Big Brother 15 HOH and Eviction results Candice Vs Howard Vs Amanda

Helmanda show with special guests the superfriends

It’s not all roses with the superfriends Helen has told many people in the house that she’s going to go against McCrae and Amanda. McCrae and Amanda have done the same.. It would be very exciting to see these two groups go to BB war this week instead of waiting until final 6. Lets hope CBS has something planned to stir it up or we can just call Big Brother 15 The Helmanda show with special guests the superfriends.

The feeds have been on trivia since before noon this is unusual something is going happen tonight.

My Predictions
Howard goes home with 8 votes against
HOH win goes to Helen because this is how this season is going

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Big Brother 15 HOH and Eviction results Kaitlin Vs Aaryn Vs Ginamarie

State of the house

Last week my gripe was the MVP twist going to Elissa every week. This Thursday my gripe is the superfriends running the house. The house is horribly stacked against anybody but the superfriends. Most of the strongest players in the game are in that alliance, they have the majority of numbers and the twist has gone their way 3 out of 4 times. Make sense they are running the show. Still it’s becoming boring as f*** for a fickle fan like myself. What I want to see is some of the superfriends in the hot seat and after almost a month of domination it’s about time. All we need is Howard/Candice/Spencer to win HOH and the house will explode into a weekend of 24/7 madness. CBS wants this, I want this, do you?

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Big Brother 15 Spoilers Live Eviction and HOH Results Jeremy Vs Aaryn Vs Spencer

Who is going home?

Jeremy pissed the majority of the house off and was backdoored. You can’t steam roll through the house being an A$$ to the one player that gets special powers every week. Jeremy was a douche to many people and a big threat no surprise he’s nominated. Once the Power of Veto was played last Saturday it become more or less a given Jeremy was going up on the block and going home. A last ditch effort in the wee hours gave Helen and Elissa a convincing argument for keeping Jeremy but in the end it was turned down. Helen and Elissa know they don’t need Jeremy in the game to win HOH for them. They have Elissa winning MVP it’s much better.

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Big Brother 15 Eviction and HOH Results Nick Vs Elissa Vs Helen

A huge shocker went down this morning. After realizing that the Moving Company only had 6 votes to evict Elissa and not enough to cover his a$$ and the identity of the MC Spencer panics. He goes to Helen where she basically tells him he’s a sketchy F*** . If Elissa goes she will win MVP and she’s going to win this weeks HOH. She will use these two powers to take out the people not in her alliance. This all scared Spencer enough to start laying the groundwork to Disband the Moving Company. We’re not sure but last night there was strong indications that McCrae was going to vote against the Moving Company and Evict Nick. If this was the case them perhaps Spencer caught on and realized in order to survive he has to jump ship. McCrae had told Spencer that Amanda was voting to evict Nick so maybe this got him worried since Amanda and McCrae have been power cuddling

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Big Brother 15 First Live Eviction Results and Live Feed Update

The First Big Brother 15 Live Eviction results. Like most first weeks on Big Brother this week was a very busy on the feeds. We have many alliances working in the house. The moving COmpany (MC), BB Bunnies, Boats ‘n’ Hoes, South Mississippi psychos (Aka friendship), and a bunch of side alliances and pairs/showmances. Really it’s just the first week and I’m starting to think that the all powerful MC will start to feel the heat tonight. Really depends on Candace. If she votes out David then Boats ‘n’ Hoes knows that one of their members voted out David if she votes out Elissa the MC will blame Nick’s David vote on Candace. Either way tonight is going to be wild on the feeds. Helen is telling Candace to vote out David, Spencer telling her to vote out Elissa. Who will she pick? As for Jessie.. whos that?
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HOH will be physical as the houseguests are dressed in gym attire

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Big Brother 15 Episode 1 “Pizza Boy Delivers”

Julie Chen reveals the MVP Twist to the house guests

“For the first time in the history of Big Brother.. There will not be 2 nominees every week… There will be three nominees every week”
“The HOH will only nominate two houseguests”
“the third nomination will be made by someone in this room”
“Here’s how it works.. Every week America will vote for the houseguest they believe is playing the best game.. That person will be name The Big Brother Most Valuable player and they will make that weeks third nomination”
“This BBMVP will be informed their status in secret and he or she will also make their nomination in secret.. They have no obligation to ever reveal their identity”
“The player that the MVP nominates will be revealed right before the Power of Veto Competition each week “

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Big Brother Canada Finale Night SPOILERS

Final 3 is Gary Levy, Emmett Blois and Jillian MacLaughlin. We have no idea what has happened in the BB House this week as the feeds have been down. (we actually did record all the feeds for the past week in the hopes that there was a leak.. no luck 🙁 )

What’s my take on the first season of Big Brother Canada? I really liked the cast and the feeds were great. We were allowed to post videos of the feeds which was awesome.
The only problem I had with this season was the twists. I don’t like a lot of pointless twists and Big Brother Canada was all about pointless twists. Still in the end of it all A great first season.

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Big Brother Canada Spoilers Last Stooge standing HOH and Eviction Results

Talla Rejaei and Andrew Monaghan were nominated for eviction. Unlike almost ever Eviction this season I cannot say with 100% certainty who will be going home. As the feeds have been down for most of the day we have no idea what last ditch effort was employed by Andrew but from what I’ve seen these last couple days I can be pretty confident that Andrew is gone. I wish we could keep both stooges but that’s not going to happen. Stooges had a chance to win the Head of Household and Power of Veto competitions but they just didn’t have it in them. The Milkmance reign of terror continues with really nothing much standing in their way.

Every season of Big Brother there is a group of players that I enjoy watching on the feeds. It’s a combination of Game play, comic relief and just plain interesting conversations. This year it was the stooges. last night with the stooges

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Big Brother Canada Talla Vs Peter Eviction and HOH Results

Big Brother Canada EVICTION Episode: April 18th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT

Talla Rejaei and Peter Brown were nominated for eviction. We can say with decent confidence that Peter is not going to receive the required votes to stay in the house. (I would just like to add that at times tonight’s vote was very much in the air as Peter’s campaigning was effective) This is not to say that some crazy twist is going to save him. This is Big Brother Canada After All. We do know that someone is coming back into the house. Rumors are rampant that maybe that person will compete against Peter to stay in the house or if the returning player is dropped right into the game anything goes. The season ends May 2nd and we are getting word that it will be a live 2 hour episode, if this is true than Big Brother Canada might be moving away from the Big Brother US format giving us the entire finale comp in one night. Who knows..

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11pm The Big Brother Live Feeds return to the Emmett, Jillian, Andrew and Talla are in the kitchen. Peter is no where to be seen. Andrew sounds annoyed he tells Talla to shut up. Andrew says that he was surprised that Alec wasn’t given a twist to save him. Jillian says that she was worried about that all day. They talk about how Alec’s speech was a prick move. Andrew say he is a selfish guy! Emmett says I guarantee they didn’t think they would walk out one after another. Jillian says that was the fakest relationship ever! Emmett says that Alec’s speech was pretty disrespectful to Peter. Andrew says that he though Alec was going to get all choked up. Jillian says that just show that he has no emotion. Talla says Yeah real shady. Talla says her stats look gorgeous .. the Detroit red wings would love me! Talla asks when do you (Jillian) think you will get your HOH room? Emmett and Andrew head to the bathroom. Emmett explains to Andrew that Talla asked him why he put her up and he told her that he had 10 seconds to decide and he knew Andrew would vote to keep her. Emmett says that he couldn’t say that he wanted to keep Peter safe, cuz I didn’t want him coming after me.

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Big Brother Canada DOUBLE EVICTION / HOH Results!

Big Brother Canada Live DOUBLE EVICTION Episode: April 11th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT

On the block for eviction tonight are: Emerald “Topaz” Brady and Alec Beall.

Tonight’s eviction will be no surprise due to the fact that it had basically been set in stone days ago. Alec sealed his fate tonight through a number of his actions within the BB house over the course of the season, some of his missteps include making numerous alliances, telling each alliance different lies, faking his showmance breakup and exposing his true allegiance to Peter among other things but what ultimately sealed his fate was that he purposefully threw the Power of Veto competition that he would have won had he not quit.

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Big Brother Canada Live Eviction April 4, 2013 Gary vs Topaz

Big Brother Canada Spoilers: EVICTION / HOH Results!

Big Brother Canada Live EVICTION Episode: April 4th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT

On the block for eviction tonight are: Emerald “Topaz” Brady and Gary Levy.

PREDICTION: GARY is evicted. Both Topaz and Gary have been very calm this week as each of them figure they are staying this week. We will see quite the reaction from Gary if he is evicted this evening. The house dynamic will change if Gary is evicted tonight as he brings a lot of excitement and personality to the house.

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