Big Brother 25 will run for a historic 100 days which brings us deep into the fall, like BBOTT deep. It will also be free with ads on PlutoTV. The barrier to become a feed fan has never been lower. OnlineBigBrother will be here transcribing the juiciest parts of what we see like we’ve been […]
Tag: Big Brother House

Official Big Brother 25 Video House Tour! – Updated
Take your first real look inside the newly redesigned Big Brother 25 house! Our first official look inside the house was a few days ago when the BB “Legends” Brittany, Frankie and Danielle entered the house and unleashed this seasons twist. Now we finally get the in depth house tour by host Julie Chen to see newly redesigned house looks like from room to room. The 16 new house guests will be moving into the house during the 90 minute premiere on Wednesday, August 2nd @ 9.30pm PT/12.30am ET.

Big Brother 19 house “Summer of Temptation”
Big Brother 19 house “Summer of Temptation” Where the houseguests will be challenged like never before as they embark on a season of tempting offers that could give them money, power and safety in the game but, they will need to be careful, because for every temptation taken, there will be a consequence to face. […]

Big Brother 18 – The First Look Inside the International Themed House!
With Big Brother 18 set to premiere on June 22, its unusual to get a glimpse inside the newly redesigned house this early. We usually wouldn’t get to see the inside of the house until approximately a week before the premiere. Last week we showed you the leaked photos of the totally redesigned backyard pool and hot tub. With the newly leaked photos of Entertainment Tonight’s reporter Kevin Frazier touring the house with Big Brother host Julie Chen, I’m starting to think these are planned leaks of the house to create early buzz about the season.

Big Brother 18 Sneak Peek at the NEW Backyard PooL & Hot Tub!
Big Brother 18 is set to premiere in less than a month on Wednesday June 22 and new information about the season will be released in the coming weeks. Yesterday, we learned that we’ll meet the new house guests on June 13th and get access to exclusive live stream interviews on the live feeds. We […]

Big Brother 17 House pics revealed Sky Bridge, Sand Castles, Night Club Bedroom
This morning the Big Brother 17 House was revealed by ET. To our relief they have gone beyond the standard cosmetic changes and have done some interesting structural tweaks. The ceiling was extended 28feet allowing for a “Sky Bridge” to be positioned on the top floor. A new area for houseguests to hangout 155 square feet to be react. (Lets just hope they actually use it)

New Images of the BB16 House Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and 2 HOH rooms
Pictures of the Big Brother 16 Head of Household room. Including shots of the “Fire Room”, “Earth Room” and “Wind Room”. Backyard images of the Pool, Pool table, Duck, Weight area and the couch. There will be Two HOH rooms this season to accommodate the twist.

Entertainment Tonight Tours the NEW Big Brother 16 House!
Today has been a big day for Big Brother 16 with the full reveal of the new house including Julie Chen’s video tour and this seasons Twist. As mentioned last week, today is also the day that Entertainment Tonight gets an up close and personal tour with Julie Chen.

Big Brother 16 Havenot “ICE BOX” Room – It’s going to be a COLD SUMMER!
Summer time in the Big Brother house is usually hot both inside and outside where the house guests enjoy the California sun and heat, however, this seasons cast is are going to need their winter jackets if they expect to survive the havenot’s room! This season is no different in making the havenot room torture for the house guests but I think its going to take an even bigger toll on the havenots each week. The new havenot room is named the “ICE BOX” and it definitely looks like one.

Big Brother 16 FULL Video House Tour with Julie Chen!
Welcome to the Big Brother House! This years theme is an urban tree house, which is why if you look at the walls, we have this wood panelling and it’s made to feel and look like you’re sitting in a tree house looking through the branches. At what looks like is an open sky but its really just wall paper. The colour palette this year in the living room is like all earthy – with green couches and the wood coffee table. This summer we have 76 HD cameras, that’s 11 more cameras than last year… AND its more cameras than at the Super Bowl and the Oscars. This camera right here in the living room can span the width of the corner of the kitchen and in the same shot all the way down to the bedroom hallway.

New Big Brother 16 House Images Showing MORE Rooms and Angles!
New higher quality photos of the Big Brother 16 house have been released today that show more rooms of the house and reveal more of the newly re-designed “Urban Tree House” theme. The big brother house went through extensive changes for this seasons cast including upgrading the entire camera system to high definition (HD). These upgrades will allow the 24/7 live feed watchers and the viewers of the 3 weekly episodes to view more areas of the big brother house with wider camera angles and better clarity.

ANOTHER Sneak Peek Inside the Big Brother 16 House! URBAN TREE HOUSE THEME!
CBS is running a commercial on the TVGN network channel showing another glimpse into the newly re-designed Big Brother 16 house. Last week we showed you a few photos taken from the ET Canada house tour preview and today we get a look at one of the bedrooms. The first sneak preview showed the a bird nest bed room, the lounge room (with the photo booth) and the kitchen. The new shot of the bedroom shows a log cabin theme which ties into the nature theme of the other bedrooms. Julie Chen describes the theme as an “Urban Tree House” theme. She states that “Things are going to get HOT!”