11:00pm Backyard Random conversations. For a while Jace was complaining about Becky “Shushing” him.
Jackie – “I’m more comfortable with my legs open”
Explains it’s because she’s a dancer.

Big Brother Head of Household Winner has the power to nominate 2 House guests. Big Brother HOH is one of 2 primary competitions the winner has the power to change the game.
11:00pm Backyard Random conversations. For a while Jace was complaining about Becky “Shushing” him.
Jackie – “I’m more comfortable with my legs open”
Explains it’s because she’s a dancer.
9:31ppm Vanessa and Clay
Vanessa says it’s obvious there is a big group that is protecting itself. Clay says he’s been approached to be in an alliance but it’s too early. Vanessa says the people want to have a big alliance “It’s too big”
Clay says she is one of the few he does trust. “Sides are being picked and drawn”
Vanessa says she doesn’t talk much game, “I need to be in a group very soon.. I’m the most loyal person”
Clay – where do you stand with DA
6:49pm Backyard Austin, Liz and Jace.
Austin says for now they have to trust James and Audrey
Austin – there’s a lot of nerds in here.. I didn’t realize they put so many in the house
Liza and Jace agree.
Austin says 1/2 the house are nerds led by Steve
5:57pm Cabana Jace and Austin
Austin – don’t lose it yet.. don’t lose the cool yet.. if that is the way the house is playing i’m gone next.. that cheap game.. its so boring for the audience.
Austin – We gotta play this.. Let me talk to Audrey she’ll tip me off
JAce – I got dealt a bad hand.. F***g audrey dude she’s f***ked me..
3:34pm Shelli and Clay
Shelli is crying she’s having a hard time in the game, it’s much harder than she thought. She’s not a fake person she doesn’t want to be fake. Shelli doesn’t want to send Jace out of the door. Some people in the house haven’t been kind to her she wants to evcit them not Jace.
Shelli – “He’s somebody I want around.
10:56pm Clay and Shelli
Clay says when Jace leaves Liz and Austin are going to be livid and go after Da.
Shelli – why would Austin go after DA for that was DA behind backdooring Jace
Clay – They don’t like her at all.. they never liked her
Clay says Audrey persuaded Austin the drama originated from DA.
Clay – we’ll see what happens
8:42pm HOH Jace, Austin, James, Audrey and Clay (Aka 5 alive crew)
Austin says they are pretty much all gunning for Da. Reminds them they have a group that is trustworthy, “We trust each other 100%”
They wonder about the name for their alliance.
Austin – 5 finger
They come up with “5 alive Crew”
6:38pm HOH
James and Jeff trying to rest garbage on Becky’s head.. she keeps taking off her headphones to see what it is. Takes awhile for her to catch them.
James and Jeff say they heard through the grapevine that Becky has a potential showmance in the house
Becky says she doesn’t have a potential
James – our source is pretty strong
5:05pm Cabana – Clay, Austin and Jace
Wondering if Da, Audrey and james have an agreement.
Clay leaves.
Austin and Jace worried about James not keeping to their alliance. They laugh that Johnny Mac is a rockstar he’s going to chill all summer.
Austin what do we do now
Jace – Nothing
Audrey is still out there flipping out.. James doesn’t have the number dude.
1:19am HOH James, Meg, Davonee, Jason and Audrey
James – Steve is up to something it might be something big or small he’s definitely talking.. he’s not smooth about sh1t
James think sJace doesn’t feel 100% comfortable right now so he might be talking to Steve for information.
Jason and Audrey say Steve thinks he’s the pawn.
Audrey says Steve is the one to go if Jace doesn’t “He’s the backup plan”
She adds that Everyone will use the POV on Jackie except for Steve. Highlights how pissed jace and Sutin will be “I have no idea what he will do”
Jackie – I’ll look like the biggest idiot ever volunteering to go up
Audrey says the only people she’s not sure where their heads are at are Becky, Liz and Vanessa
Jackie says she’s never talked game with them
9:49pm Jackie and Shelli in the lounge
Talking about the Power of veto. Shelli says the nominees will save themselves sounds like everyone else is throwing it. They bring up “The Plan” and how everyone is in on it. The plan is to use the POwer of Veto on Jackie or throw it to jackie. Jackie doesn’t want Steve to win the Veto because he’ll take himself off and Jace will go up against her. (Sounds like Jackie wants Steve gone) James rolls in