Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Monte Nominees: Indy and Alyssa POV Players: POV Winner: Veto Ceremony: Havenots: Turner & Jasmine Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-19-houseguest-ranking-quick-vote/ View Results expanded https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-spoilers-ranking-grid/ View Results Compressed https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-spoilers-ranking-grid-compressed/ Festie Besties: Turner & Jasmine Joe & Monte & Terrance Daniel & Kyle Brittany & […]
Tag: Big Brother Nominations
Big Brother Nominations occur once a week. It is when the Head of Household chooses 2 players who have the potential to get voted out of the Big Brother House.

Week 3 Veto Players Picked “If your bestie gets evicted doesn’t mean you’re safe” **Updated**
9:30 am Taylor and Joe
Joe – Taylor, what what you can do out there girl
Taylor – I need to calm the f** down
Joe – so much going on in this house
Taylor – Umm.. yeah I do know what the house would want If I take veto.
Joe – what do you think?
Taylor – keep noms the same
joe – probably
Taylor – then we’ll know who will go
Joe – Yeah.. if Michael wins what do you think the situation will be?

Kyle – “BRO we have an option HOME GIRL the head of the dragon”
Monte- holy shit man…
Kyle – I promise you we are solid with Michael and Brittany. Taylor is the only one. Should we hint anything before the veto comp?
Monte – remember Nicole told Taylor to come to us and start something.
Kyle says it’s hard to talk game with Nicole “She’s so intense.. LISTEN LISTEN.. LISTEN TO ME”
Kyle – stop talking at me.
Monte – alright fellas lets get to brass tacks here.
Turner – lets wait until the veto. What if we plant seeds and Ameerah wins.
Monte – if we jump the gun too soon it could blow back in our face.. not only explode we will be f***ed
Joe – it’ll turn into POOCH 2.0
Monte – you cracked the code on your birthday
Joe – we celebrate we have a good time we act like Dumb muscle heads.. act like they are all playing us. we play that veto we see who wins We have this room we talk.
Monte – we’re playing Big Brother now

Joe – “There’s rooms now when you walk in you get WHIFF with a sh1t smell it’s disgusting”
3:23 pm Bathroom Joe, Taylor, Brittany and INDY
They’re talking about how dirty the bathroom is
Taylor – there’s hair on the ground
Joe – there literally disgusting
Joe – Actually this is disgusting .. gross .. there’s um.. there’s rooms now when you walk in you get WHIFF with a sh1t smell it’s disgusting
Taylor – yeah we know what room it is
Brittnay – what room is it?
Taylor makes the motion she’s driving a car (Car room)

Big Brother 24 Week2 Nominations POOCH and Taylor on the block.
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Jasmine Nominees: POOCH and Taylor POV Players: POV Winner: Veto Ceremony: Evicted: Havenots: Terrance, Nicole, Pooch, Daniel Pooch and Taylor were nominated. If nominations stay the same or if the veto It will be a battle for votes. From what I can gather barring a twist Taylor, Pooch […]

Celebrity Big Brother 3 – Nomination Results! “I told you what I was going to do”
4:06pm – 4:51pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the nomination ceremony. When the live feeds return – Todd has nominated Lamar and Carson for eviction as expected.
The house guest are making dinner. In the storage room – Todd and Cynthia.
Todd – I told you what I was going to do because I wanted to play fair. I don’t want to stab anyone. Its the worst feeling ever! Its horrible. (Having to nominate people) Cynthia – I know but he (Carson) is so amazing though.

Todd Wins HOH! Cynthia “After getting rid of miss thing, my work is done here.”
11:30pm The live feeds return from being blocked for the HOH competition. When the feeds return we learn that Todd won HOH. He has the HOH key around his neck. Carson – I didn’t pay my bill when I was up there (HOH room) so you might get a notice. Todd – what happened. Carson – yeah, I was like f**k it! I’m moving. Todd – that is just wrong. Todd – that is just wrong. You know they’re going to charge me for it. Carson – yeah but its worth it. Cynthia – I have to say its kind of a cool vibe in the house now game aside. I looking for it to just play out now. Todd – yeah. Carson – when we have had to vote people out its been almost unanimous.

Carson “That’s going to bite her in the a$$.” Cynthia “She made her bed and she has to lay in it.”
5:40pm HOH Bathroom – Cynthia and Carson.
Cynthia – Did you talk to Shanna about the veto and all about that? Carson – not yet. Cynthia – and try and win and whatever? Carson – not yet. I figured I would try and let her have a nice day. Cynthia – yeah exactly. I think that is good. She just asked me if we are good. I said yeah we’re good outside of the game. I don’t have an issue outside of the game. And she was like so you wouldn’t be open to playing the game with me? And I was like I don’t want to talk about the game today. This is not game day talk to me. I was like but we can talk later. Carson – yeah just like take a break for a day. Cynthia – with everything that’s happened you still think that I trust you!? No! Carson – its crazy!

Nomination Results! “If Shanna does happen to win veto, then I promise I will gun for her like next week too”
8:15pm Kitchen – Todrick and Miesha.
Miesha – worst case scenario if Shanna wins the power of veto.. Todrick – who does she save? Miesha – no, I think she will probably leave it the same. I think she probably would. Todrick – should I just talk to Carson real quick? I think he should be thinking of his own theory and his own game plan. Miesha – I know but I would like to have a little bit of a pitch here because my thought process is if you’re smart about it …well if we can’t get Shanna out this week… if we can’t, lets get Miesha out. She is the second biggest.

Carson “Lamar said Miesha is like getting ready for a fight ..so she is in beast mode.”
11:10am Bedroom – Shanna, Cynthia and Carson.
Carson – Lamar said Miesha is like getting ready for a fight ..so she is like in beast mode. I was like DUH! And then he was like he is going to do the same and I was like yeah get in fighting shape. Cynthia – yeah. Kill or be killed. Carson – He said if you can’t beat em, join em. But he didn’t mean that he was going to join them. Shanna – yeah that’s what confused me as well. Carson – he meant that he was going to be in beast mode as well. Cynthia – right. Carson – I hope he does that.

Nomination Results! Carson “If I win the veto, I am going to use it to save you.”
3:05pm Kitchen – Miesha and Chris Kattan.
Chris – when are the nominations? Miesha – good question. They wouldn’t tell me but they did say that it is today. Chris – do you know who you’re doing? Miesha – can I trust you? Chris – I don’t know. Miesha – AHHhhh.. you wait and find out then. Chris – yeah you can trust me. You can put me on there. Miesha – yeah I know but… well you’re not going up Chris. Sorry! Not on the first two anyways .. we’ll see if someone wins veto.

“One of the questions I ask myself is. should I have always trusted him or should I have never trusted him”
9:10 am Tiff and Azah
Tiffany – one of the questions I ask myself is. should I have always trusted him or should I have never trusted him
Tiff – there was a point I did and there was a point I doubted. There was a point I felt guilty that I doubted and tried
Tiff – there was a point I didn’t then there as a point I tried
Tiff says X and Kyland are working together “there is no way they are not working together. They want two of the guys in the final 2. I’m not mad about that”
Tiff adds that the three guys have something together they might take Azah but they might make it all guys in the end.