PART 1 Of 3 HOH Winner: NICOLE! “A girl won the 1st part HOH! I’m as shocked as you are!”

10:36pm The live feeds return. Enzo talks about how the spinning really got to him. That moon made fall into sit down. Cody – hitting that thing spinning 180 miles an hour every single time .. why is he just grazing it and I am getting dragged by this thing. Enzo – what was that thirty? Thirty five minutes!? Cody leaves to shower. Enzo to himself – That’s it! I have to move to comp two! Enzo – This is it. This is my destiny now. This is my fate. I’ve got to beat Cody. Enzo leaves to shower next. Nicole and Cody chat about the comp. Cody – you won the first HOH. If I was in your spot I would be f**king hyped!

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Big Brother 22 HOH Winner! “I have to fight for my life YO! That is it!”

9:18pm The live feeds return. In the bedroom Enzo has the HOH key around his neck and is looking at the photos from the photo wall. Enzo – I know what I have to do .. I have to win out.. because I am not going to get Christmas and Cody .. there is no way. I have to win out. I have to win out and that is it! Then endurance I have to fight for my life you know!? The key to that is I have to win the endurance. I have to fight for my life yo! That is it!

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Big Brother 22 HOH Winner Results! “I really wanted to beat you [Cody].”

Bedroom. Nicole, Christmas, Cody
Christmas and Cody are playing backgammon. Nicole – I really wanted to beat you. (Cody) Christmas – you beat him today in the comp. Nicole – he didn’t play. I’ve never beat you in a comp. Christmas – well you beat three others so that’s all you needed to do. Today you are a winner and me because I stayed in the house. Nicole – I hope Vic took a picture of the pups and sent it in.. but I know that is pretty far fetched.

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“She cried herself to sleep because I think she feels so guilty. I hope it eats away at her”

11:24 am Nicole and Cody
Cody says the last thing he told her before the first vote to evict last night was “you’re going home” he was joking but when the vote came out 2-3 he as worried “Ohh sh1t she’s going home”
Nicole – I can put on a fake face.. I hate them so much I can’t even look at them
Cody – What was she like when she was sleeping in the room was she trying to talk to you
Nicole – she started crying she cried herself to sleep because I think she feels so guilty. I hope it eats away at her

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HOH Winner Results! “That’s a terrible problem to have! I have too much junk food because I keep winning..”

Bedroom. Cody, Christmas and Nicole
Nicole – he was first HOH so maybe they’re giving him a basket. Cody – who? Nicole – Memphis. Cody – I really hope they don’t give me all that junk again. I don’t know what else I would get .. I just don’t want all that candy. Nicole – tell them to give you healthier options. Cody complains about all the candy he still has left over from his last HOH. Nicole – oHhhh.. that is a terrible problem to have!! I just have too much junk food because I keep winning.. ahhhhhggg.. Cody – don’t take out your frustration on me. Take it out on yourself .. don’t take it out on me. Nicole – I’m NOTTTT!!!

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Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 8 review and eviction results

Another rip-roaring week in the Big Brother 22 House. Cody won the Head of Household and Nominated Kevin and David. Cody then won Veto kept nominations the same. Kevin is the target and will be evicted tonight. Some Dr. Will segments were shown to the houseguests as pretaped video clips. Of course they let it slip that it may be a triple this week destroying any surprise. David going for the cash prize instead of Veto really broke the heads of some committee members. They’re oh so “Disgusted” with David. Like like the integrity of like like the game like he trampled all over it.

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Head Of Household Competition Results! “It should be an easy week!”

10:08pm The live feeds return .. It was some type of golfing competition with prizes. CODY has the HOH key around his neck. Cody is the Head of Household! They talk about how HOH competition and who Christmas didn’t even lock in with a score. Memphis – that explains why she was stomping through the floor. Enzo – so there might be prizes for the POV now too? Cody – yeah they said there would. Cody – I love that he said I’ll see you again. Tyler – my first shot I went for the money and I messed up bad. It helped though. They talk about how they don’t know who won the 5k prize.

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Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 7 review and eviction results

Such an action packed All Star season. Not sure where to begin with this week so much unpredictable game play going on. Ian was evicted with the only votes to stay being David, Da’Vonne and Kevin. Nicole voted to evicted Ian but was able to convince Da’Vonne it was David that flipped. Memphis went on to win the Head of Household. His target was David but to prevent some sort of upset he puts Kevin and Da’Vonne up. Tells the veto players: Dani, Nicole, Tyler his plan to get David out and says best for them to throw the veto to him or one of the nominees to minimize the blood. He said he didn’t mind getting David’s blood on his hands. Tyler is not keen on this idea as he’s tight with David. Cody isn’t either, he wants Da’Vonne out. The girls want to win it to save Da’Vonne their new fake ally.

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Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 6 review and eviction results

Another fun week in the Big Brother 22 allstars house. Dani won this seasons WALL Head of Household competition and Nominated Kevin/David. Her target was either one with a slight preference for Kevin. She also floated out the idea of putting Tyler up if Veto or Power is played. A couple hours after the nomination ceremony David uses his Disruptor power forcing Dani to nominate another person. As planned she took this chance to get Tyler on the block. At this point the target still seems to be Kevin but the idea of Tyler going is being suggested.

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