Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Makensy Nominees: Kimo Leah & Angela POV Players: Makensy, Angela, Kimo, Cam, Chelsie and Leah POV Winner: Makensy Veto Ceremony: Makensy used the Veto on Kimo and nominated Leah in his place. Havenots: ? Spoilage – It’s Kraken time. 12:02 pm Leah and Angela Both of them are […]
Tag: Big Brother POV ceremony

Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 6 Power of Veto Ceremony results “F***ing nice guys always finish f***ing last”
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Tkor Nominees: Tucker, Makensy, Cam Angela POV Players: Cam, Tkor, Makensy, Tucker, Joseph and Angela POV Winner: Cam Veto Ceremony:Angela is the renom Havenots: No havenots this week Spoilage – Angela is now on the block. Joe is out of solitary (didn’t even notice he was gone) 12:40 […]

Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 5 Power Of Veto Ceremony Results **Updated**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Tucker Nominees: Cam, Brooklyn and Quinn Chelsie POV Players: Tucker, Brooklyn, Cam, Quinn, Joseph and Makensy (Chelsie hosting) POV Winner: Tucker Veto Ceremony: Tucker used Veto on Quinn putting Cheslie in her place. Havenots: Angela, Kimo, Joseph Spoilage – Brooklyn is the target. Not clear on the vote […]

Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 4 Power Of Veto Ceremony Results **updated**
1:12 pm Quinn and Chelsie
Chelsie – you’re protected if he wins next week.. you’re so protected.
Q – he’s going to be SO pissed
C – If Makensy wins he will pull up. If it’s Makensy and Rubina I’m going Rubina.
Q – you think
C – I’ll Go with the house honestly but if you want to take Tucker out you have to take one of his numbers.

Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 3 POV Ceremony Results “Such a b1tch a$$ move” **updated**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Cedric Nominees: Kenny, Angela & Tucker POV Players: Kenny, Angela, Tucker, Cedric, Leah & Makensy (Rubina is the host) POV Winner: Tucker Veto Ceremony: ? Havenots: No havenots this week Spoilers – Tucker used the veto on Angela, Makensy was nominated and used her power. Now America gets […]

Tucker – “I told everybody I’m a floater… I think floatings not a bad Idea”
4:40 pm Tucker and Leah
Tucker – I told everybody I’m a floater
Leah – Good for you, cuz it’s been like working
Tucker – Cams. Cams like. Yeah, bro. People take your floating. I told them like, yeah, that’s that’s what he’s doing. And Cam was like, yo, I’m floating till we figure this shit out. Leah – perfect then I would like to join the floaters
Tucker – Yeah. Yeah, I think floatings not a bad Idea
Leah – I’m like, I’m happy we’re having this moment too, because I haven’t had anytime to
talk to you.

Big Brother 26 Spoilers – Week 1 Power of Veto Ceremony Results
9:57 am Tucker and Angela
Sounds like they are slamming Kenny.
Angela – I’ve never had so much kiss ass in my life
Tucket – Kenny is not laughing at my jokes anymore
Tucker – keep digging yourself deep brother get the fu** outta here. it’s like if it was not this week, cool. We got to run it one. more week F*ck yeah, I’m fine.
They hug

“Obviously I want to stay but I care about America More than I do the game Obviously”
1:22 pm Cory and Bowie
Bowie claims she had inklings that Cory was going up but she wasn’t sure
Cory – Yeah so did I it was really awkward this morning with you and Matt
Bowie – OHHH right
Cory – the part that upsets me my plan this entire this .. since Izzy was final 5 with you five and FInal three with you and America
Bowie – I never took that too seriously
Cory – I’m bummed out because I’m next to America but I’m also confused. The people I’m close to this house is you and America.
Cory – Obviously I want to stay but I care more about America More than I do the game Obviously (Is cory’s word Obviously ?)
Cory – she tells me she wants to go which obviously is not going to happen. I’m put up this week I believe I am the target. It feels that way.

Big Brother 25 Week 7 DOUBLE Eviction Results
It’s double eviction tonight. My favorite episode to watch! Cameron will be evicted first after that it’s really anyone’s guess. Cirie and Jared are in trouble with most of the house wanting at least one of them out. Don’t worry Stunt fans Grodner has twists coming to keep them safe. We have a Kraken filled […]

“I think we dodge a bullet by a very small Margin “
2:10 pm America and Corey
Corey – Congratulations, I’m very worried about a battle back only because the backyard is closed right now (It’s wall HOH my kraken senses are telling me.)
Corey – you can’t tell Blue anything. Izzy comes to me today and says Blue told her you are targeting Izzy or.. not .. you are nervous about Izzy because Izzy is nervous about where you are going to vote.
America – Ahhh F**** Blue
Corey – You can’t tell her anything. She’s not loyal to anyone she can’t keep her mouth shut.
America – F***… OKay
Corey says he doesn’t trust Jag and Matt enough “Everyone is telling me you are spreading my information across the house”
America – what information? there’s no information

Veto Ceremony Results! Red Did NOT Use the Veto!
Originally they were going to wait to tell Jared closer to Thursday or at least until after the veto ceremony as they feared he would be too emotional having to evict Blue and might tell her but Cirie could not wait and told him secretly yesterday afternoon. Felicia, Izzy, Matt and Meme do not know that Jared already knows the plan. As a result of the others not wanting to include Jared in on the plan from the beginning he stated to Cirie that they have lost his trust and that he is done trying to keep the group safe. The others plan to tell Jared the plan today after the veto ceremony. It will be interesting to see if he holds back and pretends he doesn’t know or tells them how he really feels about them not including him in on the plan.

Hasmin -“You will see… right.. I’ve been honest and open with you and you will see.. you will see. right” **UPDATED**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Felicia Nominees: Cameron and Jag Hisam POV Players: Cameron, Jag, Felicia, Izzy, Red, Corey – Host is Bowie POV Winner: Jag Veto Ceremony: Jag used the veto on himself. Felicia nominates Hisam in his place. Havenots: America, Matt, Red Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results […]