Liz votes to evict Steve
Johnnymac votes to evict Austin
Vanessa breaks the tie evicts Austin
Evicted houseguest is Austin
Doesn’t wear shoes.. (LOL)
Austin says Vanessa would have made it to the end she didn’t have to scumbag him and Liz.
Big Brother Head of Household Winner has the power to nominate 2 House guests. Big Brother HOH is one of 2 primary competitions the winner has the power to change the game.
Liz votes to evict Steve
Johnnymac votes to evict Austin
Vanessa breaks the tie evicts Austin
Evicted houseguest is Austin
Doesn’t wear shoes.. (LOL)
Austin says Vanessa would have made it to the end she didn’t have to scumbag him and Liz.
“Over the rainbow”
If you go for the special prize you get a trip outside of the big brother house but it might slow down your chances to win the HOH.
The competition is played until both the luxury and the HOH is won. To win the HOH you need to move 10 eggs.
In the lead = Austin
second = Vanessa
Third = Jmac
Far behind Liz
Week 10 ended with Meg and James begin evicted. Later that night Steve won the HOH with his target being one of the Austwins, Preferably a twin. Steve nominated Liz and Austin. The ultimate fear was Julia winning the POV using it on Liz resulting in Steve having to nominate Vanessa or Johnnymac.
11:09pm Twins
Julia – I think we’re good
Liz says Austin thinks he’s good this week and Steve is putting them up.
Julia – He thinks Steve will put me up with you
Julia pissed
Liz – I think we need to go up and talk to him separately
At the starts of week 10 we saw Vanessa win the grueling 5 minutes endurance competition. She nominated The goblins James and Meg, James was the target. James won the Power of veto took him self off the block.
Week 9 Week 8 ends with Becky being evicted followed by Austin winning and ‘Endurance’ competition . Austin nominates Steve and Jmac. Austin targets at this point depending on who wins POV range from Vanessa, Jmac, Steve and James. Though I never think he was serious about James. The POV is played and Vanessa is […]
7:23pm Feeds back Meg and Julia are out
7:26PM Vaenssa is also out.
The head of house hold competition is endurance tonight Catch it on the Live Feeds. $5.99 a month try it out 1 week free. Support our efforts and get your feeds via a link on this site. Live feed subscription Sign up
Week 8 Week 7 ends with double eviction. Shelli and Jackie are both excited. Liz ends up winning the HOH and POV. This was a simple week not very much game actually happened. Liz was targeting Becky and nothing changed that plan. If Anything Liz and Austin’s showmance flourished grossing swathes of fans out. We […]
10:16pm Liz wins HOH
Liz – Oh my god I get Win and i’m not giving it to anyone
Julia- I played a good game I threw it too you
Julia – You smart a$$ b1tch
Austin – We get the Brenchal room tonight
Week 7 Week 6 ends with Clay being evicted by a unanimous vote. Becky wins the HOH after a gruelling endurance competition, Julia came in second, Jmac, Shelli round up 3rd and 4th place. The initial nominations are Steve and Shelli. The original plan Becky had with Vanessa’ was for Johnnymac and Shelli to be […]
7:09pm Feeds up
James is saying “Becky is in the lead”
1) Double Evciution next week
2) Jury from here on in
3) Jury Member might come back in
4) Endurance on the live feeds it’s going to take a while..
Week 6
This was the transition week for the season moving from early game dynamics to mid game scrambles. Most people identity this as when Big Brother really starts and man is it starting. With Shelli or Clay leaving one of the people who have been driving this season will be going home. The repercussions to the game are significant.