POV Holder: Andrew Next POV April 13th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 15th HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 18th Original Nominations: Andrew and Peter Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest ALEC & TOPAZ Have Nots Talla & Andrew (Servants for haves) 10:37pm Kitchen Andrew and Talla Andrew: “I Thought Peter would have done […]
Tag: Big Brother Nominations
Big Brother Nominations occur once a week. It is when the Head of Household chooses 2 players who have the potential to get voted out of the Big Brother House.

Big Brother Canada DOUBLE EVICTION / HOH Results!
Big Brother Canada Live DOUBLE EVICTION Episode: April 11th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT
On the block for eviction tonight are: Emerald “Topaz” Brady and Alec Beall.
Tonight’s eviction will be no surprise due to the fact that it had basically been set in stone days ago. Alec sealed his fate tonight through a number of his actions within the BB house over the course of the season, some of his missteps include making numerous alliances, telling each alliance different lies, faking his showmance breakup and exposing his true allegiance to Peter among other things but what ultimately sealed his fate was that he purposefully threw the Power of Veto competition that he would have won had he not quit.

Big Brother Canada Power Of Veto Ceremony RESULTS!
6:45pm – 7pm When the Big Brother Canada live feeds return we learn that during the Power of Veto Ceremony Peter used the Veto to remove himself from the block and as head of household Jillian nominated TOPAZ as her replacement nominee.
The house guests are on an indoor lock down. Alec, Jillian, Talla, Andrew, and Emmett are in the kitchen snacking while they wait for their reward food. Andrew says lets think about what they are giving us, lobster. They wonder if Big Brother is making the food for them or if they have to make it. Talla and Andrew wonder how much alcohol they will receive. Talla says that she is “on watch” and going to redeem herself tonight. She isn’t drink so much and get wasted. Talla is wearing a card on her chest that says “Do you love it?” She says that it was in the room on the food.

Big Brother Canada SPOILERS Nomination & Power Of Veto RESULTS!
POV Holder: Peter Next POV April 6th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 8th HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 11th Original Nominations: ALEC & PETER Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest GARY Have Nots No havenots this week 1:30am When the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds return we learn that as head of household […]

Big Brother Canada DOUBLE EVICTION / HOH Results!
Big Brother Canada Live DOUBLE EVICTION Episode: March 21th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT
On the block for eviction tonight are: Thomas Plant and Liza Skinner.
- Tom goes home
- Liza wins HOH puts Gary and Topaz up
- Gary wins POV
- Alec goes up
- Topaz goes home
- Andrew wins second HOH
- War on the feeds.
Who do you think will win?

Big Brother Canada Nominations and POV Results – Gary about Liza “She’s a sl*t”
10:05 Havenots Room Emmett, Jillian and Gary.
They are talking about the nominations. Gary thinks that Tom is using Liza because she’s good at talking to people, Gary: “Tom gained my trust by taking me off the block”
Gary confirms that Alec won the POV and Tom/Liza are nominated. Gary says he’s done talking now he’s made the decisions he doesn’t want this week to be miserable. Gary says he’s telling everyone the target is Liza and provided Alec doesn’t use the POV Tom or Liza are going home this week.
Gary: “I want to make it clear that I want Tom gone Next week”

Big Brother Canada: Power Of Veto Ceremony Results!
3:18pm The live feeds come back for a few seconds and we see a bunch of the house guests sitting on the backyard couches. Then big brother blocks the feeds again..
4:25pm When the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds return from being blocked again we learn that Tom used the power of veto to save Gary and nominate Aj as the replacement. Yesterday Tom had informed Aj that he would be nominated as the pawn. Tom had made a deal with Gary that if he won the veto he would use it to save Gary as Suzette is Tom’s target this week. Tom felt that making this deal and following through with it would earn Gary’s trust moving forward in the game. Despite this deal Tom still plans to target Gary next week.

Big Brother Canada Nomination Ceremony “How could something so pretty produce something so vile”
7:34pm HOH Big Tom and Emmett
Tom is telling him that Garry and Suzette are going up and Suzette is going home. Tom has no idea if Suzette wins POV who the replacement nominee will be .. It’ll either be Aneal, AJ or Andrew. Emmett thinks that Andrew would be a good player to backdoor because he’s got a bit of play in him. Tom doesn’t think it’s a good idea to put up Aneal again as the pawn it’ll jeopardize the relationship they have.
Tom about POV: “I hope you (Emmett), Andrew, and Jillian get picked .. I don’t want Aneal to get to play”
Tom : “I want the vote to be 10 to evict Suzette”
Emett: “If we’re down to 6 and liza wins HOH who will she put up “
Tom: “Topaz and Jillian “
Emmett asks what if the final 6 is Emmett, Tom, Peter, Liza, Alec, Andrew and AJ. Tom says she’ll put up Andrew and AJ, “100%

Big Brother Canada PUNISHMENT Hot water cut off for 48 hours and Games taken away “F*** you Big Brother”
9:31pm Bedroom Liza, Gary and Danielle
Liza is really worried about the showmances in the house. Liza mentions that today she’s seen Emmett/Jillian and Topaz/Alec flat out kissing. She doesn’t think Emmett and Alec will cut their women. She tells them that Tom is the type of person that wants to make BIG MOVES. Gary says he’s really starting to like Tom and he sees him allying with him earlier. Liza mentions that Tom really opens up to her.
Gary: “It would be perfect if Tom can do our dirty work and put Emmett and Jillian up”
For the 5th time today Danielle tells them that Jillian and Emmett would acted like they are not “returning the favour” for her going up as a pawn.
Gary wants to see Aneal leave this week and see what happens in the next Head of Household. Liza agrees, says Aneal has to go. They wonder who Emmett will put up. Gary says Tom, Liza and

Big Brother Canada Week 2 Power Of Veto Ceremony Results
POV Holder: Gary Next POV March 9th POV Used YES POV Ceremony March 4th HOH Winner: Jillian Next HOH: March 7th Original Nominations: Gary and Aneal Current Nominations: Aneal and Danielle Last Evicted Houseguest Kat Have Nots Talla, Tom, Peter, Gary, Alec 7:00pm Danielle and Suzette Living Room Danielle doesn’t want to go up as […]

Big Brother Canada Spoilers: Nomination Ceremony Results!
4:35pm After having the feeds blocked for almost 5 hours, they finally get turned back on. (Either one of the nominees shanked someone or production is trying to build suspense so that viewers will tune into the TV episode to find out what happened after the nominations.) We find out that Jillian did exactly what she had talked about prior to the ceremony and nominated Aneal and Gary for eviction. This was a difficult decision for Jillian as she had promised Aneal several times that he wasn’t going to be nominated.
Alec and Topaz are cuddling in the havenot bed. Topaz is talking about how she does not want to be caught on camera sneaking away with the condoms. Alec says but I so want too. Topaz says I know.

Big Brother Spoilers Final POV Winner and Danielle turns food down “it goes straight to my A$$
10:16pm Everyone in the living room
Talking about the Jury house. Ian wonders if AShley and jenn are “Getting into it”. Danielle thinks so they didn’t leave on good terms. Ian explains he meant “Getting into it” Ian implies romantically. Shane doesn’t think so says that Ashley wasn’t gay. Ian thinks they were interested in each other.
Danielle: “there was 2 bi girls.. Jojo and Ashley”
Dan: “That’s the twist”
Shane: “Willie was Bi to”
Dan tries to feed her some sweets..
Danielle: “Its bad for me it goes straight to my A$$”