POV Holder: ? Next POV March 12th POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 14th HOH Winner: Loveita Next HOH: March 17th Original Nominations: Cassandra and Christine Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry Have Nots Joel & Cassandra Use the Hide My Ass VPN and watch the live feeds on your mobile […]
Tag: Big Brother Nominations
Big Brother Nominations occur once a week. It is when the Head of Household chooses 2 players who have the potential to get voted out of the Big Brother House.

Joel’s Mission to Punk Cassandra with a First Date Rejection – “It’s not you, it’s me!”
3:55pm – 4:45pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds for an hour and when the feeds return Joel and Cassandra start their date. Cassandra asks when the last time Joel went on a date? Joel says this may sound crazy but I’ve never been on a date before. Cassandra asks what he does every day for work. He says that he’s a switch board operator. I sit at a computer and push a bunch of buttons. Ramsey brings champagne and fruit plates. Joel double dips and Cassandra tells him to never do that on a first date. She then tells him to chew his food before he talks. Cassandra asks if he thinks this experience will get him a lot of opportunities when he gets out.

Big Brother Canada 4 Nomination Spoilers “I don’t really want to be here I kinda want to go home”
Feeds are back and we Find out Loveita and Sharry have been nominated for Eviction by Jared.
Niki is complaining about how haggard and tired she is. She goes on about the game being so different compared to BBUK.
1:15am Mitchell breaking down in tears “Niki is unstable”

Final Power of Veto Results “Sling Band Sling band Sling band”
9:00pm Feeds back Everyone milling around the kitchen
Steve playing with toys. Liz bring sup Sling band. Steve doesn’t know how to set it up. Liz say she does she took over as activities coordinator after Meg left.
Steve makes some eggs says he’s not putting any Flavour in it (Franks red hot sauce?)
Steve – Some people don’t like gluten I don’t like Flavour
Vanessa heads to bed since the sling band game isn’t starting now like she thought. 10 minutes ago she got Jmac out of bed to play Sling band.

Big Brother 17 Week 11 Nominations “Stupid f***ing game”
4:59pm Feeds Back Liz is crying
Julia and Austin tell her there’s a veto tomorrow they will be fine
Austin say 3 months ago she never cared about this and in three months she won’t care again. There’s plenty of opportunities out there for her. If they go out they go out it’s just a game.

Big Brother 17 Week 10 Nomination Results “the best of luck to both of you”
3:41pm Vanessa and James
Vanessa – Nothing personal gamewise that’s all it is
Vanessa – there’s no specific target.. the best of luck to both of you

Big Brother 17 Week 9 Nomination results “Steve, You’re not going home”
POV Holder: ? POV Competition Aug 22nd POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 24th HOH Austin Next HOH Aug 27th Original Nominations: Steve and Jmac After POV Nominations: ? and ? Have Nots No have nots this week 2:55pm Steve, Liz and Vanessa Steve – We’re just in a parking lot filming a TV show […]

Week 8 Nominations “He’s flipping out he looked at me like he was going to kill me”
3:11pm HOH Julia and Liz
Liz – Sorry bro, not sorry, You’re my main target
They are both scared that Vanessa is going to fill Jmac’s ear
Liz “Drinking wine is the afternoon it’s so Miami”
Liz – I feel like a peace of shot after my speech

POV Ceremony Results! “Why lie!? I have a lot of information on her! You’ll see!”
10:20am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the power of veto meeting to take place. When the live feeds return we learn that Steve obviously used the veto to remove himself from the block. As a result Becky nominated Vanessa for eviction. Originally Vanessa suspected she might go up on the block because Becky refused to make a deal with her. Stating she was done with making deals and alliances. Becky messed up by telling Vanessa she was in a four person alliance with James, Meg and Jackie and by making deals with Austin and the twins. After the veto competition Becky reassured Vanessa she wasn’t going up telling her she has “her word!” Becky doesn’t care about breaking her word because of how she feels Vanessa has played the game.

Big Brother 17 Week 7 Nominations results “I want the Blood to be on my hands “
8:39pm HOH Becky and Shelli
(Shelli and Steve nominated)
Becky says Vanessa is her target. Becky says Vanessa only cares about herself “I’m going to have a lot to say during the veto Ceremony”
Shelli – So you’re saying to me if you win the veto you’re using it on me or Steve
Becky – Steve volunteered to be the pawn this week
Shelli – Wow
Becky – Steve and John don’t like her
Shelli – really

Big Brother 17 Week 6 Nomination Results “Vanessa, our alliance is over”
3:54pm Clay and Shelli
Shelli – he’s a piece of shit (James?)
Shelli – here’s what we’re going to do we gotta get Austin up and come clean to Meg
Shelli – we know that James is easy to be persuaded.
Shelli is going to try to shift the target onto Austin.

Veto Ceremony Results! Jason “I should steal my 4 cigarettes back from the bit*h!”
11:40am – 12:20pmBig Brother blocks the live feeds for the Veto Ceremony. As the veto holder Clay used the veto to remove himself from the block. Vanessa then nominated Jason as the replacement nominee. This was a blind side as the original target was Austin however Vanessa switched to wanting to keep Austin and get out Jason. This move officially draws a line in the sand as Meg, James, Jason were left in the dark. Jackie also didn’t know but it was so she wouldn’t tell the others.
12:20pm Backyard – Jason tells Clay that everyone already gave Becky their word they would vote for her.