Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Anthony voted to evict Este, The rest evicted Cory. Adam wins the head of Household Competition. Dane and Anthony are have nots. 9:23pm Anthony, Mark and Damien Anthony going off about Este and Kyra. Anthony – what do you want me to do allow you to just tickle my wrist […]
Tag: Big Brother HOH Winner
Big Brother Head of Household Winner has the power to nominate 2 House guests. Big Brother HOH is one of 2 primary competitions the winner has the power to change the game.

Sam – “girls what are you doing.. it’s so weak running to a man like this.. “
Big Brother Canada Spoilers The Blood Veto was only Valid for 1 week. Kyra could veto the evicted Houseguest. Kyra did not use the veto. KIKI has been evicted (5-1). The new Head of Household competition is endurance. Cory is the Head of Household 8:46AM Dane and KIKI Dane – I think the blood POV […]

“You [Kyra] got to go.. You have to be evicted asap”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Tonight is a double Eviction. WhooWEE! The vote’s are pretty much locked to get Chelsea out. 9:57am KIKI alone Saying she needs to get Kyra out of this house before jury, “You got to go.. You have to be evicted asap” Stef joins her. Stef asks if CHelsea has talked […]

“BUZZKILLED” Head of Household Competition on live feeds
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Lookslike we get to watch the BUZZKILLED HOH on the feeds. Kailyn appears to have been evicted. Kyra already out of the competition. Before feeds get cut for the show. Mark, KIKI, Sam, Cory, Damien, Adam and Dane were still in the competition. Double Eviction next Thursday. Dane wins HOH […]

Celebrity Big Brother 2 Finale Results
Tamar votes to evict Dina LOCO votes to evict Kandi Ricky breaks the tie votes out Kandi Kandi was evicted by a vote of 2-1 Head of Household Winner is Ricky Ricky Evicts Dina and LOLO LOLO is pissed at Ricky.. “It’s frustrating” LOCO goes on a rant about Ricky.. LOLO comments to Julie how […]

TOM Wins Head of Household! Tamar is pissed she can’t “sip on the devils nectar”
Ricky – I don’t know what he is thinking.. because he is going to have to do the same thing we did because he can’t compete (in the HOH competition). And he is going to have to win the veto. Lolo – true. And he got his chance to make amends. And that’s what he really wanted … so maybe that’s what his prayer was. Even though our prayer was victory .. his prayer was to make amends with all of us to make sure he was friends with all of us afterwards.

Head of Household Winner Results! “Nomination Ceremony is about to be LIT!”
In the bedroom. Tom and Kato. Tom – three days ago all Ricky did was talk smack about Tamar. Tamar doesn’t know that. Kato – I’m not going to play that. They tried to play that with me. Tom – you’re not going to? Kato – No. Tom – yeah lets just have fun. Kato – I’m not going to hang out too much.. We have this room. I’ll come and say hi. There’s the high road .. and I’m on the high road. Tom – they were so happy though. Kato – they were scared. Tom – I almost feel good for them. Tom – good stuff again. I actually thought you were going to win it again there for a second.

Celebrity Big Brother Eviction results.. WHOA!
Tamar wins HOH Kick the compeititons WE get to watch the Power of Veto competition. Rumour is Natalie wins it and decides not to use the power. Tamar is the host. Order : LOLO, Joey, Tom, Kandi, Natalie, Dina LOLO challenges Dina. Surprise! Lolo wins.. Joey challenges Tom. Tom Wins. Kandi challenges Tom. Tom wins. […]

Power Of Veto Winner Results! “We’re bad motherf***in b****es!”
9:20pm Storage room. Natalie and Lolo. Natalie – I am not going to lie… If I didn’t win that my parents would have been like What The F**k?! Lolo – why? Natalie – I was a soccer player all through college. Lolo – I am just going to let you know that I could have totally bit that pain and won but I… Natalie – I know you could have. It was a fun competition for us. Lolo – I just feel that I would have got it more from Kandi. Natalie – agrees. And if anything we’re in this together. That was fun for me and it was win win no matter which way it goes.

TOM Wins the HOH Competition! “Did they tell you – don’t hit them?”
Tom – I wasn’t scared. I thought it was fun especially when the guys were coming at you. Did they tell you – don’t hit them? Joey – yeah. Tom – I’m sure that has happened where people have punched them right in the face. Tom – maybe we should make a cheers to Jonathan, Ryan and Anthony. They all raise their glasses and cheers.

Celebrity Big Brother 2 – Live HOH Endurance Competition! “Rock Till You Drop!”
8:18pm The HOH live endurance starts. HOH OTEV – Welcome to the HOH arena where the glam rocks! Are you guys ready to party!! I can’t hear you! In this competition you have to rock out as long as you can. If you can’t hang with the glam rocks .. you’ll be out! The last one rocking out on the wall will become the next HOH!

Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 premiere “My Bum was on the Cheese”
Part one of the Celebrity Big Brother season 2 Premiere Event. 12 celebrities this season. Tonight we are introduced to the houseguests and get to see the first part of the head of household competition. Tomorrow the Feeds will start and the Big Brother Spoilers will roll.