Possible Eviction and HOH Spoilers and to Pass the time NUUDES

Unconfirmed but has been reported from trusted sources that Adam Won the HOH and Kalia was evicted. The vote was 2 to 1 with Jordan solidifying her Jury vote with Kalia by voting for Kalia to stay. We won’t know 100% until tomorrow night.

Feeds are Playing repeated footage from First week of July. Keith Fans should jump on the Feeds because he’s ripping it up. I’m not sure when the feeds will come back last year I think they were off for about a day. CBS blocks the feeds to jack up Wednesday’s TV Ratings, You can still flashback to any time in BB13 and BB12 while we wait for them to come back.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Straight Shooter Vs. Adam

Not sure what to say about this week.. it’s been a strange one, a lot of hate coming from all sides of the Big Brother fan world. Game fans are hating productions blatant manipulation of the game, JJ fans are hating Shelly’s NASTY lies and backstabbing, the Cat People are hating anything not CAT, Rachel Fans are happy because their girl is kicking ass, Dog Lovers love Kalia and Adam fans are rejoicing because they get to float to the next HOH this week. Personally I’m just glad this week is over and I hope we can all start getting along for once. TK4L yo

My predictions
Straight Shooter is going home as for who wins HOH it depends on the type but I have a feeling Rachel will win it if it’s physical and Kalia will win it if it’s questions. Jordan probably won’t win it and Adam we’ll never know because he’s going to throw it.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers, Porsche wins HOH

9:35pm Bedroom rachel and Jrodan (they’re team is decimated so there very sad.. rachel is taking it the hardest)

Rachel says that Shelly is a fake liar. Jordan agrees, Jordan cannot handle another week in this house with those girls. She feels like they’re getting picked off one by one. Jordan seems to be taking it alright.. She says they will all be in the Jury house with Dani and we can tell her she should of stuck to the plan. Rachel bawling says she had it with this game and these stupid people.

Jordan tries to comfort her tells her they both know how this game works they’ll win again they just need to suck it up. Rachel says she really misses brendon.

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Big Brother 13: Jeff Wins HOH and it took Rachel 3 seconds to turn back into a b!tch

They are talking about rachel’s attitude all of a sudden. Shelly says she’s turned into a bitch again, “She’s so full of venom.. just disgusts me”. (Not sure if Straight Shooter is shooting Straight but she seems really pissed at Rachel) Shelly adds that before Brendon left BR we’re pissed at JJ because they weren’t voting for Brendon. Dani says that rachel will be Best friends with JJ now. SHelly: “Literally it took 3 seconds after he left the house for rachel to be a bitch again”

They go over brendon’s speech and how rude he was to Adam.. Dani points out that BRendon was always so pissed at these “Floaters” (Drink) Dani: “But what about Jordan”. They all agree that Rachel is going to be attached to JJ this week. Shelly says she a bit upset because she’s not use to losing. Shelly: “In life and Business I line” Dani: “But in real life you don’t have to do these stupid random comps”

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Grenades Dani Wins the HOH **Updated**

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10:23pm Bed room Adam, Jeff and Dani Jeff has his lips attached to dani making small talk about a pizzeria in Chicago Jeff leaves.
Adam has attached his lips to the HOH.. Pleading to Dani that he voted for Lawon to leave because he Knew Lawon Couldn’t be trusted.
Dani: “When has Rachel ever been Straight”
Adam stumbles says to her he hope the can remain friends outside the house. She tells him that it was just game she understands. Adam goes on and on chit chatting sounding very nervous. Dani is polite but stick up for Adam being a douche.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Fifth Live Eviction and HOH RESULTS!

Catch the Drama after the CBS live show ends Tonight, watch it all LIVE on the feeds. Click here for your: SuperPass – FREE 3 Day TRIAL

A Painful week indeed for the Dani fans a Awesome week for JJSA. Thanks to Shelly, Kalia Da Hut put up one of her own alliance member in the hopes of gaining BFF status with Jordan and Jeff. Lawon will be going home. This is being called one of the most stupidest moves in Big Brother History and will cost Kalia the game. The only good thing about all this is when the dust settles DK will figure out how BLANK they are and will stop trusting Shelly. Tonight there is also the twist results who does CBS want back in the game.. and will they beat Lawon the Juggernaut. It’s a exciting night get the feeds help OBB pay for all our bandwidth and server fees.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Dani wins HOH.. Dani says: “And She’s back in the Game Folks” **Updated**

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9:31pm Inside the havenots Brendon, rachel and Porsche are Sad. Porsche tells them that Brendon and Rachel will most likely go up and Dani will do a deal with Jeff/Jordan. Porsche recommends that BR should go socialize, Brendon: “Dani is dead to me”. Neither of BR want to hang out with any one in the house. Rachel is saying somthing about Dani playing an emotional game, “She wants to be the one that Takes out Brendon and racheL”. (this is gettign good these are the B/R We knew to HATE from last season, When JJ are playing it cool these 3 are boiling over with hate)

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Big Brother Spoilers – Third Live Eviction and HOH RESULTS!

Catch the endurance competition after the CBS live show ends Tonight, watch it all LIVE on the feeds.
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Dom Vs. Adam Big Brother 13 Live Eviction Results
Craziest week on the feeds no question there. Dani’s entire game crumbles around her she now stuck with the Dream Team Lawon and Kalia. She’s target number one for the hated BRJJS alliance and must now win serious comps to stay in the game.. Dani may be crafty enough to stay in the game but when it comes down to it she’s needs to Finally clue in that Shelly has a giant Boner for Jordan and Jeff. Catch the endurance competition after the CBS live show ends Tonight watch it all LIVE on the feeds. 3 Day Big Brother 13 Live Feed Free Trial SIGN UP HERE

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Big Brother Spoilers – Rachel Wins HOH Dom: “Her fake b**bies threw me off ” **Updated**

Live Feed Image Gallery here’s how it works, Every minute we take a screen capture from all 4 cameras inside the Big Brother house then we dump them into a Daily Screen capture post. Voila a ton of Live feed Screen captures all time and Cam Stamped Live Feed Image Gallery

7:24pm Kitchen Everyone but Rachel, brendon and POrsche
Everyone is going over the questions, Dom is pissed he got the Dani question wrong.
Dom: “her (dani) fake boobies threw me off ”
Jeff: “Dani’s body is sick”
Jordan: “A lot of girls have a banging body this year”
Dom is just thinking that America in general would go for her because of her boobs. They ask Kalia what she would of picked.. Kalia says she wasn’t paying attention. They joke about the game being worth 1/2 a million dollars and Kalia isn’t paying attention.

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