
Big Brother Spoilers – Second Live Eviction and HOH RESULTS!

Big Brother 13 Live Eviction Results

Cassi Vs. Shelly Big Brother 13 Live Eviction Results

What a week it was, Jordan puts up Dom and Adam in the hopes of breaking up the dom/Cassi connection. Dom wins POV uses it and Jordan makes a “Power move” and puts up Shelly and Cassi. Many thought she should of Backdoored the hated Rachel while others thought that it was too early for JJ to go back on their “repeat alliance”. My feelings from watching the feeds this week is that the JJ/BR alliance is done for and just needs a spark to ignite into open conflict will that spark be after tonight’s HOH?

At times I thought Jordan and JEff were completely clueless with the house however after last nights feeds I’m starting to realize that Jordan/Jeff are not as dumb about where the house stands.

We have a new Image Gallery here’s how it works, Every minute we take a screen capture from all 4 cameras inside the Big Brother house then we dump them into a Daily Screen capture post. Voila a ton of Live feed Screen captures all time and Cam Stamped Live Feed Image Gallery

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Live Eviction Big Brother 13

Big Brother 13 Spoilers First Live Eviction and HOH RESULTS!

Big Brother 13 Live Eviction Results

This has been a good start to the season, Dick left the game, Brendon won the POV and Jeff went on a Rant about Homosexuals being school teachers in books. The houseguests nominated for elimination are Porsche and Keith. Both equally as useless, Keith is loosely allied with the crumbling
Newbie alliance and Porsche is loosely allied with the repeats. In the Repeats mind they have won the game since the Newbs are in just disarray with rampant in fighting making their numbers advantage moot. Don’t count them out yet a HOH win by Dom or Cassi could embolden their allegiance with each other or just let them fracture even more. Tonight the house dynamic could change completely giving us some sweet ass feeds, 3 Day Free Trial SIGN UP HERE

My guess is that Keith is going home and Shelly will win HOH

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