Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Jared Nominees: Corey and America POV Players: ?????? POV Winner: ? Veto Ceremony: ? Havenots: ? Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results The situation Veto Baby.. 1:11 pm Cameron and Jared Cameron swears he will not put Jared or Blue up next week. No Backdoor. Cam […]
Tag: Big Brother Nominations
Big Brother Nominations occur once a week. It is when the Head of Household chooses 2 players who have the potential to get voted out of the Big Brother House.

Cameron nominates Felicia and Izzy **updated**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Cameron Nominees: Felicia and Izzy POV Players: POV Winner: Veto Ceremony: Havenots: Everyone except for Cameron is a havenot this week. Everyone is on Slop, Everyone takes cold showers, and they all take turns sleeping in the havenot room. Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Compressed […]

Jared – “Reds hate for America is DEEP like DEEEEEP” **Updated**
11:41 am Jared and MEME
Jared going on about how they can take a breath of fresh air now.
MEME says Cameron is more dangerous than Red. He is the glue that brings together REd/Bowie. She adds that Cameron is also actively trying to recruit America, Corey and Matt.
Jared Says he can’t wait to get rid of America and Bowie. Then they can get rid of Blue and Matt. Last would be Izzy then they can “Brown sugar it”
Jared – Reds hate for America is DEEP like DEEEEEP
Meme – we all know America does too much she lies and she talks too much why is it so DEEEEEP
Jared – you know why
MEME – cause she don’t flirt with him?
Jared – mmmmhmmmm, I don’t want to say it.

Nomination Results! Izzy “So are you planning a backdoor!?!? What a loser!”
Bedroom – Blue, Jag, Jared and Izzy
Izzy – did you how I am dying inside with his non existent reason? Also what was that?! Jag – I actually still don’t know what his reason was? It was the house.. it was Red and Bowie I guess?! Izzy – savage! Blue – I was like best case scenario what do you want. He said I hope you both get off the block and we could do an alliance.. and be friends. Excuse me!? Izzy – so are you planning a backdoor!?!? What a loser! Blue – Long story short he was just like I had to do this because it made sense. Like the house was expecting it. Izzy – its your HOH buddy! Blue – I was like what do you mean?! But he was like now that I think about it the last few days the people that I thought I could trust .. ah people that I thought I could trust weren’t really happy for me when I won HOH. You know what I mean?! And I was like no I don’t. Izzy – but the last few days .. he only won 4 hours ago. Blue – and I was like you were safe unanimously. Two weeks so what do you mean?! So what do you mean?! And so he was like I am just saying if you or Jag get off the block then there are a lot of options. Jag – I mean he has to say that to cover his bases.

Cam “we could really blow the damn lid off this house and get an annoying person out” aka Izzy
2:55 pm Cam and RED
Cam says that America is drifting to their side that is the impression he’s getting from Corey and Matt.
Cam brings up the Corey, Matt, Bowie, Red, America, Cam alliance “that’s six on five minus Jared”
Red – I talked to him this morning he said I never told him about Blue
Cam – never told him about Blue?
Red – he’s lying to me
Cam – the point is I’m keeping everything the same this week like we planned. Jag and Blue
Red – how was your talk with IZZY?

Nomination Results! Jag “When I saw Cams face come up, I was going to be like “Sucks to be you!””
Games Room – Jag and Blue.
Jag – the dumba$$ is celebrating being on the block. What the f**k!? Blue laughs – either way you’re good. Jag – I walked in there being told I am on the block and walked out the second person aligned to her. Blue – what now? Jag – that’s what I am saying .. do I just be sad? Any time I talk to anyone its going to be me being a paid actor. That’s what I am. That’s what we all are right now. Damn now what should we do? I hate sulking around.. being all solemn …especially when I am told that I can’t laugh or make jokes. And I’ve really got jokes. When I saw Cams face come up I felt like saying “Sucks to be you!”

De-Nominations results Cory and Jared taken off the block.
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Reilly Nominees: Corey, Felicia, Kirsten, Jared POV Players: ? POV Winner: ? Veto Ceremony: ? Havenots: Jared, Corey, Hisam Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed The situation Reilly used her HOH to denominate Corey and Jared. Kristen and Felicia are […]

Alyssa and Brittany nominated for eviction – Turner – “facts”
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Monte Nominees: Alyssa and Brittany POV Players: POV Winner: Veto Ceremony: Havenots: Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed 10:23 am Alyssa and Brittany Alyssa – more likely than not it’ll probably be us. It doesn’t mean we go home. Britt […]

Nomination Results “My head is hurting right now.. ohh my god”
4:32 pm Brit and Turner
Britt – My head is hurting right now.. ohh my god
Britt – I don’t know how Joe would say something like that if it wasn’t true
Turner – he said Taylor asked me to go to the end with her and Brittany. Joe said no and killed it but clearly, Taylor has plans that do not include me.
Brit – Ohh my god and she told me like after I have a strong suspicion that Joe would want to go not only final three. her proposal was Michael, me, her, Monte and Joe stays he’s a 5th.

Kyle- “I can’t believe I told Terrance everything my entire game”
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Brochella HOH (Inside the House): Michael TEAM BroChella: Brittany, Jasmine, Monte and Taylor. Nominees: Jasmine and Monte Dyre Fest HOH (Backyard): Terrance TEAM Dyre Fest: Alyssa, Joseph, Kyle and Turner Nominees: Joe and Turner POV Players: POV Winner: Veto Ceremony: Havenots: Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed […]

Kyle to Michael – He [Joe] has all those jury votes. **updated**
11:36 am Michael and Kyle
Michael – after you went down last night Joe was saying the girls will be mad tomorrow and start fighting. I think that is the perfect excuse to be like I don’t want to be part of this thing.
Kyle – 100% I’ve already planted this seed with Alyssa.
Kyle – we made the alliance two days ago and didn’t talk any game. It’s not like they will be shocked that I’m not in. Did anything change with Indy and Terrance?
Michael – I don’t think so, it feels like a missed opportunity to go after Terrance.
Kyle – It think Joe is fighting to keep Indy because he’s always like Alyssa is the physical threat.. Alyssa Alyssa. He realizes the same thing we do his Indy is his number moving forward just like Alyssa is ours. I can see it in every conversation we have.
Kyle – Alyssa is a better person to keep over Indy

“I had a dream I was on Big Brother it was pretty dope” **Updated**
Michael – everyone has turned on Daniel
Turner – that’s fire.. especially for you that’s gas (LOL)
Turner – I had a dream .. it’s going to sound so baked.. I had a dream I was on Big Brother it was pretty dope