12:15pm In the fire room – Nicole says to Victoria .. I don’t want to be in this house anyways with a bunch of wimps. I’m not even sad …its a stupid, stupid game move! Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! Get some guts! My game is over and I thought I had a little bit of a chance. You’re not even supposed to say who’s going home. You’re supposed to leave some anticipation for the live show. He’s speeches show he’s never watched that show before. He’s scared of a 5’2″ blonde girl. Freaking screw it, I don’t want to be in this house any more. Victoria says I thought he was going to put up Frankie. Nicole says I thought so too. Nicole says that was the stupidest move .. I am not going after him. He wasted his HOH on me. Victoria says Frankie controls him.
Tag: Big Brother Nominations
Big Brother Nominations occur once a week. It is when the Head of Household chooses 2 players who have the potential to get voted out of the Big Brother House.

Week 10 Nomination Results “If Nicole wins POV Victoria is going out simple as that”
2:04pm COdy and Caleb HOH
Caleb is trying to figure out who should go up beside Nicole.
Cody says Frankie is rubbing people the wrong way. Caleb’s name isn’t coming out of a lot people’s mouths.
Cody – THe people that are going to protect me are you and Derrick

Nomination Ceremony Results! “I’m going to crush you in the Battle of the Block!”
When the live feeds come back – Derrick asks still nothing? (Getting the new team america mission.) Donny says nope. Derrick says I just hope that it doesn’t have anything to do with voting or nominations. I just hope its something easy. Donny agrees.
In the earth room – Cody comments that last night Amy (Production) was whispering and got Christine all hot and bothered. Christine says love you Amy!

Nomination Ceremony Results! “You want to play cat & mouse? I’m coming for you Nicole!!”
The live feeds return – In the bathroom Derrick tells Nicole that her speech was good. Nicole asks it wasn’t bad was it? Derrick says no, you took an innuendo from his book and used it on him. It’s not bad that I said it was a strategic move to nominate her (Jocasta) is it. It’s what it is. Frankie joins them and tells her she did good!
In the kitchen – Zach says she wants to play cat and mouse.. well she looks like a mouse and I’m as swift as a cat and I’ll bite your head off. I’m coming for you Nicole!! Zach ask Frankie do you think they (Nicole & Donny) worked together to do that. Frankie says I don’t know, does it matter.

Big Brother Spoilers – Nomination Ceremony Results! BADA-BING BADA-BOOM BABY!
10:15am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Nomination Ceremony to take place. As heads of household both Frankie and Zach have the task of nominating 2 house guests each. This week the Team America Mission has taken a role in the nominations this week, however I think Zach’s nominations would be just as insane without the added fuel from Derrick, Frankie & Donny’s incentive to bank another 5 stacks each.

Big Brother Spoilers Nominations “I’m tired of being a pawn for all these guys”
POV Holder: ? Next POV July 19th POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 21st HOH Winner 1: Frankie HOH Winner 2: Cody Battle of the Block Winner ?/?r Next HOH/ Next BOB July 24/July 18 Original Nominations: Brittany/Victoria(Cody) Jocasta/Amber (Frankie) Final Nominations: ? Have Nots ? POV Players ? 12:16PM Feeds come back nominations are up […]

Big Brother 16 Spoilers Nominations Today “Now I’m thinking Nicole and Hayden”
10:11pm HOH Amber and Devin
Amber says she’s thinking about POWPOW and Hayden as her nominees.
Devin asks if that went thought about who would she be sending home POIWPOW?
Amber – “Ya I would rather POWPOW over Hayden”
Devin – “I was thinking POWPOW and Brittany.. I want Brittanyto go home”
Amber explains for her it looks better if she puts up a girl and a guy if she puts up two girls it won’t look good for her game.
Devin understands what she’s getting at, “I see Brittnay as a huge threat today.. I feel we go the head of the snake out now sweep out the body out with it”

BIg Brother Canada Final 4 Eviction Results Heather Vs Neda
Yesterday Jon won the Final Power of Veto competition. This give him the ability to vote out the last houseguest from the Big Brother Canada house. Since Sabrian won the Head of Household on Thursday this gives him just two choices; Neda or Heather. Who do you think he’s going to pick? Spoiler it’ll be Heather.
Final 4 break down
Sabrina won the head of household and nominated Heather and Jon for eviction.
Jon won the Power of Veto and will use it to take himself off the block. This leaves only Neda as a nominee choice.
Tonight Jon will hold the single vote to evict Either Heather or Neda.

Jon how are you doing? “Totally f****d.. So cold.. shivers” Neda to Heather “3 against 1 really”
9:18pm Bathroom Heather and Neda
Heather – “I’m so f***g scared today”
NEda feels the same way hopes that everyone starts to feel better.
NEda doesn’t want to get back into the onesie she puked on it yesterday.
Heather – “I’m so nervous Neda”:
Neda tells her it’s going to be OK, the contest will probably be something they can all do well in.
Heather – “my only saving grace is I feel better and if Sabrina wins she’ll take the us because she can’t win against Jon”

Nomination Ceremony Results “Hundo is HUGE”
11:47pm Feeds back
Heather and Jon nominated for Eviction.
Heather asks them if they are aiming for the three of them in the final 3. Sabrina says yes.
Sabrina says she didn’t put up Neda because in the case where she won the VEto she didn’t want NEda to have to make the painful choice of sending Jon home.
They start speculating about the POwer of Veto competition tomorrow. Sabrina thinks it will happen 5 hours after they wake up tomorrow.
Heather – “Tomorrow is someone’s last day in the house”

Big Brother Canada Nomination Results “I’m leaning towards Adel in final 3”
10:53am Sabrina and Neda BEdroom
Sabrina brings up next week’s HOH and what would happen If Neda or Adel win.
Sabrina – “So basically the only scenario that I go home is if Adel wins”
Neda says yes.
Jon joins them.
Sabrina asks Jon if Neda wins HOH it Sabrina and Her on the block. It’s Jon’s votes.
Jon doesn’t answer says he hasn’t decided. They start chatting about whether or Not Heather will be a bitter jury member. Neda doesn’t think she will be but Sabrain thinks she will.
Sabrina leaves..

Big Brother Canada HOH And Eviction Results Gremlin Vs. Gremlin
The Big Brother Canada season is nearing it’s final leg. At this stage competition wins are paramount. Two big plays are possible one to get Jon/Neda out or Neda and Jon turning on Adel/Heather before Sabrina.
Jon and Neda continue to make deals with everyone in the house, All their bases are now covered (At least on paper). Heather and Adel seem to fine with their original final 4 plan but Jon/Neda fearing betrayal are going to try and use Sabrina to take them out. (Players doing the majority of the betraying are the ones always worried about being betrayed themselves).