After the double eviction we finally saw a shift in who holds the power in the game and witnessed a whole wack of games get destroyed. As was planned Zakiyah went home, followed by Corey winning both the HOH and Veto. Corey put up Bridgette and Michelle and told everyone he wanted Bridgette out. Paulie […]
Tag: Big Brother HOH Winner
Big Brother Head of Household Winner has the power to nominate 2 House guests. Big Brother HOH is one of 2 primary competitions the winner has the power to change the game.

HOH Comp Results! “I think we put up two girls & see what happens in the veto.”
The live feeds return – James, Nicole, Corey, Natalie and Meech are in the kitchen chatting. James says I wasn’t the first one out. Victor says I asked for volunteers. Natalie says I would do it. James says well technically you can’t be named a havnot. They talk about wanting Zingbot to come into the house. Meech says calls me out for being a cry baby and then cries. I just can’t control it.
Big Brother 18 Week 7 Summary and Live Eviction Results
How it all started..
Da’Vonne is evicted with only two votes to stay from Michelle and Zakiyah. Victor goes beast mode and wins the HOH. Paulie has a heavy say in the nominations and they eventually they settle on putting Zakiyah and Michelle up. Initially at this point Nicole, Corey, Paulie, Victor and Paul are all on board to get Zakiyah out.

“Harsh Hashtags” HOH Endurance Competition! “I’m going to go 6 hours!”
7pm When the live feeds return – The HOH endurance competition “Harsh Hashtags is still underway. Paulie, Bridgette and James have already fallen out of the competition. Paulie says my Saturday nights are rougher than this! Victor says my pen!s hurts! Michelle says I can go all day!! James says if Nat falls she isn’t a havenot. James asks whos going to go 5.5 hours on this one? Michelle says me!

Big Brother 18 Week 6 Summary and Live Eviction Results
They told Da’Vonne to act cool “only want to see how you react”.Da’Vonne kept her cool and was told she had the votes to stay. Campaigning was pretty light on both Bridgette and Da’Vonnes part. Zakiyah and Michelle know Da’Vonne is going to be evicted and I can only assume Da’Vonne suspects it as well. Other than complaining in the have nots room Zakiyah and Michelle have done little to change the course of the house.

HOH Comp Results! “I’m going to want a guy going up as a pawn next to her [Bridgette]”
In the storage room – Corey and Vic congratulate Paul on winning HOH. Pual says I didn’t really want to win it considering next week might be a double eviction. Paul says I’m going to want a boy going up as a pawn next to her. I want a guy playing in the veto next to me against her. Vic says I don’t feel comfortable going up considering I just came back. Paul says we’ll talk about it.

HOH & Nomination Spoilers! “I will call them out on all their sh*t in front of everyone!”
9:05pm Safari room – Frank, Victor, Paul, Paulie and Bridgette are chatting. Frank talks about how coming in he was told he was going to be targeted right away. Frank says I’m 32 years old coming to a house with young bucks. Paulie says great players come and go but legends are here forever. We’ve got the most comp wins between two of us. Frank says and Vic is the battle back champ! Paulie says They haven’t won anything.

Big Brother 18 Week 4 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Bronte was evicted sending a clear message to Frank he wasn’t in control of the house like he thought. Frank finds out he’s a primary target with only really Bridgette on his side. The rest of the house more or less fell into couples.. With Paul integrating well with everyone.

Big Brother 18 Week 3 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Week 3 is coming to an end and what a Flip Flopping good time it’s been. I’m pretty confident to say that as of this morning at the time of typing this Tiffany is staying. The flip happened Wednesday evening and was a bit unexpected at the time but in hindsight it makes sense to the people doing it and will cause more drama on the feeds. It was a complex week with the game board changing significantly. Frank, Bridgette and Da’Vonne ended the week with damaged games but Paul’s game improved immensely.

Big Brother 18 Week 2 Summary and Live Eviction Results
What a week we just had on the feeds. The structure of the social game has changed drastically since Franks game blew up and Da’Vonne’s took collateral damage. The lame Vet alliance is all gone, the 8 pack is gone and most of the thousand and one deals Frank had are deals in name only. It was a interesting week because it felt there was 1.5-2 weeks in one.

Big Brother 18 Week 1 Summary and Live Eviction Results
First week was pretty good, Jozea is hilarious some of the things he says.. man WTF. The teams twist: Category 4, Big Sister, Unicorn and Freakazoids aren’t playing out on the feeds too much. Some players are still thinking in terms of teams but the majority are more occupied with matters that involve the organic teams. […]

Big Brother 18 Part 2 Premiere Episode Results
Last nights premiere started with am in introduction of the 12 new Big Brother 18 houseguests. They get their keys to the “Big Brother House”. We saw them in their native environment with family/fiends. Natalie showed us she could do this .