The live eviction episode leads as always with a recap of the past weeks live feeds / competitions. What twist will be unleashed as Comic Week begins!? – The veto this week will obviously be the classic Comic Veto competition. The episode then shows Jag using the veto on Felicia and Bowie Jane nominating Cameron […]
Tag: Big Brother Live Show

Big Brother 25 Week 9 Eviction and HOH
Cameron wins Head of Household and puts up Felicia and MEME. He makes it known that his target is Felicia, however once he wins the veto he starts floating the idea of a Corey replacement. Jag and Matt who he’s recently teamed up with shoot it down, wanting to be a team player Cameron agrees. […]

Big Brother 25 Week 7 DOUBLE Eviction Results
It’s double eviction tonight. My favorite episode to watch! Cameron will be evicted first after that it’s really anyone’s guess. Cirie and Jared are in trouble with most of the house wanting at least one of them out. Don’t worry Stunt fans Grodner has twists coming to keep them safe. We have a Kraken filled […]

Big Brother 25 Week 6 Eviction Results
YIKES! what a week on Big Brother 25. Week 6 started off with Cameron winning the head of household. He nominated Izzy and Felicia and kept us all guessing what his plan was. Veto was played and Matt gave Jared the win. Cameron told Jared to use the veto so he can put Cirie on […]

Big Brother 25 Week 5 Eviction and HOH Results
Nominees give their final speech. Red – I love you humans. Jag – Please vote to keep me. Cameron votes to evict Jag Bowie votes to evict Jag Blue votes to evict Red America votes to evict Red Matt votes to evict Red Cirie votes to evict Red Izzy votes to evict Red Corey votes […]

Big Brother 25 Week 4 Eviction Results
Cameron wins the pressure cooker HOH. The competition was fun to watch on the feeds. He nominated Jag and Blue, Jag is his target. At times Cam and REd toyed with the idea of Getting rid of Izzy but Jag didn’t win the veto. Red pulls out a veto win and decides not to use […]

Big Brother 25 Week 3 Live Eviction Results
It’s going down tonight. Preasure COOKER BABY! After years of Fans begging we’re finally getting a return of the preasure cooker competition. How will this new crop of houseguests compare with Season 6? Let us know in the comments how many minutes/hours you expect this to last. I’m placing my chips on 34 minutes, it’ll be a insta-pot. This week of Big Brother 25 was kinda neat. Hisam got the blindside we all wanted, Felicia got a case of HOH-itis and Cirie/Izzy created another 13 paranoia alliances. Here’s some details. BIG MOMMA Felicia won the Head of Household and was set on backdooring Hisam. There was many reason I won’t get into but the one big one was him creating side alliances with the Blue/Jag and their Ilk. This is standard HOH practice early in the game. He also behaved like a HOH douche-canoe and told America that he was stuck with Leftover players that can’t win sh1t.

Big Brother 25 Week one Live Show Episode
The First week Of Big Brother 25 was fairly muted compared to ones we’ve had in the past, I would rank it somewhere in the middle. Nothing like the Week one HOH’s like Frenchie and Willie.. thank Grod. The week started with four houseguests getting nominated for coming in last in the first episode Competition. They were Kristen, Corey, Felicia, and Jared. Reilly went on to win that competition.

Big Brother 24 Final 5 live Eviction results
We’re nearing the end of the season here with 10 days to go. It’s all about winning competitions now. Monte won the Head of Household for the week and nominated Brittany and Alyssa. Brittany was the target. The veto was played but not by Monte who didn’t get up in time to make it to […]

Big Brother 24 week 8 eviction episode
Turner won the Head of Household. Nominated Brittany and Taylor. The target was Michael. Michael of course wins his 35th veto and plans to use it on Brittany. Before the Veto Ceremony Michael tells everyone that Kyle came to him weeks ago with the worry a cookout2 is forming. Kyle also wanted to form what was basically a white cookout to combat this. Michael and Brittany being deeply upset sat on this information until there was an opportunity that Kyle would be nominated. Kyle was nominated and guaranteed to get evicted. There was some attempt by Terrance to save Kyle but there was no budging it. Kyle did the rounds crying, talking, learning and hugging and no one appeared to hold a grudge. They seemed to all decide to make this a learning and growing experience for the man child.

Big Brother 24 Week 6 Live Eviction Show
The entire season is likely going to be turned on his head tonight as the house gets split into two groups of 5 to play separate Big Brother Games for one week culminating in a double eviction next Thursday. I’m more excited seeing how logistically this is going to happen than to actually see it […]

Big Brother 24 WEEK 5 Live Eviction and THE WALL HOH
Week five wasn’t the most exciting but it did offer us some interesting tidbits. The leftovers can crack at any minute. All we need is the right mix of Head of Household and Veto wins. We now have one full-blown showmance and one fauxmance. Finally, we need a shake-up to avoid boredom.
Michael won the Head of Household and nominated Terrance, Monte, and Joe. The plan with the leftovers was to get the veto played and to evict Daniel. However, if Daniel won the veto Monte would have been in serious danger. As luck would have it Daniel and Kyle were not selected to play in the veto. Michael and Brittany go on to win the Power of Veto. Micheal now has won 5 competitions. The entire non-leftovers side of the house pressured Michael to not use the veto saying this is a perfect time to get out a very strong player in the game