The house guests have a 30 minute time limit to correctly identify the 7 face morphed house guests. Whitney’s time runs out and she gets the wah wah wahhh signal. She joins Danielle in the HOH room. Whitney tells Danielle – that comp was hard. She says she named that comp as her favorite before coming into the house.
Tag: Big Brother HOH Winner
Big Brother Head of Household Winner has the power to nominate 2 House guests. Big Brother HOH is one of 2 primary competitions the winner has the power to change the game.

Big Brother Over the Top Eviction Results Neeley vs Scott Vs Whitney
Ball smashers Celebrating..
Kryssie comes in “I trusted you… ”
Alex – it’s a game Kryssie
They argue over who is the bullying who
Morgan – it’s simply numbers.. numbers in the game..
Morgan – the argument this morning sealed the deal

Big Brother Over the Top First Eviction “f*** Y’all”
Kryssie “Hey butts.. the hardest position the first week is the veto nominee.. you need to keep someone that furthers you.. i’m not done here yet.. Lets make America happy by doing the right thing”
Neelley Votes to evict Cornbread
Jason Votes to evict Cornbread
Whitney Votes to evict Cornbread
Morgan Votes to evict Cornbread
Justin Votes to evict Cornbread
Shelby Votes to evict Cornbread
Justin Votes to evict Cornbread

Big Brother Over the Top First HOH Results “Don’t worry i’m coming for you too b1tch”
2:52pm Whitney and Alex Bathroom
Alex says she talked to Morgan last night she’s going to work with them.
Alex – she says she trusts Shelby the most
Whitney is surprised by this
Alex changes it says Morgan “Vibes” with Shelby but can’t read her fully.
They talk about Morgan “Working the other side of the house” and reporting back to them.
Alex calls Cornbread a wildcard, neither of them trust him.

Big Brother 18 Finale Night Results
Here we go Folks it’s all over the season comes to a end. Tonight we’ll find out who wins the Final Head Of Household competition between Paul or Nicole. The winner will have to pick who will they take to final 2. Will James stumble his way to the ultimate BB upset? Maybe.. it was a Kraken season after all 😉
It was a fun season, I enjoyed it (for the most part) very much. WE’ll be doing 1 more Kill Show ON Saturday then it’s time for us to gear up for Big Brother Over the Top. YES! we’ll be covering it to some degree, I’m still on the fence not sure what to expect. Will be it Kraken? probably .. 🙂

Big Brother 18 Final HOH Part 2 Results
4:14am Nicole and Paul Safari Room
Nicole wants James to stress “he did try.”
Paul – I’m so happy
Nic – that was a great comp to end my season on I KILLED IT
Paul – feels like 20lbs of pressure move off me

Big Brother 18 Final HOH Part 1 Results
10:48pm Paul and Nicole
Paul calls James a piece of sh1t saying that he threw the HOH to Paul.
Paul – you are going to beat him in the mental comp.. if you win and don’t take me to the end I’ll hate you for the rest of my life..
They agree to stick with the plan and go to the end together.
Nicole – don’t help him study
Paul – why would I help him study
Nicole – I’m so happy I’m going against him in a mental comp
Nicole – I was not good at that wall thing.. I was swinging like a monkey

Big Brother 18 Week 11 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Last week ended with Michelle being evicted. Victor wins the Head of Household and nominates Natalie and James. He tells them it’s revenge for their backstab. Fair enough. James accepts his fate and tries to keep Natalie off the block saying he was the one that talked her into taking Victor out last week. Natalie […]

HOH competition “Poached Eggs” – Who did my booth? They super glued my letters!
7:50pm The live feeds are showing the HOH competition. Corey, Victor, Natalie and Paul have all knocked down the “O” in their H – O – H. James still hasn’t knocked down any of his. Nat says this comp is egg-xhausting. Corey goes for his “H” and gets it. Corey only has one “H” left to get for him to win the competition. Nicole says good job Corey, James, Paul, Natalie and Vic. Victor knocks down his second “H”. Soon after Natalie knocks down her second “H” too.

Big Brother 18 Week 10 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Michelle, James and Natalie spend a good chunk of the pre nomination time holed up in the Tokyo room.
Corey wins care package The BB Bribe which gave him 5grand to bribe someone. This was bizarre because there wasn’t really a lot of exciting things he could have done with it. (he did make Victor cry). The nominations were Paul and Meech the target was Meech. James, Natalie and Michelle are oblivious to this because they decided to not talk any game this week. Nicole wins the Power of Veto the plan is still to take out Meech.

Big Brother 18 Week 9 Summary and Live Eviction Results
It felt like this last week was a bit disappointing for a good chunk of fans. Many of us were expecting something different but for the few that stuck aroudn the feeds for the final 2 hours we were given a late game flip. Natalie wins the Head of Household to much excitement, the plan […]

HOH Competition Results! “did people really not throw it”
2:05am Natalie, Victor and PAul
Natalie – I got my first 4 in the honey.. i just kept finding them
Natalie – did people really not throw it
Victor – there’s no way they could have thrown that
Victor and Paul point out that Nicole and Corey were gunning it they were definitely playing hard.