Endurance competition this Thursday Night! ** It is going to play out on the live feeds after the episode airs on the east coast! ** Sign up for FREE to watch it play out on the live feeds! This week was another simple done deal. Christian won the Head of Household and nominated up Hannah […]
Tag: Big Brother HOH Winner
Big Brother Head of Household Winner has the power to nominate 2 House guests. Big Brother HOH is one of 2 primary competitions the winner has the power to change the game.

Big Brother Spoilers – Week Three Eviction results
For the non-nominees this week was all about planning out 8 weeks of gameplay and counting jury votes. For the nominees, it was a slow. It started with Xavier winning the Head of household. The wildcard was not used by Tiffany. During the competition, her attempts to make sure Brit doesn’t win sours Azah and DF relationship with her. Xavier nominated Brit and Brent with Brent being the target from the get-go. Brit of course melts down in a most spectacular way. Brent believes himself safe a belief he’ll carry until feeds go dark on Thursday. Christian wins the Power of Veto and decides not to use it.

Big Brother 23 Spoilers – Week Two Review and Eviction results
This was a pretty simple week. Kyland wins the Head of household and Nominates two members of team Jokers; Frenchie and Britini. The wildcard is won by Sarah Beth and Veto by DerekX. Neither of these was used and the nominations stayed the same. I won’t bother summarizing all of Frenchie’s exploits to stay in the game or the reason why he was put up in the first place. I think we did a decent job chronicling this train wreck of a Big Brother Character over the last 14 days.

Big Brother 23 Spoilers – Week one Review and Eviction results
A solid start to a season. On one hand, Frenchie is insufferable on so many levels on the other hand he gave us plenty of crazy to have fun with. What would this week be like if Frenchie wasn’t HOH? I’ll put it this way Frenchie stayed up until 5 am every night and talked so much he lost his voice for 3 days. He had 5 different targets and made half a dozen alliances hence the nickname for the week: Frenchie the glue clown.

Beth wins Head of Household – Double Eviction next week
Head of Household: Beth Nominations: ?? The Power of Veto Players are: ????? POwer of Veto Winner: ? Power of Veto Ceremony: ???? Have nots: ????? Beth wins HOH! next week is a double eviction. 10:40 pm Beth, Breydon, Keif, Ty and Jed celebrating Talking about how Austin and Breydon thought it was Ty that […]

Vic – “What do I do?”
Vic says she’s loyal to their final 4 “I don’t have it and if I did I wouldn’t be putting you up.. ”
Vic – no one has any idea that we are working together.. Austin and Breydon came up to me and were like I hope you have it.
Vic laughs “If I won I would put up Ro and Austin”
Vic – no flippity floping
Ty – 100% same page
Vic – how was your sleep
Ty – good till the nonsense..
Feeds cut..
When we’re back..
Vic says she thought the HOH would be known by now

“Right now I am leaning towards Kyle and Ro”
10:55 pm Kief and Vic
Kief – I appreciate the honesty last week.
Kief warns her people are after her.
Kief – I convince them I was going home.. I followed your plan. You are not going to go home on my HOH. For us to work together you can’t look too comfortable.
Kief says he promised LT to put certain people on Slop and she told him Ro, Kyle and Vic.
Kief – I feel bad I just wanted to give that to LT. But you are not going home on my HOH and there are people already pushing..
Vic – we are the two super fans in this house
Kief – everyone is going to be like you know Vic put you up. I f**ed up. I honestly don’t know what to do. I am telling people what they want to hear at the moment.
Kief – if there is a backdoor situation you will not go on the block.

“It’s going to be a long three days.. they are f***”
10:33 am Tera and Victoria
Tera says the guys are trying to rally votes to keep Latoya. They told her last night that Vic wants Kiefer out because he doesn’t gel with the house and he talks about his kids too much.
Vic – are you saying that to me because you know I talk about my kids and you think I will turn on Vic
Vic – I said I want him to go because he made a lie about me to the house.. he lied
Tera says Jed and Ty want her and Tina to go after Vic for that.
Vic – they are f***

Kyle “If Tina & Tera f**k us this week.. I’m going to snap!!”
11:40pm Bedroom. Kyle and Rohan
Rohan – I just apologized for lying to some people but I didn’t apologize for what was said or what was done. Kyle – oh man I am going to roast LT in the thing. I just don’t think they know what they’re doing to themselves. Every single lie they tell makes the 7 stronger. Rohan – this is the 5 right here. Kyle – yeah.. if Tina and Tera f**k us this week.. I’m going to snap!! Rohan – no, you know Vic needs to go.. I am going to tell Vic to really work on them because there is only so much that we can do. She needs to go and tell them what they did.. like in that room the four of them.

Victoria wins the Head of household
Josh is evicted
9:20 pm Feeds return momentarily and we find out Victoria wins the head of household
Buckle up
9:34 pm Feeds down.

Beth “Its actually crazy how clueless people are about me and you. I f**king love it!”
1:50am HOH room. Austin and Beth.
Beth – this is like our best case scenario .. like I am so f**king happy for you dude. Austin – I know. I would kind of like prefer if like thinking now .. if Keifer went. Beth – the thing with Josh is like.. its like a collective group thing. Like if any of us see us talking with him no one gives a sh*t because he is kind of useless now. Austin – yeah. Beth – no one shares any information with him, no one believes anything he says .. like if he were to make up a lie I would be like oh god. Austin – yeah like literally. I just feel like.. I don’t think Keifer likes me. Like whenever I speak he doesn’t engage with me. Beth – I’ve noticed. Austin – he doesn’t like me. I don’t want him around because he is like a wildcard that is a fan of the show.

Big Brother Canada First night of live feeds “Josh is going up for sure”
10:45 pm Latoya and Tina
Tina says she’ll make a point this week to “touch base” with every person in their group
Latoya – I’m going to express my concerns I AM I don’t like that. I do not like that.
Tina – mmhhmmm, who was it in that group that fake group? Kiefer wasn’t was he? he probably doesn’t know about it.
Latoya – it was Jed, Ty, Julie, Breydon, and Beth. That literally makes no sense. From the very beginning, Jed was in agreeance like evict Julie right. it makes no sense.
They wonder if it was one of those moments where you “agree and not agree” because it is the beginning.
Tina thinks they should just drop “that topic”
Latoya agrees points out that not everything needs to be addressed.