Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Nominations are up and Natalie find out the blogs Hate her She thinks it’s because of Jessie

8:00pm Backyard. Natalie, Kevin, Michelle and Jordan. Kevin is pretending he’s mad at Natalie for putting him up.. Jordan and Michelle aren’t buying it.. A lot of “umm hmmmm’s” Natalie tells Kevin she understands he’s mad but they made it to final 4 and that was her promise.. now its game on. Kevin says he […]

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Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Sparky and Chima put up, Natalie: “Michelle is going to get a horrible disease for doing this to us”

REd Room Natalie, Chima and Lydia. Natalie is trying to read something in the rule book. The witches are pissed because Natalie and CHima are up. Natalie says that Michelle is going to get a horrible disease because of what she did (omg scrappy you rock). Chima says that Michelle promised her early in the game that she wouldn?t put her up and now look, “Something bad is going to happen to her for that” Lydia tells them that Michelle is against all women she wants to see a guy win this year. Chima goes off on Girls like Michelle are the reason why Men always win Big Brother cause they don’t stick by each other. She continues saying that there 3 people she wants to get out now Michelle, Russel, and Jeff.

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