Big Brother 14 Live Eviction and HOH Results Britney Vs. Danielle

Speculated Vote results
Britney goes home

Tonight on the live feeds
Not sure what is going to happen tonight. If the right person wins HOH we are in for one hell of a weekend. Also keep in mind there are too many people in the house for the amount of time remaining in the season. I believe there is still one double eviction type scenario planned and probably soon.
Endurance on the feeds?
It has been speculated that tonight’s Head of Household competition will be an endurance. If that is the case expect it to play out tonight on the internet Live Feeds.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Live Eviction and HOH Winner Results Frank Vs Janelle

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Speculated Vote results
Janelle Goes Home

Tonight on the live feeds
A lot of unknowns what will happen next. Really depends on who wins the HOH. Most Thursday – Friday – Saturdays are usually really exciting on the feeds

Actual Votes
Joe Votes to Evict
Shane Votes to Evict
Dan Votes to Evict
Britney Votes to Evict
Boogie Votes to Evict
Jenn Votes to Evict
Ashley Votes to Evict
Wil Votes to Evict

???? Is evicted from the Big Brother House

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Big Brother Spoilers – Live Eviction and HOH Winner Results JOJO Vs Danielle

Speculated Vote results
Shane votes to Keep JOJO everyone else votes to evict.

The Swing Vote
No swing vote JOJO is going to be evicted..

Tonight on the live feeds
Janelle and Boogie “8 is enough” alliance will hopefully Break tonight.. Thursday nights are usually a load of fun on the feeds and with Julie chen saying the twist will be known it should be a entertaining night.
3 Day Free Trial

My position: JOJO goes home and Shane wins HOH

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Big Brother Spoilers – Kara Vs Frank Live Eviction and HOH WINNER Results

Here we are folks the First Live Eviction and the Second HOH for Big Brother 14. It’s been probably one of most crazy first weeks I can remember on the Feeds. If the feeds are like this all summer this season will go down in History. How the swing vote is going to go is anyone guess but the other votes are pretty set in stone.
Speculated Vote results
Ian, Jenn, Joe and Wil vote to keep Frank
JoJO, Shane, Danielle vote to Kepp Kara

The Swing Vote

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Big Brother 14 First Episode ONE Twists revealed and First HOH Results

It’s finally here BB14. We know the cast contains 12 New players and from leaks we know that there are 4 “Mentors” who have played in previous seasons, they are Britney Hayes from BB12, Dan Gheesling BB10, Janelle Pierzina Mike BB 6,7 and “Booger” Malin from BB 2,7.

Big Brother 14 Episode 1 Twists

Julie Chen’s “The 4 legends are not here to play the regular Big Brother Game they are here to coach it.”

Summers First competition Send One houseguests packing before they even unpack their bags. … each BB14 Legend gets to pick 3 houseguests and will Mentor them throughout the season. If one of their protegee wins the Mentor wins 100K and the houseguests wins 500K

The coaches pick their players

Britney picks: 1) Shane 8) Willie 9) JoJO
Boogie picks: 2) Frank 7) Ian 10) Jen
Janelle Picks: 3) Wil 6) Ashely 11) Joe
Dan Picks: 4) Kara 5) Danielle 12) Jodie

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Big Brother 13 – Live Eviction and Final HOH Part 1 of 3

First part of the Final Head of Household

Porsche won the POV which means she is the only person that will vote to evict either Rachel or Jrodan tonight. I’m pretty sure she will evict Jordan leaving Adam, Rachel Porsche to battle it out in the final HOH comp.

This is how it’ll go down.
PART 1 – First part of the HOH is usually endurance.
PART 2 – The second part of the HOH is skill the 2 losers from the PART 1 Compete in this comp (Sunday’s show)
PART 3 – The Winner from Part 1 and the winner from part 2 face off in this final part of the HOH comp usually questions (Wednesday’s show)

The winner of the final HOH gets to decide who to go final 2 with.

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