Big Brother Canada Spoilers: EVICTION / HOH Results!

Big Brother Canada Live EVICTION Episode: March 28th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT

On the block for eviction tonight are: Suzette Amaya and Anuj ‘AJ’ Burman.

PREDICTION: Suzette is evicted by a vote of 6 – 1 with Gary giving her a pity vote. As for who will win the HOH I would love to see Talla win. I predict if she does win she will be plastered (“Girl’s Gone Wild”), giving lap dances and swearing up a storm before the night is over.

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Big Brother Canada SPOILERS: Live Eviction / HOH Results!

Live Eviction Episode: March 14th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT

As a special twist Big Brother Canada offered the viewing public an opportunity to potentially alter the game. The twist was called the “Chevrolet PowerShift” where viewers were able to vote online to veto one of the nominations. This is an interesting twist that could that is loved by fans who like influencing decision that impact the game but hated by fans that want a purely uninfluenced game. As it stands within the house it should be a fairly clean sweep to evict Suzette, however it is likely that Canada has voted to use the veto on Suzette in an attempt to stir up additional drama in the house. As a result Tom will have to immediately nominate another house guest. I predict Tom will nominate Aneal as the replacement nominee. (Tom CANNOT nominate Gary as he current has a power of veto.)

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Big Brother Canada Live Eviction / HOH Results!

Live Eviction Episode: March 7th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT
On the block for eviction tonight are Danielle Alexander and Aneal Joshua Ramkissoon.

PREDICTION: Danielle is evicted. Danielle is evicted. There is about 0% chance that Danielle will make a classy exit out of the Big Brother Canada House.

As big brother leaked the type of head of household competition earlier this evening on the live feeds, we learned that the house guests will be competing in a mental A Or B Question competition. Both Simon and I predict Gary will win tonight’s HOH compeition. Who do you think will win?

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Big Brother Canada Live Eviction / HOH Results!

Tonight is the very first Live Eviction episode for Big Brother Canada. This is only the second day of the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds and already so much has happened as the house guests entered the house earlier this week. By chance Suzette won the Head of Household title by answering the telephone first when it rang. Part of this seasons twist is that there is a telephone located in the storage room and when it rings the person that answers it will be given a task to complete. If they successfully complete the task they will be rewarded but if they fail to complete the task they will be punished. Suzette’s task was to keep it a secret that she won HOH and to nominate two house guests based on first impressions. Suzette nominated Tom & Emmett for eviction. During the Power Of Veto Tom won the POV and removed himself from the block during the Power of Veto Ceremony. As a result Suzette nominated Kat as the replacement nominee.

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Big Brother 14 FINALE Results! Controversial Coach Vs. Naughty Nurse Vs. Boy Genius

Final 3 Results DAN Vs. IAN Vs. DANIELLE
The final three Big Brother 14 house guests have battled their way through the game over the last 75 days to make it to the Finale. Each of the final three used a different strategy to make it to the end. Dan is described as the controversial coach, Danielle the naughty nurse and Ian the boy genius. Tonight one of these three will be crowned the winner of Big Brother 14!

Final HOH Competition:

PART 1 of 3: Dan, Ian and Danielle faced off in the Fishing lure Endurance Competition. Dan won.
PART 2 of 3: Ian and Danielle faced off in the skyscraper competition. Ian won.
PART 3 of 3: Dan and Ian now face off for the 3rd part in the final competition of the season. The winner of this HOH competition ultimately gets to decide who they want to take to the final 2 with them.

Watch all the backyard Interviews of all the House guests after the FINALE!
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Big Brother 14 Final HOH Part 2 results

Ian Wins HOh Part 2
9:05pm Cam 1-2 Feeds Back kitchen Dan Ian and Danielle
Danielle is freaking out on Ian saying if he takes Dan she will taint the jury and nobody will vote for him. Dan takes Ian into the Arcade room asks him how does Danielle know Ian says she heard him say final 2.

Ian says he feels sick he goes into the toilet and throwsup. Dan is in the Arcade Room, Danielle marchs into the Bathroom starts Screaming at Ian (FEEDS ARE NUTS RIGHT NOW and I’m not joking this time.. lol)

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Big Brother 14 – POV Ceremony / EVICTION / Part 1 of 3 HOH ENDURANCE RESULTS!


  • Danielle uses the Veto to take Dan off the block and nominates Shane as the replacement.
  • Dan then casts the deciding vote to evict Shane
  • Final 3 Prediction: Ian, Dan, Danielle

Tonight on the live feeds

The final Power of Veto Ceremony will be held and the one person that is not HOH and not a nominee will then cast the deciding vote to evict one of the house guests on the block. Following the eviction, the final 3 will then compete in Part 1 of the 3 Part HOH competition.
Endurance on the live feeds? 
The 1st Part of the 3 Part HOH competition is always an endurance, so we will get to see the final 3 house guests battle it for one of them to secure their spot at competing in Part 3 of the 3 Part HOH. The endurance competition will begin at the end of the episode and carry on tonight on the Big Brother Live Feeds.

Watch the Endurance Competition on the Live Feeds for FREE!! 

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Why the Live Feeds Are Showing TRIVIA & What’s to Come in the Final Week Of BB14?

HOH and Eviction Spoilers

Today at 12pm the Big Brother 14 live feeds switched to TRIVIA and will likely be down until after the East Coast episode airs tomorrow night (Wednesday, September 12, 2012). As mentioned on the last couple of TV episodes Wednesday episode will be a taped eviction episode. This is similar to last year’s format (Big Brother 13) where the live feeds were switched to TRIVIA at this same time for the taping of the Wednesday episode ( Check out last season at this time in the season.)

Last year, at this time the live feeds were blocked at about 2pm and didn’t come back until Wednesday nightafter the show aired on the east coast. We would expect by Wednesday night at that time, Jenn will be evicted, a new HOH and POV winner will be known.

What’s to come on the FINAL week of Big Brother 14?
Up until now the live feeds have had a pretty set schedule, however, from here on in the remaining days of the season move at an accelerated pace. The live feeds are blocked (TRIVIA) to tape the eviction episode that will air tomorrow night (Wednesday).

Re-Watch ALL THE BB14 DRAMA on FlashBack: FREE 3 Day Trial!

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Big Brother 14 Final 5 HOH Winner

10:04pm Cam 3-4 Shane and Danielle
Shane is mad says that Ian is going to put up Jenn and either Danielle or Shane. Danielle asks Shane who he was going to vote for if the nominations stayed the same during the double eviction. Shane says he would have voted to evict Ian.

Shane is saying that he has to keep the final 3 with Dan no matter what. Shane “He’s got 3 HOH and 2 POV’s now.. he’ll win against us in the final 2” Danielle: “I know I know”. Danielle asks him if Ian has mad a deal with Shane. Shane says no. Danielle hasn’t talked any deals with Ian.

Shane: ‘If Jenn wins POV I’m going home”

Superpass Live Feeds FREE 3 Day Trial then:
Watch the last 2 Weeks of Big Brother 14 for ONLY 50 Cents a DAY!

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