Endurance competitions is on the feeds try them free for 1 week TRY the Big Brother 17 Live Feeds FREE for 1 WEEK: Click here to ensure your live feed subscription supports OnlineBigBrother.com at no extra cost to you. 7:20pm Everyone still holding on. Periodically they get sprayed by paint and hit by birds. Becky […]
Tag: Big Brother HOH Winner
Big Brother Head of Household Winner has the power to nominate 2 House guests. Big Brother HOH is one of 2 primary competitions the winner has the power to change the game.

Big Brother 17 Week 5 Summary and Live Show Results Jason Vs. Becky
Some drama from the week before influenced the early nominations plans but in the end Shelli, Clay, Austin, LIz and Vanessa stuck true to the 6th sense alliance. In detail The week starts with Jackie and Vanessa winning the HOH. Austin had a heart to heart with Jason. Or how he would put it an […]

Big Brother 17 Week 4 Summary and Live Show Results Audrey Vs. JohnnMAC
Audrey caught whiff of the plan to backdoor her on Sunday. She started campaigning Sunday night to James and Jackie. Unfortunately for Audrey she had very little trust remaining in the house. Even though she told James and Jackie useful information about the alliance controlling

Big Brother 17 Week 2 Summary and Live Show results Da’Vonne Vs. Meg
Week 2 is now coming to an end. Alot happened this week especially during these last few days probably making this the new high water marks for the season. I have a feeling it’s Drama is only going to go up from here.

Big Brother 17 Week 1 Summary and Live Show results Jace Vs Jackie
First week of the Live Feeds felt like 6 weeks, mostly thanks to Audrey and in some part Jeff, Austin, Da’Vonne and Jace. Audrey tried to play the entire house she had woven together this web of alliances then started getting those alliances to fight. For example she created this super alliance containing, Herself, Day, Jason, Clay, Shelli, Jeff, James, Meg with Jackie on the side.

“This is the underground movement of the house this season.. This is the revolution” -Austin
9:28pm Lounge Room Jeff and Austin
Austin did she make a 5 person alliance with you
Jeff says she did at first but then she stabbed him in the back and he broke away
Austin says she made a 5 person alliance with him
Austin – There’s an underground movement that wants to get Audrey out

Jeff and James saw Liz in a bikini, ‘A bunch of things perked up all at once’
POV Holder: Steve Next POV July 3rd POV Used Yes POV Ceremony June 28th HOH Winner Team 1: James HOH Winner Team 2: Jason 1 Nominations 1 : Steve, Jackie Nominations 2: Becky, Johnny mac Battle of the Block Winner Becky and Johnny Mac Next HOH/ Next BOB July 2nd / ? Original Nominations: Becky, […]

James – “I don’t believe sh1t Audrey says.. we’re just waiting for the right time to strike”
3:54pm HOH Meg and James
Meg is trying to figure out who is shady and who is not
Meg brings up Audrey telling that Clay told her Jason and Day thinks she’s the one telling people about the song.
James – that is the craziest thing in the whole world
Meg – they wouldn’t tell Clay that

Shelli – “you guys are taking little tiny things you hear and blowing them up”
10:39pm HOH Audrey, Clay and Shelli
Audrey – I’m just backing off this week
Clay – every talk I’ve had with Vanessa is like that.. I think she’s sincere
Shelli talking about some of the stories Asudrey told her about not trusting Vanessa. Audrey keeps interrupting her. Shelli asks her to stop says in all the conversations they’ve had she’s only talked for 5 minutes.

Audrey – “The advice I gave him, you have to stop causing so much drama”
Audrey – I never dominate the conversations I’m a bystander.
Audrey points out to him she doesn’t know who told JAmes all she knows it was a last minute thing “I’m a bystander”
Jace says he’s going to call a house meeting and she might hear her name then but first he needs to figure out who backstab him.
Jace says he really liked Audrey this is really hard for him, “What am I supposed to do.. I just f****g hate this game man”
Audrey says for him to question the people he trusted. “I don’t have time for the gossip”

Jace – “I heard you had an eviction song.. Long hair, don’t care, get in the eviction chair”
6:18pm Jace and Liz
Jace says if the producers gave him another chance to fight it would be crazy.
Liz says she doesn’t care how the house is going to vote she’s voting Jackie to leave.
Liz – do you thin kit was james of Audrey
JAce – I wish I knew

Audrey’s advice – “Relax have a good day don’t try to overthink anything”
4:14pm Cabana Audrey, Shelli
Audrey says Austin, her, Shelli, clay and Vanessa are going to have a meeting and form a solid group. Audrey wishes Austin wasn’t in it but it’s good they can utilize the different groups in the house to target each other.
Shelli – I’m up for it