This Big Brother week went as planned for the majority alliances in the house. Christmas won the Head of household beating out Da’Vonne in the final 2 of Filter Face off competition. Christmas nominates Bayleigh and Da’Vonne it benefits her allies, break up a couple, Bayleigh is getting a little too sassy and something about untouchables. The Veto is played and Christmas the “Comp beast” wins again. There was a lot of chatter from houseguests to nominate Dani, Ian, Tyler and of course not use the veto. Ultimately Christmas doesn’t use the veto and the nominations stay the same. Bayleigh will be evicted.
Tag: Big Brother HOH Winner
Big Brother Head of Household Winner has the power to nominate 2 House guests. Big Brother HOH is one of 2 primary competitions the winner has the power to change the game.

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 4 review and eviction results
Janelle was evicted last week by a vote of 9 to 2. The preceding Head of household competition was close with Kaysar having a chance of winning (if only) but it just wasn’t meant to be. Enzo pulls out the win in the end YO YO YOing all the way to the HOH room. Right […]

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 3 review and eviction results
Last week the sweet and delusional Nicole Anthony was evicted from the house by a vote of 10-2. In the Head of Household competition Tyler pulls out the win. It was close (some would say Helen got pushed close 😉 ) between Tyler and Janelle. Tyler ostensibly says he’s doing what the house wants and puts up Kaysar and Janelle. In reality, he’s doing what he wants and what his 20 alliances want. It’s all going as planned.

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 2 review and eviction results
Let’s for a moment look at this from her point of view. The entire house is against the same people, Janelle/Kaysar. She’s with J/K and has a final 3 with Kevin/Da’Vonne. Everyone (including Da and especially Kevin) is filling her head with brain worms soaked in Kraken that are against J/K. It’s one boiling pot of messy gameplay and interlocking cowardly alliances that are focused against J/K. The main delusion – J/K’s plan was to get NicA out of the house because the only game they know how to play is a house divided and a split vote would create a house divided. There’s more to it, but pretty much crazy pants. It’ll go down in BB history and for someone who has a podcast in the Big Brother community, it might be weird. Of Course, she’ll rationalize it away. Would you? David is pretty much stumbling around.

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 1 review and eviction results
The first week of Big Brother 22 Allstars. I want to say it was EXPLOSIVE and the best week one of all time but it wasn’t. I give CBS 3 Enzo Yo’s for giving us this first week of feeds it was nice to watch. I give No Enzo yo’s to the pre gaming which […]

Big Brother 22 Cast Reveal and First HOH Results
Ohh BOY here it is. The Big Brother 22 ALLSTARS 2 cast. Super surprised CBS was able to drag a couple of these folks off social media to be on Big Brother for 3 months. Good work CBS you did the unthinkable. I am happy we got a season and an AllStars some great names […]

“There’s a lot of things I want to talk to you outside this house. A lot of scary situations”
HOH Part 1: Jackson Vs Holly Vs Nicole Part 1 Winner: JACKSON HOH Part 2: Holly Vs Nicole Part 2 Winner: HOLLY HOH Part 3: Jackson Vs Holly Part 3 Winner: ? Check out the rankings from this year —-> Big Brother 21 Ranking GRID 4:10 am Hammock time with the final 3. 4:45 am […]

HOH Part 2 Winner is HOLLY! “Everything happens for a reason!”
Holly – I thought I did it in 12 minutes. Why did they make us wait forever?! I was like is Nicole taking 40 minutes.. what the heck!? Jackson – I’m going to be sick. Holly – they made me wait for an hour after I came in. Jackson – I am literally speechless. I am without speech. Holly – that was a hard comp. Jackson – everything happens for a reason. If we saw these two on paper, I guarantee you I would have said you should have won the first one and I should win this one. And I would have bombed that! Holly – do you think?! Jackson – I never would have gotten out.

“I was told in the before that I was a country Laura Croft “
10:10 am Final 3 Champaign breakfast
Nicole mentions how she didn’t do “that Great” in the Competition last night but says it was an amazing set.
J – That was an experience
H – that was one of the most fun things I’ve ever done in my life
N – like when in your life will you jump from rotating pilers
N – It was very nancy drew, Indiana jones-esic and I love it.
H – I felt like Laura Croft
J – you looked like Laura Croft. I say that to you all the time
H – I know. I was told that in the before that I was a country Laura croft
Nicole says they are the “bionic woman and man” adds that they looked like they were moving in “fast motion” and she was in “slow-motion”
N – they’re not your average people. I don’t know what the f* they are some kinda robot people

HOH Part 1 Winner is Jackson! “I want to prove to people that I deserve to be here.”
9:40pm The live feeds return to Jackson in the bathroom showering. Holly joins him in the bathroom. Jackson – that puzzle was really hard. Holly – so hard. They talk about the competition. Holly talks about a squishy rock by the treasure chest that she used to jump up on to get back onto the platform. Jackson – I didn’t know. I was jumping up without it the hole time! I’m an idiot! That was exhausting. That was hard.. 25 trips. Holly – That was a full body workout! That was a really fun comp! Like that is a comp. That’s the kind I want to compete. Physical, mental, strategy. Jackson – the next one (HOH part 2) will be physical. The last one will be mental. Holly – if its mental.. Jackson – its not, stop saying that.

Big Brother 21 Week 12 recap and Live Eviction Results
We’re almost there.
Last week Nicole and Cliff high on power planned on getting rid of Holly thus turning their backs on the Jackson/Holly/Cliff/Nicole final 4 deal. After hours of house arguments including some massive lies from Jackson and deals from Holly, Nicole and Cliff go back to evicting Tommy. In order to secure the vote to stay Holly has to augment her original final 4 deal and agrees to throw the next HOH and POV. The HOH is played Holly drops in minutes, Cliff falls

Big Brother 21 Week 11 recap and Live Eviction Results
Last week The Double eviction got out two insufferables leaving 5 left in the Big Brother house. Jackson went on to win yet another Head of Household nominated Cliff and Tommy. Tommy was the target. Nicole goes to win the Power of Veto using it on her final 2 buddy Cliff. Being the only possible […]