5:10pm Jess and Nick. Jess – it sucks that nominations are today. Nick – I know I haven’t even had a chance to talk to anyone. I thought they were going to be tomorrow. I haven’t even had a chance to think about what I’m going to do. Now its going to be today so I have to hurry up. I was going to put Cliff up because I think he’s America’s player. Because of that Owl and sh*t. The knife. That Owl, he always has the f**king Owl. He is being weird. I don’t trust him. Jess – your decisions are your decisions. When I was on the block, I really tried to not play any game last week. Nick – He (Cliff) is getting paid for that sh*t.
Tag: Big Brother Nominations
Big Brother Nominations occur once a week. It is when the Head of Household chooses 2 players who have the potential to get voted out of the Big Brother House.

Nomination Ceremony Results! “I’ve been terrified for my own safety in the house.”
Ovi and Davids room. David – Jack has resources. Whoever Jess or Kemi told in confidence got back to him. Ovi – yeah. David – so my thoughts are Kathryn the wild card that’s been spilling information to me. She told me that she got kicked out of her alliance. Ovi – what was her alliance. David – Jack, Sis, Holly, Jackson (Michie). Ovi – is Christie in it or no? David – I didn’t hear her name but I would think that Christine is in it.

Nomination results “Anthony has nothing to do with my decision”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Kyra nominated Adam and Dane because they’re playing their own game not Anthony’s. 9:37pm Feeds start up on the HOH Adam, Kyra and Anthony They’re arguing if Anthony said “put Kyra up on the block” Anthony saying he’s never said that Adam said both Anthony and Mark said that. Kyra […]

“That’s our little task, get Mark really drunk so he’s weak tomorrow “
Spoilers – Adam won HOH, Nominated Este and Damien. Dane, Anthony, Damien and Kyra are have nots. Feeds may be down for a bit as there was a party planned after the nomination Ceremony. It’s common for BBCAN to shut feeds down for the night during some of these parties. no more getting to see […]

“I’m going to tell Kyra it’s Kyra and Eddie and I’m going to tell Chelsea it’s Eddie and Kyra”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Dane won the Head of Household. Smells like Chelsea is the target and she’s going up with Kyra. 10:23am Adam, Dane and Anthony Outside Anthony – you got three people.. Kyra, Sam and Chelsea when Kyra was on the block Sam and Chelsea were moving away from her Anthony – […]

Loco – I’m going to ask him to Honour the alliance that was broken
10:00am Wake up 10:14am LOCO and Ricky Natalie Whispering hard to hear LOLO – Kandi wants to talk.. Defense.. Defense.. LOLO – “I’m so happy we kept her” LOLO – she’ll put her makeup on for 3 hours then we’ll talk to her.. LOLO – we don’t have much time homie.. We gotta get rolling.. […]

Tom and Kato both gotta go.. I’m telling you.. trust me..
Tom and Kato were nominated 11:01am Tom and Kato K – Oh my lord I can’t take this.. I don’t want to say anything K – I’m thinking if I won Veto.. It would make Good TV if I gave it to you Tom says he thought of the same in reverse. K – I […]

Nomination Results! “I probably have more blood on my hands than you or any of them!”
***updated ***
Tyler – do you hate me? JC – well I definitely don’t love you now. Tyler – are you ready for the veto? JC – That was the most bullsh*t crap like excuse. Tyler – her speech? JC – yeah. Because you know that I probably have more blood on my hands then any of them. Tyler – you do?! JC – Don’t give me that! Tyler – you have blood on your hands, I know. JC – and you don’t think that Brett going there (Jury) telling everyone I was behind every single one of their evictions. Tyler – Fessie was already telling them that. JC – the only thing with my relationship with you is that you think that you don’t have a chance with me. ..top 2 because of that .. and its bullsh*T.

Big Brother 20 Nomination Results! “We’re going to get f**ked by a twist!”
Bedroom. Brett and Tyler. Tyler – we’re going to get f**ked by a twist! Brett – I just keep running hypothetical through my mind like what is going on. Like everyone is too hunky dory. Haleigh – goes whats the point of me even unpacking? I’m like, you’re right. Tyler – still got a veto. Brett – one of has win this veto tomorrow. Tyler – I’m going to. Sh*ts crazy. Brett – we have to start practicing days too. Tyler – agrees.

Big Brother 20 Nominations! “Welcome to the block Fes!”
6pm Angela in the HOH room by herself. Angela – AHHHHGGGGH… I hate Fridays! I hate Fridays! Tyler joins her. Angela – My heart is beating so fast! Tyler – that was incredible. That was so well spoken! It was perfect! Angela – did it make sense. Tyler – yes, 100%! You crushed it. Angela – do you think he (Fes) expected it? Tyler – not at all. Angela – I walked into the storage room and laughed .. this was so evil! Tyler – this was the exact move that you should have done. Welcome to the block Fes! Tyler — what did you say? Angela – Angela a day late and a dollar short.

Nomination Results! “I don’t have a target, I just need some truth!”
5:05pm HOH room. Scottie and Fes. They talk about the past votes and evictions. Fes – Kaitlyn got played that first week. Scottie – I literally thought it was JC who flipped the vote. At first I thought it was Rockstar. That’s two weeks in a row where I though his (JC) vote was locked and then in the last millisecond he flips. And those are just the two I know of. Fes – they only thing is that JC has told me every time. I know he runs around but it can’t be JC because he’s told me every time. It can’t be JC because JC voted to evict Brett the first time and JC gets paranoid. So if JC voted to evict Brett he knows he’s coming after him and then when has another chance to evict him, why would he not do it?

Nomination results “If you don’t see your face there you know I’m working to backdoor you”
Big Brother Spoilers Haleigh nominated Angela and Kaycee
9:08pm HOH Haleigh and Rocks
Haleigh mentions how Tyler was telling her if he didn’t see his face on the nom board he will know that they are working on improving their relationship.
Haleigh – no Tyler.. if you don’t see your face there you know I’m working to backdoor you
Rocks – JC has loyalty to fes..
Haleigh says JC has been actively working with the other side.
Rocks says if JC goes up Fes would be livid..
Haleigh – it’s not like he’s a number for us..
Haleigh says JC is a scary person
ROcks – if you put Angela and Kaycee up if someone else win they’ll put us up together ..
H – I think people will do that anyways
Rocks – no t if we keep winning.. that’s the goal