Head of Household: Nominations: Breydon and Austin The Power of Veto Players are: Ro, Vic, Breydon, Austin, Ty POwer of Veto Winner: Ro Power of Veto Ceremony: ?????? Have nots: Ro, Vic, Breydon, Austin 2:38 pm Breydon and Austin were nominated. They’re spinning their wheels trying to figure out who is HOH Austin – It’s […]
Tag: Big Brother Nominations
Big Brother Nominations occur once a week. It is when the Head of Household chooses 2 players who have the potential to get voted out of the Big Brother House.

“I’m still loyal to LT.. she wanted them up, If I can send Kyle home LT would be happy”
10:25 am Kief, Jed, Ty
They talk about Kyle saying he’s unemployed
Jed – that’s a lie there’s no way
Kief – I’m telling you he’s dangerous and out of everyone he would put you two on the block together.
Jed – I don’t think Ro would as much as Kyle would

“It’s a move on her part.. She’s like Jed come for me Ty kissed me”
10:16 am Ty, Jed, Kyle, and Ro
Ty and Jed claiming they didn’t orchestrate the flip.
Jed says they were in the rooms where people were pushing for him to go but they were not part of that. The people wanting Ro out did not have the votes because Jed and Ty weren’t going to vote him out.
They ask Jed who he would put up
Jed says Tera and Kiefer Ty says he would do the same.

“If you win the veto don’t pull me off”
3:30 pm Kiefer, Laytoa, Tychon
Kiefer says he’s positive he’ll be nominated. Mentions his talk with Austin earlier today. Adds that Austin said the target is Josh 100%.
Kiefer – I said having me there doesn’t make complete sense because I am not the strongest competitor I said that’s basically the only pitch I don’t have.
L – that’s a good pitch.
K – we got the numbers no matter what..
Kiefer brings up Austin asking him if Josh comes down who goes up.
K – I said the easiest option would be Rohan

Big Brother Nomination Results! “We have to start laying the framework for a deal.”
5:28pm The live feeds return from the nomination ceremony.
Bedroom. Christmas and Mempis.
Memphis – If you win the veto, she puts up Enzo. Christmas – I don’t want her to vote you out. Memphis – yeah. Christmas – because Cody would vote for Enzo. So we have to make a deal. We have to start laying the framework for a deal. Memphis – yeah. Christmas – you have to start planting those seeds. We can always start that now.

“When you’re a target the entire game you’re [Tyler] not good at this game that’s how I feel”
10:43 am Nicole
Nicole – it’s Not Good.. When you’re a target the entire game you’re not good at this game that’s how I feel. Not even a target when people just talk about it’s not good. I know a good player and I’m really good at giving props to people that deserve it . Tyler’s So bad.. I just can’t help he’s just so bad.

Nomination Results! “You come at me personal and with bullsh*t, I’m going to pop off!”
Bedroom. Tyler and Christmas.
Tyler – what up block buddy! Christmas – If F**king Enzo hadn’t .. Tyler -he’ll be mad at himself now that he did it. Christmas – It didn’t make sense for him not to. He’s been terrified of Nicole the whole time. You know!? I just don’t get it, unless he’s working with them. You know?! I mean you put up Nicole. Memphis put up Nicole. Like there is a common denominator. And I know they came in with a final four. Tyler – they’re definitely final two. Christmas – I’m like don’t act nervous. (Nicole) You know. Tyler – one of us win the veto .. come down and sent the other one (remon) off. Whoever goes up ..

Nomination Results! “They got into it! It got a little heated.”
Nicole – what happened with the convo.. Tyler – Me and Memphis heard .. it kind of got loud. Nicole – oh it must have got serious. Tyler – I want to know now but I don’t want to run up there right away. Nicole – because it didn’t need to go badly right. Tyler – no. Nicole – it was more just I told him to be straight up. He (Kevin) was mad about being a havenot so I was like maybe give him a warning he is going up. Tyler – he is going to be mad anyway. Nicole – yeah you’re dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t. Tyler – it is what it is.

Nomination Results! Memphis “You got the benefit & now you get the wrath.”
Memphis – Its a game and you’ve got a week. And as much as like .. to be blatantly honest with you I was thinking of keeping you last week and then she used the power on you which I totally understand you would much rather be safe over anyones word to say and not take it if she is willing to give it to you. But for me its an easy excuse in a game right now .. where I just need some excuse. Kevin – Hmm. Memphis – does that make sense? Kevin – MMmhhmmm. Memphis – instead of putting up Tyler because he’s a big threat… which then its game on! It was an easy out for me.. you understand!? It sucks but.. Know what I mean?! So hopefully you can see it from that angle. Kevin – Mmmhhmmm. Memphis – right now I had to have some excuse. Kevin – I am still trying to play the game and get as far as I can get and if this is the furthest I can get then its within my own destiny.

Nominations results “If you backdoor me or put me up I won’t be mad because I deserve it”
1:57 pm Tyler and Dani
Tyler – hows life
Dani – it’s real stressful
Dani – I’m good with you, you know that right? you keep making comments.
Dani – lets make an agreement we won’t go after each other until the committee final 6
Tyler – I’ll go one step further final 4 you can go after me final 6 and I’ll know but I won’t go after you until final 4
they shake
Tyler – if I were I would backdoor me.. because I hold grudges..
COdy comes in ..
Tyler – it’s freaking one on one time. Ian hasn’t gone..

Nomination Results! “I wanted to work with you because you’re a bada$$ b***h!”
Bay and Day in the bedroom.
Bay this is the part that bothers me that she still thinks that she (Christmas) can be anywhere on these people’s list. Flip on us who have your back just to jump in line over there to be at the bottom. That is serious! These people are sick. Day – I need you to keep that fire. I need you to keep that fuel. I need you to fight! Bay – You know what is crazy I don’t mind fighting.. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty. I just don’t like these people. So in my head I am like why do I keep putting myself around people that are not for me.

Nomination Results! “You might be the f**king floater that gets to the end.”
5:20pm HOH room. Enzo and Kevin.
Enzo – I am sorry that you’re up there but I’ve got to nominate two people. You know what I mean. You’re safe, just do what you do! That’s it! Trust me! Even if he wins the POV, you’re safe trust me! You’ve got my word on that. That’s all. I’m sorry. Kevin – I trust you. Ezno – you’re safe. There are too many people I like in this house. I’ve got to put someone up there and no one is coming after you. That’s why you’re up there. That’s it. I hate to say pawn but that’s what it is right now. There are too many f**king people in this house. I don’t trust anybody. Everyone is a flip flopper. Its good that you came up here. Kevin – is that true about the game talk? Enzo – no that wasn’t about you. That was about him. He hasn’t talked game to me all season and now today he comes up here and is all gungho. I’m like BRO where was this.