I am”
“Ohh but the sweet joy that would have come from me convince Alyssa to use that veto on Xavier”
Feeds cut..

SB – “This does set me up with a strong argument for why I should win”
Sb goes on about how she can mentally beat Anyone but Ky or Hannah and given the physical components in the mental competitions she feels she can beat hannah too.
SB – I’m very grateful to you I couldn’t have made this move if I didn’t have your support
Sb – this does set me up with a strong argument for why I should win (OMFG)
Ky – of course, it does.. of course, it does..
Ky – you took out the best all-round competitor that’s a big deal.
SB – previous I felt you were so ahead of me in the game now I have a HOH and a wildcard..
Sb says she trusts Alyssa and Xavier they should let them win the HOH. “It wouldn’t be too awful for Alyssa to win it would take a little of the target off me.. “

“Four out of Six weeks no ones had to deal with that BUT ME.. what have I done to people”
1:17 pm Brit, Azah and DF
Brit – we friggin made a deal we shook.. we shook on it..
Brit – you lied because you’re afraid of me.. how many comps have I beat him in now.. what the FUDGE.. I’m so sick of being picked on in this house.
Brit – four out of 6 weeks what hell is going to happen now
Brit – what is wrong with me

Power of Veto Ceremony Results “Christian is going up I promise”
SB – Alyssa I don’t have the votes against BIGD
Alyssa – you guys we have the numbers..
SB says she doesn’t think she has Alyssa’s vote
Alyssa – SB I was willing to win the veto and use it on you
Tiffany now joins them “I agree we have the numbers but he is a big threat”
Alyssa – there’s no point to go against the numbers
Alyssa tells him Christian could have easily have backdoored DX last week but he didn’t.